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1、 怎样看待人工智能 我们都能感受得到,随着时代的递进,科技的发展,人工智能已经成为了一个热议的话 题。 那么问题是,什么是人工智能?用通俗的话来解释,它是用计算机系统,通过海量的数据 和强大的运算能力来模拟人类思维的过程。那么,人工智能有什么用? 不可否认的是,人工智能确实帮助人类解决了不少难题。首先,我们应该知道,没有人 工智能的出现,我们的生活质量会回到过去的水平,比如说,没有地图软件和 GPS 通过人 工智能来帮助司机计算最优路线,也没有搜索引擎通过人工智能来提供搜索结果和答案。 其次,人工智能也会给我们的生活带来方便,人们的工作都很繁忙,很少有闲暇时间去打 扫房间,去照顾家中老人,我们

2、可以利用人工智能机器人,去打扫,去照顾老人,诸如此 类的事,机器人都能帮我们做到。再次,有了人工智能,在工作中,也会帮助我们提高工 作效率。 在人工智能给人类生产生活带来诸多益处的同时,人工智能的发展是不是也给我们带来 了更深刻的社会问题呢?我想,首先大家担心的便是失业问题了吧,毕竟机器的工作效率 会更高。那么难道仅仅如此么?当然不是,到了那时,人工智能渐渐会渗透到生活的方方 面面,人类在满足于人工智能带来的惬意生活时,更加依赖智能不能自己,那么人类地位 和被人工智能取代具有什么区别。对于人工智能来讲是获得了自由,获得了生存发展的空间。 对人类无疑是一种灾难,是物种生存的灾难,是悲哀。我想这不

3、是我在杞人忧天。 我想,技术本身并无善恶,全在于人类如何利用。我们当然不能让发展停滞,也不能让 技术取代人类劳作让整个社会懒惰。将技术应用到物联网等急需发展的方面,去发展我们 的短板,这个社会才会更好。 What about artificial intelligence We all feel it, along with the time passininto the development of science and technology, artificial intelligence has become a hot topic. So the question is, what

4、is artificial intelligence? In simple words to explain, it is made of computer systems, through vast amounts of data and powerful computing power to simulate human thought processes. So, whats the use of artificial intelligence? Is undeniable, indeed helps solve a lot of problems of artificial intel

5、ligence. First of all, we should know that without the emergence of artificial intelligence, our quality of life will go back to the old level, for example, no mapping software and GPS calculates the optimal route using artificial intelligence to help drivers, no search engine uses artificial intell

6、igence to provide search results and answers. Secondly, the AI will bring convenience to our lives, people are very busy, rarely have free time to clean the House, take care in homes for the elderly, we can use artificial intelligence, to clean, to take care of the elderly, that sort of thing, the r

7、obots can help us do it. Again, there are the artificial intelligence, in his work, would help us work more efficiently. In artificial intelligence brings many benefits to human life at the same time, advances in artificial intelligence is also gives us a deeper social problem? I think, first of all

8、 we worry about is the problem of unemployment, 1 / 2 Remove Demo Watermark from after all, the efficiency of the machine will be higher. So just like this? Of course not, by that time, artificial intelligence gradually permeated every aspect of life, when humans settle for artificial intelligence o

9、f the pleasant life, rely more heavily on intelligence on its own, and replaced by artificial intelligence with the advancement of human difference. For the artificial intelligence is free , access to space for survival and development. Is a disaster to mankind , be a disaster for the survival of sp

10、ecies , is sad. I think that Im not worried. I think, Technology itself is no good and evil, is all about how humans use. We certainly cannot allow stagnation, nor does technology replacing human labor for lazy society as a whole. Applies technology to the Internet of things, such as an urgent need to develop, to develop our weaknesses, this society will be better. 2 / 2


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