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1、美国文学作者作品Edwards: 爱德华兹The Freedom of the Will 论意志自由Great Doctrine of Original Sin Defended 论原罪The Nature of True Virtue 论真实德行的本原名篇:Personal Narrative 自述 Sinners in the hands of an Angry God 愤怒上帝手中之罪Benjamin Franklin: 本杰明富兰克林Poor Richards Almanac 穷理查德年历 Autobiography 自传Washington Irving: 华盛顿欧文A Histor

2、y of New York 纽约外传 The Sketch Book 见文札记名篇: Rip Van Winkle 瑞普温凡克尔 The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 睡谷传奇James Fenimore Cooper: 詹姆斯费尼莫尔库柏Leatherstocking Tales 皮袜子故事集The Pioneer 拓荒者 The Prairie 大草原The Last of Mohicans 最后的莫希干人The Pathfinder 探路人 The Deerslayer 猎鹿者Ralph Waldo Emerson: 拉尔夫沃尔多爱默生Nature 论自然 Self-R

3、eliance 论自立 Essays 随笔集名篇:The American Scholar 美国学者(has been regarded as “American Declaration of Intellectual Independence”被誉为美国思想的独立宣言) The PoetHenry David Thoreau:亨利戴维梭罗Walden 瓦尔登湖Nathaniel Hawthorne: 纳撒尼尔霍桑The Scarlet Letter 红字The House of the Seven Gables 七个尖角阁的房子Mosses from an Old Manse 古厦青苔The

4、 Blithedale Romance 福谷传奇The Marble Faun 玉石神像 Ethan Brand 伊桑布兰德Young Goodman Brown 好小伙子布朗Dr. Heidggegers Experiment 海德格博士的体验The Ambitions Guest 野心勃勃的客人The Greast Stone Face 巨石脸Herman Melville:赫尔曼梅尔维尔Moby Dick白鲸 Omoo欧穆 Mardi玛地 Typee 泰比 Redburn雷德本 White Jacket 白外衣 Pierre皮埃尔Billy Budd 比利伯德 Benito Gereno

5、班纳托西兰尼Walt Whitman:沃尔特惠特曼Leaves of Grass草叶集 Songs of Myself自我之歌There was a Child Went Forth有个小孩走过来I Sing the Body Electric我歌唱带电的肉体Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking走出永不休止地摇动着的摇篮Emily Dickenson:艾米莉狄金森My Life Closed Twice before Its Close我的生命已结束过两次Because I Cant Stop for Death因为我不能等待死亡I Heard a Fly B

6、uzzWhen I died我死时听到了苍蝇的嗡嗡声Mineby the Right of the White Election我的丈夫选择如意情人的权利Wild NightsWild Nights暴风雨夜William Dean Howells:豪威尔斯The Rise of Silas Lapham塞拉斯拉帕姆的发迹Henry James:亨利詹姆斯The American美国人 Daisy Miller黛西米勒The Portrait of a Lady贵妇的画像 The Ambassadors专使The Wings of Dove鸽翼 The Golden Bowl金碗Harriet

7、Beecher Stowe:哈丽叶特比切斯托Oldtown Folks老城的人们 Uncle Toms Cabin汤姆叔叔的小屋Bret Harte:布勒特哈特The Luck of Roaring Camp咆哮营的幸运儿Hamlin Garland:哈姆林加兰Main-Traveled Roads大路条条Sarah Orne Jewett:萨拉奥恩朱亚特Deephaven深深拥有Kate Chopin:凯特肖邦Bayou Folk路易斯安娜移民 A Night in Acadie爱克迪之夜The Awakening觉醒Mark Twain:马克吐温The Gilded Age镀金时代The

8、Adventures of Tom Sawyer汤姆索亚历险记The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn哈克贝利芬历险记Mysterious Stranger神秘的陌生人The Innocents Abroad傻子出国记Mark Twain Autobiography马克吐温自传Stephen Crane: 斯蒂芬克莱恩A Girl of the Streets街头女郎麦琪 The Open Boat海上扁舟The Red Badge of Courage红色英勇勋章The Black Riders黑骑手Frank Norris: 弗兰克诺里斯McTeague麦克提格

9、 The Octopus章鱼 The Pit深渊The Responsibilities of the Novelist小说家的责任Theodore Dreiser: 西奥多德莱塞Sister Carrie嘉莉妹妹 Jennie Gerhardt珍妮姑娘The Financier金融家 The Titan巨人 The Stoic斯多葛The Genius天才 An American Tragedy美国悲剧Jack London: 杰克伦敦The Call of the Wild野性的呼唤 White Fang白牙The Sea Wolf海狼 Martin Eden马丁伊登The People

10、of the Abyss深渊中的人们 The Iron Heel铁蹄OHenry: 欧亨利The Gift of the Magi麦琪的礼物 After Twenty Years二十年后The Furnished Room带家具出租的房间Cope and the Anthem警察与赞美诗The Last Piece of Ivy Leaves最后一片常春藤叶Upton Sinclair: 厄普顿辛克莱The Jungle丛林Ezra Pound: 埃兹拉庞德Cathay华夏集 The Cantos诗章 Hugh Selwyn Mauberley休塞尔温毛伯利TSEliot:艾略特The Was

11、te Land荒原 Four Quartets四个四重奏Ash Wednesday圣灰星期三 Hollow Man空心人The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock 杰阿尔弗雷德普鲁弗洛克的情歌Wallace Stevens华莱士史蒂文斯Harmoniun风琴 Collected Poems诗集Best-known poems: The Emperor of Ice-Cream冰激凌皇帝Anecdote of the Jar坛子的故事Sunday Morning星期天早晨The Idea of Order at Key West基维斯特的秩序观念William Carl

12、os William威廉卡洛斯威廉斯Paterson帕特森Robert Frost罗伯特弗罗斯特Poetry Anthology:A Boys Will少年意志 North of Boston波士顿以北 Mountain Interval山间 New Hampshire新罕普什尔 West-Running Brook西流的溪涧 A Further Range又一片牧场 A Witness Tree一株作证的树Well-known poem: The Road Not Taken未选择的路Carl Sandburg卡尔桑德堡Chicago Poems芝加哥诗抄 Cornhuskers剥玉米的人

13、The American Songbag美国民歌集成 The Prairie Years草原年代 The War Years战争年代 The People, Yes人民,是的 Complete Poems诗歌全集EECummings肯明斯The Enormous Room巨大的房子Hart Crane哈特克兰The Bridge桥Marianne Moore玛丽安穆尔Collected Poems诗集FScott Fitzgerald费茨杰拉德This Side of Paradise人间天堂 The Great Gatsby了不起的盖茨比Tender is the Night夜色温柔 Tales of the Jazz爵士乐时代的故事The Beautiful and the Damned漂亮冤家The Last Tycoon最后的大亨Flappers and Philosophers轻佻女郎与哲学家Ernest Hemingway海明威The Sun Also Rises太阳照常升起Death in the Afternoon午后之死The Old Man and the sea老人与海Green Hills of Africa非洲青山A Farewell to Arms永别了武器For Whom the Bell tolls丧钟为谁而鸣



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