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1、此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。叫我第一名观后感英文版篇一:叫我第一名观后感(英文) My Feeling after seeing “Front of the class” Brad Cohen, the role of the film called “Front of the class” , touched my heart deeply. As a child with Tourette syndrome, Brad always suffered from unfair treatment and prejudice until t

2、he headmaster Meier explain the disease of little Brad. After that, little Brad was accepted and understood. Plus,Meier also changed little Brad. From then on,Brad had a dream-To be a teacher. Brad said that,“The world in childrens eyes is different from adults. As children always say What I want to

3、 do ,not what I cant do”. So, in Brads mind, the thought of “I cant” never existed, the sole belief encouraged him was to be a teacher. Maybe you see it as childrens innocent, but the result is that Brad realized his dream and became a teacher. Adults always consider too much trying situation before

4、 the action. So they always defeated by the so-called impossibility that never came. Innocent may seem more brave when difficulties came. Brad was innocent. Brad got “Tourette syndrome”, a disease seemed as a trouble by others. But to Brad, it was not the obstacle to realize his dream, but his frien

5、d, his teacher. It teaches him a lot of things such as how to face difficulties, how to defeat the so-called impossibility in others eyes and never give up.This is a real film adapted from a real story, we can learn a lot from Brad and we can also see something from ourselves. We can ask ourselves :

6、 “Do I have dream or ever?” “If I have,what Im doing?” “if not,where are they?” We still have a mass of time, dont stop your footstep just for your imagination of the difficulties. We have a lot of things wait us to do before its too late.篇二:叫我第一名的英语观后感 My Feeling after session Brad Cohen, the role

7、of the film called , touched my heart deeply. As a child with Tourette syndrome, Brad always suffered from unfair treatment and prejudice until the headmaster Meier explain the disease of little Brad. After that, little Brad was accepted and understood. Plus(而且),Meier also changed little Brad. From

8、then on(从那时起),Brad had a dream-To be a teacher. Brad said that,“The world in childrens eyes is different from adults. As children always say What I want to do ,not what I cant do”. So, in brads mind, the thought of “I cant” never existed, the sole belief encouraged(鼓励) him was to be a teacher. Maybe

9、 you see it as childrens innocent(单纯), but the result is that Brad realized(实现) his dream and became a teacher. Adults always consider too much trying situation before the action. So they always defeated(打败) by the so-called(所谓的) impossibility(不可能) that never came. Innocent may seem(看起来显得) more brav

10、e(勇敢) when difficulties came. Brad was innocent. Brad got “Tourette syndrome”, a disease seemed as a trouble by others. But to Brad, it was not theobstacle(障碍) to realize his dream, but his friend, his teacher. It teaches him a lot of things such as how to face difficulties, how to defeat the so-cal

11、led impossibility in others eyes and never never give up. This is a real film adapted(改编自) from a real story, we can learn a lot from Brad and we can also see something from ourselves. We can ask ourselves : “Do I have dream or ever?”(我有梦想骂?或者曾经有过?) “If I have,what Im doing?”(如果有,我现在在干什么?) “if not,w

12、here are they?”(如果没有,那梦想去了哪里?) We still have a mass of time, dont stop your footstep just for your imagination of the difficulties. We have a lot of things wait us to do before its too late.篇三:叫我第一名的英文读后感 Feeing after watching Front of the class I cried twice when I watched this movie. That scene th

13、at all the students applaud for Brad to show their understanding is still clear in my mind. At that moment,my eyes are full of tears. Also, there are many scene that moved me. Now,I want to share two aspect about this movie to you. The first thing that I want to talk about is the education.I remembe

14、r a principal i this movie had ever asked a question to Brad: “what is education?”when all of the teacher in his school show their unfriendly and blame to Brad, it is this principal that give him courage and help him to open a new world. It is he that make Brad be understood and treated equal by oth

15、er students. Besides, it is he that make Brad determined to become a teacher. This is a pawer of education and real education. Education is not like the way that those teacher used to treat Brad and the attitude that take different from different students. On the contrary, Brad do what a real teache

16、r do. He contribute all his life to the teaching the moment when he determined to be a teacher. He take every lesson with high passion and all his enthusiasm. His principle of teaching is not giving up every student. He also make students cant wait to take his class due to his creative teaching method so that they can easily understand the content of the book. Thats really a admirable teacher. He regar


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