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1、87._(为了确保他参加会议),I called him up in advance.88.The significant museum_(据说建成于)about a hundred years ago.89.There would be no life on earth _ (没有地球独特的环境)。90._(给游客印象最深的)was the friendliness and warmth of the local people.91.They requested that _ (我借的书还回图书馆) by next Friday.答案快速阅读1.A) People instinctively

2、 seek nature in different ways.2.D) Things that are purchased.3.B) More access to nature makes children less likely to fall ill.4.D) are less likely to be involved in bullying5.B) Provide more green spaces for them.6.B) They enjoy a life of better quality.7.C) access to nature contributes to the red

3、uction of violence8.separable things9.the wild world10.harmony短对话Q11.M: Oh my god! The heat is simply unbearable here! I wish wed gone to the beach instead.W: Wow, with the museums and restaurants in Washington, Id be happy here no matter what the temperature.Q: What does the woman mean?Q12.M: Hows

4、the new job going?W: Well, Im learning a lot of new things, but I wish the director would give me some feedback.Q: What does the woman want to know?Q13W: Can you help me work out a physical training program John?M: Sure, but whatever you do, be careful not to overdo it. Last time I had two weeks wor

5、th of weightlifting in three days and I hurt myself.Q: What does the man suggest the woman do?Q14M: I have an elderly mother and Im worried about her going on a plane. Is there any risk?W: Not if her heart is all right. If she has a heart condition, Id recommend against it.Q: What does the man want

6、to know about his mother?Q15.M: Why didnt you stop when we first signaled you at the crossroads?W: Sorry, I was just a bit absent-minded. Anyway, do we have to pay a fine?Q: What do we learn from the conversation?Q16.M: Im no expert, but that noise in your refrigerator doesnt sound right. Maybe you

7、should have it fixed.W: Youre right. And I suppose Ive put it off long enough.Q: What will the woman probably do?Q17.M: I did extremely well on the sale of my downtown apartment. Now I have enough money to buy that piece of land Ive had my eye on. and build a house on it.W: Congratulations! Does tha

8、t mean you will be moving soon?Q: What do we learn about the man from the conversation?Q18.W: My hand still hurts from the fall on the ice yesterday. I wonder if I broke something.M: Im no doctor. But its not black and blue or anything. Maybe you just need to rest it for a few days.Q: What do we lea

9、rn about the woman from the conversation?长对话 (1921)M: Mrs. Dawson, thanks very much for coming down to the station. I just like to go over some of the things that you told police officer Parmer at the bank.W: All right.M: Well, could you describe the man who robbed the bank for this report that were

10、 filling out here? Now, anything at all that you can remember would be extremely helpful to us.W: Well, just, I can only remember basically what I said before.M: Thats all right.W: The man was tall, six foot, and he had dark hair, and he had moustache.M: Very good. All right, did he have any other d

11、istinguishing marks?W: Um, no, none that I can remember.M: Do you remember how old he was by any chance?W: Well, I guess around 30, maybe younger, give or take a few years.M: Mm, all right. Do you remember anything about what he was wearing?W: Yes, yes, he had on a dark sweater, a solid color.M: OK.

12、 Um, anything else that strikes you at the moment?W: I remember he was wearing a light shirt under the sweater. Yes, yes.M: All right. Mrs. Dawson, I really appreciate what youve been through today. Im just going to ask you to look at some photographs before you leave if you dont mind. It wont take

13、very long. Can you do that for me?W: Oh, of course.M: Would you like to step this way with me, please?W: OK, sure.M: Thank you.Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.19. What do we learn about the woman?20. What did the suspect look like?21. What did the man finally ask

14、ed the woman to do?长对话 (2225)W: Good morning, Im calling about the job that was in the paper last night.M: Well, could you tell me your name?W: Candider Forsett.M: Oh yes. What exactly is it that interests you about the job?W: Well, I thought it was just right for me.M: Really? Um Could you tell me

15、a little about yourself?W: Yes. Im 23. Ive been working abroad.M: Where exactly have you been working?W: In Geneva.M: Oh, Geneva. And what were you doing there?W: Secretarial work. Previous to that, I was at university.M: Which university was that?W: The University of Manchester. Ive got a degree in English.M: You said youve been working in Geneva. Do you have any special reason for wanting to come back?W: I thought it would be nice to be near to the family.M: I see, and how do you see yourself developing in this job?W: Well, Im ambitious. I do hope that my career as a secretary will lead me


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