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1、树德小学2016年秋期末检测试卷六年级 英 语(总分100分,时间60分钟)一听录音,将所听到的单词的字母填在括号内。(10分)( )1.A.moon B.miss C.more( )2.A.face B.dance C.race( )3.A.Canada B.American C.China( )4.A.love B.like C.lake( )5.A.east B.eat C.meat( )6.A.right B.high C.left( )7.A.shop B.sleep C.stamp ( )8.A.swim B.sheep C.see( )9.A.have B.flag C.fly(

2、 )10.A.festival B.fish C.friend二.选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项.(5分)( )11. A.snake B.grass C.bamboo( )12. A.stamp B.football C.basketball( )13. A.China B.New York C.Canada( )14. A.play B.difficult C.write( )15. A.book B.pen C.flute三.单项选择题。(共15分)( )16.New York is _ the east of America.A. in B. on C. at( )17.All of

3、these stamps are _ my letters. A.from B.with C. for( )18.I am _an email now . A.send B.sending C.sends( )19.Is there a letter _ me?A. to B. off C.for ( )20. Its more _ twenty thousand kilometers long.A.more B.than C.some( )21.Collecting dolls _ my hobby. A.are B. is C.am( )22.Can you tell me _about

4、the Great Wall ? A.more B.in C.at( )23. Have you got _postcards? 新课 标 第 一 网A. a B. some C. any( )24. Pleased _ meet you. A.at B.for C.to ( )25. I live in New York, I am not American. A.and B.but C.or( )26. There a Chinatown in New York. A is B.are C.am( )27. Amy a stamp from China.A. have got B.have

5、 C.has got( )28. Dont in the library.A.talk B.to talk C.talking( )29. is the Great Wall?A.How big B.How long C.How many ( )30.What do you do _ Thanksgiving Day? A.to B.in C.on四. 根据汉语选出正确的单词。(共10分)( )31.业余爱好 A.hobby B.like C.love ( )32.洋娃娃 A .go B.doll C.can ( )33.竹子 A.often B.bamboo C.get ( )34.电脑 A

6、.TV B.English C.computer ( )35.停止 A.stop B.shop C.top ( )36.筷子 A.knife B.chopsticks C.fork ( )37.红灯 A.yellow light B.green light C.red light ( )38.笔友 A.pen friend B.festival C.favourite( )39.向右转! A.go on B.Turn right! C.stop( )40.直行! A.Go straight on! B.stop C.go on五给下列句子选择合适的英文翻译。(共10分)( )41.你能成为我的

7、笔友吗?。A Can you be my pen friend ?B Can you write to me?( )42.我会说英语。 A.I can speak English. B.I can speak Chinese.( )43.你最喜欢的节日是什么?A.Whats your favourite book?B.Whats your favourite festival?( )44.我经常游泳。A.I often go swimming.B.I like reading books.( )45.集邮是我的爱好。A.Collecting dolls is my hobby.B.Collec

8、ting stamps is my hobby.六. 给下列问句选择合适的答语。(5分) A. Yes, I do B. No, I cant. C. Its in the east of China. D. Daming took it long ago. E. I am sending an email.( )46. Wheres the West Lake?( )47. What are you doing?( )48. Do you love this festival?( )49. Can you speak English?( )50. Who took this photo? 新

9、课 标 第 七.选择配伍。(5分)( )51.Where is Shanghai? A.We fly the flag and sing songs.( )52.Whats your hobby? B.Yes, of course.( )53.What do you do on Flag Day? C.No, there isnt. X| k |B| 1 ( )54.Can you be my pen friend? D.Its in the east of China .( )55.Is there an email for me? E.Collecting dolls is my hobb

10、y.8. 阅读短文, 判断正误, 正确的写 T ,错误的写 F。(共20分) ASam is a boy.Hes an American.,but he loves China very much.Now he is in Beijing.He often walks(步行) to school.Sometimes he rides his bicycle to school.But he never goes to school by bus.He likes Chinese food,but he cant use chopsticks.So he often eats with a kn

11、ife and fork.( )56.Sam is a girl.( )57.Sam is in Beijing now.( )58.Sam sometimes walks to school.( )59.Sam likes Chinese food.( )60.Sam can use chopsticks. B Hello!My name is Wang Bin.Im a Chinese boy.Ive got a pen friend,Mike.He lives in New York.Mike likes animals.He has got two dogs and three cat

12、s.I like animals,too.Ive got a dog but I havent got any cats.Mike often sends me the photos of his dogs and cats. I love them very much.( )61.Wang Bin is a Chinese boy.( )62.Mike hasnt got any cats.( )63.Wang Bin sends photos to Mike.( )64.Wang Bin has got three cats.( )65.Mike has got two dogs. 九.选词填空。(共10


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