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1、七年级下短语归纳Unit 5 Our School LifeTopic 11. at the school gate 在学校大门口2. Happy New Year! 新年快乐3. The same to you! 也同样祝你- - 4. looks very nice! 看起来漂亮5. come on 快点,加油6. Its time for class 该上课了7. Its time to have class该上课了8. know about 了解- - 的情况9. school life 学校生活10. at school 在学校,在上学11. eat out 外出吃饭,上馆子12.

2、on school days 在校期间13. have a short rest 休息一会儿14. after class/school 下课/放学后15. listen to music 听音乐16. read books 看书17. go to school/work 去上学/工作18. school class / is over 放学了/放学了19. in ones free/spare time 在某人的业余时间里20. go swimming去游泳21. ball games球赛22. have ball games举行球赛23. four times a year每年四次 onc

3、e a week每周一次24. twice a week每周两次 three times a week每周三次25. ealy bird catches the worm早起的鸟儿有虫吃26. for a short time 一会Topic 21 computer room电脑室 机房1. teachers office教师办公室2. classroom building教学楼3. swimming pool游泳池4. in the library在图书馆5. in the dining hall在餐厅6. on the playground在操场上7. at the moment= now

4、 此刻,现在8. clean the classroom打扫教室9. clean the blackboard擦黑板10. make cards制作卡片11. on time 准时12. in time及时13. on the shelf在书架上14. return = give back归还16 lost and found失物招领处15. show sb around带领某人参观16. in the center of= in the middle of 在- - 的中间,在- - 的中央17. on the left/right在左边/右边18. next to 在- - 隔壁,在- -

5、 旁边,紧挨看,靠近19. at the back of 在- -后部,在- - 后面20. Attention, please !请注意!Topic 31. have a music class上一节音乐课2. every week每周3. drawing pictures画画4. Work on math problems做数学题5. speak English 说英语6. learn about the past 了解过去7. be friendly to sb = be kind to sb 对某人友好8. school newspaper校报9. Thanks sb for doin

6、g sth感谢某人做了某事10. each other 彼此,互相 Unit 6 Our Local AreaTopic 11. On the second floor在二楼2. Go upstairs上楼3. Go downstairs下楼4. Put it/ them away 请把它/它们收起来放好5. On the chair 在椅子上6. Dont put it / them here别把它/它们放在这儿7. study on the computer 在电脑上学习8. on the left /right of 在的左面/右面9. in front of in the front

7、of 在的前面Topic 2 1. an apartment building 一座公寓2. in the country在农村3. for rent出租4. wanted求租5. excuse me 打扰了,打扰一下,劳驾,请原谅6. on the street corner在街道拐角处7. train station火车站8. Keep money存钱9. a lot of = lots of许多10. far from/ not far from离 远/ 离 不远11. a community service center一个社区服务中心12. There is something wr

8、ong with = Something is wrong with 某人/某物出问题,有毛病了13. The traffic is heavy交通拥挤14. The cost of living is high生活费用高15. A house with a garden有花园的房子16. close to 靠近17. post office 邮局Topic 3 1. Excuse me, how can I get to- ? 打扰了,请问我怎样才能到2. Excuse me, which is the way to-?打扰了,请问去-走哪条路?3. Excuse me, could you

9、 tell me the way to- 打扰了,你能告诉我怎样- -?4. Excuse me, where is -? 打扰了,请问- - 在哪里?5. How far is it from here? 离这里有多远?6. turn left at the first street 在第一条街口向左转7. go across the bridge 穿过桥8. Go straight 直走9. go along 沿着走10. Its about one hundre meters along on the right顺着右边走大约100米11. on the corner of 在- - 拐

10、角处12. across from在- - 正对面13. Change to the No.108 bus 换乘108路车14. go up/down this street to the end 沿着这条街一直走到尽头15. public phone 公用电话16. traffic lights交通灯17. Turn left/right 左转/右转18. No right turn禁止右转 No left turn禁止左转19. No parking 禁止停车 No swimming 禁止游泳20. get hurt受伤21. in traffic accidents在交通事故中22. S

11、top and look both ways停下来左右看看23. Look left 向左看 Look right向右看24. Its good to do sth 做某事是好的25. cross the road = go across the road 过马路26. a ticket for speeding超速行驶罚单27. Dont drive too fast 车不要开太快28. Wait for等候29. Be careful= look out小心30. Dont play on the street不要在街上玩31. Dont be late for school上学不准迟到3

12、2. Its about - away from here. 离这里大约- - 远。Unit7 The Birthday PartyTopic 11. Next year 明年2. Next week 下一周3. How do you plan to celebrate it? 你打算怎么庆祝?4. Plan to do sth 打算/准备做某事5. Want to do sth 想做某事6. Have a birthday party 开个生日聚会7. Would you like to come? 你想参加吗?8. Id love to 我非常乐意去9. Work alone 独立工作/练

13、习10. What day is it today? 今天是星期几?11. Whats the date today? 今天是几号?12. Be born 出生;13. A model plane 一个飞机模型14. Guess again再猜一下15. Whats the shape of your present ?= What shape is your present?你的礼物是什么形状的?16. Its round它是圆的17. Black and white黑白相间18. Have a look 看一看19. Im afraid- 恐怕- - 20. Look like 看起来像21. Just now 刚才22. How wide多宽23. How long多长24



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