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1、,Conceptual Blending,Outlines: Part 1:Introduction of Conceptual Blenging Part 2:Vital Relations and Compression Part 3:A Taxonomy of Integration Networks, Multiple Blending and Constraining Blending Theory Part 4:Comparing Blending Theory with Conceptual Metaphor Part 5:Applications of Conceptual B

2、lending Part 6:Drawbacks and Conclusion,1.1 The origins of Blending Theory,1.3 Three component processes concerning emergent structure,1.2 The elements of conceptual blending,1.4 Constitutive processes of Blending Theory,1.1 The origins of Blending Theory,Conceptual Blending Theory was brought to pr

3、ominence by Gilles Fauconnier and Mark Turner. It derives from two traditions within cognitive semantics: Conceptual Metaphor Theory and Mental Spaces Theory. In their studies, both observed that in many cases meaning construction appears to derive from structure that is apparently unavailable in li

4、nguistic or conceptual structure that functions as the input to the meaning construction process. Blending Theory thus emerged from their attempts to account for this observation.,心理空间理论(Mental Spaces Theory),Fauconnier于1985年最早提出“心智空间”这一术语,并将其描写为“小概念包(Small Conceptual Packet)”, 是指人们进行交谈和思考时为了达到当下的理解

5、与行动的目的而构建的,是通过框架和认知模型所形成的结构。(Fauconnier 然后,两个输入空间的元素向类属空间映射并形成共同的抽象结构,再分别映射回两个输入空间,从而规定了输入空间之间核心的跨空间映射; 接着,两个输入空间的元素有选择地映射到合成空间。合成空间中的层创结构通过组合、完善、发展来自每一个输入空间的部分成分结构整合在一起产生新的结构。例如,“That surgeon is a butcher.,E.g. That surgeon is a butcher.,2.2 Mappings,Conceptual metaphor Theory makes unidirectional

6、cross-domain mappings. The mappings between the two domains are fixed and systematic. 概念隐喻理论认为,人的思维是单向映射。因此,隐喻可以理解为源域和目的域这两个认知域之间的一种单向的映射关系,映射过程具有固定的“方向性”和“系统性”,即按照从源域到目的域的方向进行映射。同时,源域的结构也会系统地映射到目的域中。目的域中最终形成的结构继承了源域原有的结构,所以源域决定了目的域的意义。例如,“Life is a journey。,2.2 Mappings,小结: 概念合成理论认为,人的思维模式不是源域和目的域直

7、接、单向和绝对地映射,而是以共享心理图式为类属空间,由源域和目的域两个输入空间双向映射到合成空间的动态整合过程。 概念隐喻理论认为,隐喻可以理解为源域和目的域这两个认知域之间的一种单向的映射关系,映射过程具有固定的“方向性”和“系统性”,即按照从源域到目的域的方向进行映射。,2.3 Dynamic vs conventional,Dynamic: Conceptual Blending Theory emphasises the dynamic and mutable aspects of blending and its role in meaning construction. It ha

8、s been more concerned with investigating the contribution of conceptual integration to ongoing meaning construction. 概念合成理论中概念合成的构建和操作都具有创造性。因此,该理论不仅能解释固定的概念隐喻,更擅长解释创新的隐喻。人们日常的交流和理解过程就是具有创造力的即时在线映射及整合过程。如“He is not a butcher but a surgeon.这一在线隐喻就是在That surgeon is a butcher. 这个隐喻的基础上创新而成的。这说明概念合成是一个即

9、时在线的过程。因此,概念整合理论比概念隐喻理论更具动态性。,2.3 Dynamic vs conventional,Conventional: Conceptual Metaphor Theory emphasises the idea that there is a metaphor system in which conceptual metaphors interact in order to provide relatively stable structure and organisation to the human conceptual system. Metaphor theo

10、rists have been concerned with mapping the conventional patterns entrenched in conceptual structure. 概念隐喻理论用约定俗成的概念和固定的映射来看待和分析隐喻,主要讨论概念隐喻代表抽象出来的固定的思维方式。因此,概念隐喻理论主要涉及固定的隐喻概念化模式。,2.3 Dynamic vs conventional,小结: 概念合成是一个动态的、即时在线的过程。 概念隐喻理论用约定俗成的概念和固定的映射来看待和分析隐喻,主要讨论概念隐喻代表抽象出来的固定的思维方式。,2.4 Emergent stru

11、cture,While blending Theory provides an account of emergent structure, conceptual metaphor theory does not. Its one of the original motivations for blending Theory. There are three component processes that give rise to emergent structure: (1) composition; (2) completion; and (3) elaboration. In our

12、discussion of the example That surgeon is a butcher.,we saw that there were emergent inferences that could not be accounted for by a two domain model.,2.4 Emergent structure,小结: 概念合成理论中的新创结构可以帮我们更好地分析、理解概念隐喻,尤其是隐喻理论所无法解决的复杂隐喻。 概念隐喻理论由于没有这一结构,它只能分析一些简单的、显著的、约定俗成的隐喻。,3. Conclusion:,a)都认为隐喻是认知现象而不是纯粹的语

13、言现象 b)都在解释隐喻的工作机制、隐喻意义的理解和生成机制 c)都论及概念范围之间语言意象的系统投射和推论结构 d)面临同样的问题:如何用实证研究证明人们确实以这种方式思维的,a)概念域是认知结构的基本单位 b)只涉及两个域(源域和目的域)之间的映射关系 c)映射有严格的方向性,映射是单向的(unidirectional) d)主要针对固着度高(entrenched)的约定俗成的概念关系 e)没有新创结构,只能分析简单的、显著的隐喻。,a)心理空间是认知结构的基本单位 b)至少四个心理空间:两个输入空间,一个类属空间,一个合 成空间 c)没有严格的方向性 d)着眼于创造性思维活动,解释新生成

14、的、可能只是短时存在的概念表达 e)新创结构可以帮助理解隐喻理论所无法解决的复杂隐喻,概念合成的运用 By Yin Guiying,概念合成理论的运用 语言学 超语言学,概念合成与复合词,概念合成与译文文本,概念合成与幽默言语的解释力,概念合成和计算机图像运输,Input ,Input ,Blend space,Generic Space,概念合成和复合词,Every kid should have an apple after school. 译文1:课外每个孩子都应有个苹果。 译文2:课外每个孩子都应该有台苹果电脑。,概念合成和译文文本,Eating an apple is good to

15、 kids health,Both a real apple and an Apple computer are good to kids,Using an Apple computer is good to kids intelligence,An apple computer is useful and helpful to kids intelligence just like a nutritious apple to their health,Input ,Input ,Blending space,Generic space,儿子 7 岁,上小学一年级,期末考试成绩单拿回家后高兴地

16、宣布:“我要跳级了。”看着全家人疑惑的表情,小家伙打开成绩单,只见老师在评语栏中写着:“希望你在新的一年里更上一层楼。”小家伙得意地说:“我们教室在一楼,一楼是一年级,更上一层楼,我不就上二年级了吗?”全家笑倒。,My family is just like a nation,Mr. Brown told his colleague. My wife is the minister of finance, my mother-in-law is the minister of war, and my daughter is foreign secretary. Sounds interesting his colleague replied. “And what is your position?” “Im the people. All I do is pay.”,Input ,Input ,Blend space,Generic Space,WIFE,MOTHER IN-



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