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1、第 1 页 共 6 页 江西教师招聘考试小学英语真题【精选】江西教师招聘考试小学英语真题【精选】 一、单选题 1。 Being dressed in traditional clothe chi-paomakes her look more confident and elegant when she visits foreign countries with her husband() 。 A。forB 。asC。onD。because of 2。 -hey, lucy,You look () 。 - Yeah,I cant go to wuyuan with my friends for

2、a 7-day vacation。 A。 kindB 。relaxedC。excitedD。sad 3。 -hey,Tom lets go swimming 。 -Just a momrnt。 I () a message。 A 。sendB 。sentC。am sendingD。have sent 4。 -When did you decide to be an English teacher ? -Let me。See I am twenty and I () to be one since ten。 A 。have wantedB 。wantedC。had been wantingD。w

3、as wanting 5。 Mr。 White the principal has made a great ()to the growth of the school。 第 2 页 共 6 页 A。 contributionB 。 progressC。 inventionD。protection 7。 The teacher did all she could() us。 A。 helpB 。 to helpC。helpingD。helped 8。 -Youve made big progress, but it is not good enough。 -Yes,so I should tr

4、y ()。 A。 hardB 。 HardlyC。harderD。hardest 10。 -Would you mind my sitting her ,sir? - () Its for my wife。 A 。 Not at allB 。Certainly notC。Im of raid you cantD。All right 11。 Knowing how to think clearly and to speak correctly() one confidence。 A 。 giveB 。givesC。 Has givesD。is given 13。Teaching isnt for

5、 everyone , () I know I made the right careet choise。 A 。butB 。 asC。orD。and 16。Life is full of ups and downs and if I can help students avoid some potholes(坑洼)on the road of life, I wand to do ()。 第 3 页 共 6 页 A 。itB 。 soC。 oneD。any 17。 A study showed that classroom management () a teachers early org

6、anization skills。 A 。 Depended onB 。moved onC。 have onD。any 20。Not until yesterday() anything about the new English teacher。 A 。 have I learnedB 。I learnedC。 that I learnedD。did I learn 三、阅读理解 A You look like youve had a toothache for the last six weeks。Said Nancye 。Are you OK?Oh,sure。 Im just tired

7、,I lied ,unwillling to admin that my becoming a teacher was a mistake and that I doubted where 。I woula last that first year ,making it to November looked uncertain。 During the job interview ,interview,I impressed the principal and the English supervisor with confidence and enthusiasm even when they

8、 explained that the。Students assigned to me would be difficult and the program lacked books。The supervisor promised ,Donworry ,Ill mentor you well work together。 On the eve of my first day ,my mentor handed me box old books,and said , you might find something useful here 。Dorothy,Im sorry ,Ive accep

9、ted another job 。I wont be here ti help you。She headed to her office to pack,leaving me surprised。 But Day one shook me teachers,say the first weeks are easy。With students eager to make a good impression 。My students glazed eyes,angry faces and rude responses hinted we would have no honey moon。Still

10、 ,I believed my positive attitude would carry me。But it held no sway(控制)over kids 第 4 页 共 6 页 biding their time until they could quit 。School forever,I shopped for motivational strategies and educated myself on teaching at risk children。 But the struggles only increased Within two weeks, a lamp in m

11、y throat。 One Sunday I was reading the following words, The jar of flour will not be used up and the jug of oil will not run dry。 So there was food everyday for everyone。 In those words,I found a sign that translated into Dont worry。 Youll make it until June。 At school the kids and the job did not c

12、hange that much 。 But I did as I faced each day with confidence 。Nancy even noticed that ,I was smiling again several weeks later ,the principal to say, I am impresses。 Yesterday。 I stood outside your door。 I never saw a teacher pears much out of those kids as you did。 Thank you ,sir, I answered 。 I

13、 know I have the power to change myself and complete my teaching and become a better teacher in the process。 31。what DIDNF Dorothy want Nancy to know?() A。 Hey plan to give up teaching B。 Her suffering from a toothache C。 Her regret for becoming a teacher D。 Her mistakes in the teaching courser 32。W

14、hen the mentor left Dorothy() 。 A。 lost heart for lack of help 第 5 页 共 6 页 B。 therw the box of old books away C。 hesitated about whether to continue teaching D。 was still confident to teach kids 33。 What can we infer from the fourth paragraph?() A。 Dorothy didnt get along well with her student B。 Do

15、rothy left a good impression on her students C。 Dorothy would spend her honey moon in two weeks D。 Dorothy had a physical conflict with her students 34。 What impressed the principal most。 () A。 Dorothys smiling face B。 Dorothys success in motivating the kids C。 Dorothys power to change herself D。 Dorothys calmness in teaching naughty kids 35。 What may be the best title of the passage?() 第 6 页 共 6 页 A。 The Teaching strategy B。 The secret to learning C。 The New Teacher D。 The challenging Job


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