人教新目标(Go for it)版八年级上册英语教学课件 Unit 4 第一课时 Section A 1a-2d

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《人教新目标(Go for it)版八年级上册英语教学课件 Unit 4 第一课时 Section A 1a-2d》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教新目标(Go for it)版八年级上册英语教学课件 Unit 4 第一课时 Section A 1a-2d(36页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第一课时 Section A 1a-2d,Whats the best movie theater?,情景导入,What do you often do at weekends? Do you like going to a movie? How do you choose a movie theater?,探究新知,New words,戏院;剧场 n. _ 座位;坐处 n. _ 银幕;屏幕 n. _ 便宜地;廉价地 adv. _ 细致地;小心地;谨慎地 adv. _ 记者 n. _ 舒适的 adj. _comfortably舒服地( _) 新鲜的 adj. _,theater,seat,sc

2、reen,cheaply,carefully,comfortable,adv.,reporter,fresh,探究新知,How do you choose a movie theater to go to?,big screens,探究新知,comfortable seats,How do you choose a movie theater to go to?,探究新知,new movies,How do you choose a movie theater to go to?,探究新知,How do you choose a movie theater to go to?,best sou

3、nd,探究新知,UME Movie City is close to my home.,How do you choose a movie theater to go to?,探究新知,How do you choose a movie theater to go to?,buy tickets quickly,探究新知,How do you choose a movie theater to go to?,popular,探究新知,1a,How do you choose which movie theater to go to? Write the things in the box un

4、der “Important” or “Not Important”.,big screens comfortable seats best sound popular,close to home cheap new movies buy tickets quickly,探究新知,1b,Listen and match the statements with the movie theaters.,Movie World,Screen City,Town Cinema,Screen City,Movie World,探究新知,1c,Practice the conversation. Then

5、 talk about the movie theaters you know.,A: Whats the best movie theater? B: Sun Cinema. Its the cheapest. A: But I think Moon Theater has the most comfortable seats.,探究新知,Free talk,A: Whats the best movie theater? B: Star Cinema. Its the most popular. A: But I think Moon Theater has the most comfor

6、table seats. D: For me, F: In my opinion, ,It has the biggest screens. Its the most popular. Its the closest to home. Its the cheapest. It has the friendliest service. It has the most comfortable seats.,探究新知,2a,Listen to a reporter interviewing a boy. Circle the boys answers.,Green City Survey 1. Wh

7、ich is the best clothes store? a. Millers b. Blue Moon c. Dream Clothes 2. Which is the best radio station? a. 970 AM b. 97.9 FM c. 107.9 FM,探究新知,2b,Listen again. Write the correct store or radio station next to each statement.,Blue Moon,Millers,Dream Clothes,Millers,探究新知,970 AM,97.9 FM,107.9 FM,97.

8、9 FM,探究新知,2c,Student A, you are the reporter. Student B, you are the boy. Role-play a conversation using the information in 2a and 2b.,探究新知,2d,Role-play the conversation.,Read it for the second time carefully, then complete the sentences. (1)Greg is _ in the town. (2)Greg thinks the neighborhood is

9、_. (3)The best supermarket is _. (4)Greg thanks Helen for _ him something about the neighborhood.,探究新知,探究新知,Read it for the second time carefully, then complete the sentences. (1)Greg is _ in the town. (2)Greg thinks the neighborhood is _. (3)The best supermarket is _. (4)Greg thanks Helen for _ him

10、 something about the neighborhood.,new,fantastic,on Center Street,telling,Check answers,探究新知,Language points,The population of the city is close to a million. 这个城市的人口接近一百万。 My home is close to the cinema, so I often go to see a film. 我家离学校很近,所以我经常去看电影。,1. close to 接近于; 在 . 的近旁,探究新知,“How do you like.

11、?”相当于What do you think of?意思是“你觉得怎么样?”,日常口语中用来询问对方对某一事物的看法或者判断。,2. How do you like.?的用法,How do you like this book?你认为这本书怎么样?,探究新知,3. 最高级的用法 表示三者或三者以上的人或事物的比较,其中一个在某方面超过其他几个时,我们要用形容词或副词的最高级,在句子的后面可以用of (in)短语来表示比较的范围,形容词的最高级前面一般要加定冠词the。副词最高级前面的the可以省去。,I am the tallest in our class. 我是我们班最高的。 He jum

12、ps the highest of three people. 他是三个人中跳得最高的。,探究新知,biggest 为big的最高级,其比较级为bigger。 英语中形容词的最高级的构成分为:规则和不规则两大类。而规则的又分为两类:单音节词:在词尾直接加est;以e结尾的加st;以辅音字母+y结尾的,需改y为i,再加est;以重读闭音节结尾的,双写最后一个字母,再加est。多音节词和部分双音节词则在原级前加most。,4. It has the biggest screen. 它有最大的银幕。,Pudong International Airport is one of the biggest

13、 airports in the world. 浦东国际机场是世界上最大的机场之一。,探究新知,形容词和副词最高级的构成 hard great late nice big fat easy happy beautiful interesting good many,hardest,greatest,latest,nicest,biggest,fattest,easiest,happiest,most beautiful,most interesting,best,most,探究新知,5.The DJs choose songs the most carefully. 音乐节目主持人挑选歌曲最细

14、致。,choose意为“选择”,可作及物动词或不及物动词,后面接人或物作宾语。指凭个人的意愿或判断作出决定。choose from后接挑选的范围,表示“从中挑选”;choose sb. to do 意为“选某人做”。,探究新知,I will choose the best one from those books. 我将从那些书里挑出最好的一本。 We chose Danny to be the monitor of our class. 我们选丹尼当我们班的班长。,探究新知,6.Thanks for telling me. 谢谢你告诉我。,thanks for意为“因而感谢”,是向对方表示感

15、谢的句型,后面接名词、代词或动名词,也可说成“Thank you for”。,非常感谢您的帮助。 Thanks a lot for your help.,探究新知,辨析thanks forthanks to,意为“因而感谢”,后接名词、代词或动名词,表示感谢的原因。,意为“多亏;由于;幸亏”,并无当面感谢的意思,有时可与with the help of互换。,Thanks for helping me with my English. 多谢你帮我学习英语。,Thanks to the help of the teacher, I passed the exam. 多亏老师的帮助,我通过了考试。,探究新知,Summary,cheap -cheaper - cheapest close - closer - closest comfortable - more - the most good - better - best bad - worse - worst big - bigger - biggest short - shorter - shortest popular - more popular - mos


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