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1、商务沟通讲义,王秀芝 广东外语外贸大学国际工商管理学院,讲师联系方式,Tele: 13570003376 020-80966999 E- mail: ,1.Open your eyes, your ears, your mind! 2.Cooperate 3.Practice,require,Class Participation 20% Individual Assignment 10% Final Exam and Cases analysis 70%,Grading,内容安排,总揽:商务沟通的概念、原理与策略 起点:自我沟通与人际沟通 难点:群体沟通 重点:组织内与组织外沟通,Discu

2、ssion (1): Group Comm.,After finishing self-judgement, your group (3-4 pers) uses informative or persuasive communication so as to get access to the common decision. The turn of 15 things should try to get everyones agreement. Attentions: -No matter informative, or persuasive comm., logic is the fun

3、damental; -Dont change your idea only to avoid the conflict; -Dont make decision only to abide by “the minority and the majority” rule,你是一位宇航员,与另外几位宇航员驾驶一太空船飞向月球,原计划去与已降落月球、作为基地的太空母舰会合。然而,因机械故障,你们的太空船只能迫降在距离太空母舰200英里之外的月球表面。降落时许多设备受到损坏,而为了生存你们必须充分利用未受损坏的装备自行达到太空母舰。下面列出了15样未受损坏的物资和装备,请依据其重要性分别标出1-15,

4、以供你们出发时酌其重要性决定取舍(比如,你们的体力只能带13件,就只好放弃另外两件)。(接下页),Introduction Participation,(1)一盒火柴 (2)压缩饼干 (3)50英尺尼龙绳 (4)丝质降落伞 (5)袖珍取暖器 (6)2支0.45口径手枪 (7)1箱脱水宠物喝的牛奶 (8)2大瓶氧气 (9)星际图 (10)救生筏 (11)磁罗盘 (12)5加仑水 (13)烟火信号枪 (14)包括注射器的急救箱 (15)太阳能无线电收发器,Introduction Participation (c),敷衍? 抱怨? 争执? 接受?,思 维,思 维,沟 通,.,沟通是我们每个人无法回

5、避的!,沟通:是一门生存的技巧,学会它、掌握它、运用它 拿破伦. 希尔,每个人都需要沟通技巧,3.沟通是一种相互作用 4.沟通的种类,1.沟通的重要性,第一章 沟通过程,2.沟通是一种过程,5.如何有效沟通,Significance of Communication,Every year,Industry Week selects top 10 manufacture enterprises in America. The enterprises singled out in 1997 all agree that the magic weapon to win is “the same ob

6、jective, good communication, and consideration to persons”,1.沟通的重要性,American futurist (Nicebit): “The future competition is management competition. The focus of competition lies in the effective communication between members within and outside the organization.”,1.沟通的重要性,Benefits of effective commun

7、ication in your career A valuable job requirement An essential for advancing your career Benefits of effective communication for interpersonal and organizational conducts,Significance of Communication,1.沟通的重要性,Significance of Business Communication,Manager=Vision-maker+Motivator Comm. Activities go

8、through all managing life. Communicative Capability heavily influences your career development in some extent。 3CS: Capability + Character + Comfort (Comfort relation, Comfort job, Comfort life). Effective communication = Problem-solving + Comfort relation,1.沟通的重要性,沟通的重要性,信息时代的到来,使沟通能力更加重要。 信 息 爆 炸

9、无所适从,良好的沟通能力是构成事业基础的一个要项。能简明、有效的交代自己的意思,又能清楚地了解别人的用意,就拥有最好的机会。 美国保德信人寿保险公司总裁 Robert Beck,据成功学家们的研究表明:一个正常人每天花60-80%的时间在“ 说、听、读、写 ”等沟通活动上。故此,一位智者总结到:“人生的幸福就是人情的幸福,人生的丰富就是人缘的丰富,人生的成功就是人际沟通的成功 。”,1.每个人都需要沟通技巧,2.沟通是一种过程,2.1 Definition of Communication,Communication is the process of exchanging informati

10、on and meaning between or among individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, and behavior. Other words often used to describe the communication process are expressing feelings, conversing, speaking, corresponding, writing, listening, and exchanging. - Carol M.Lehman,2.沟通是一种过程,左边:给她的; 右边:给他

11、的。,2.1 沟通的定义:信息凭借一定符号载体,在个人或群体间从发送者到接受者进行传递,并获取理解的过程。,沟通是意义(Meaning)上的传递 Meaning represents a persons thoughts, feelings, beliefs(values) and attitudes. Source:Richard W. Woodman,沟通是人们分享信息、思想和情感的任何过程,2.沟通是一种过程,编码过程,解码过程,信息 与 通道,打算发送的信息,感受到的信息,编码过程,解码过程,= 噪音,A-发送者,B-接受者,反馈,2.沟通是一种过程,信息是事物运动的状态和方式,Pro

12、cess of business Communication,2.2沟通是一种过程,INFORMATION SOURCES (WHO); AUDIENCE (NEGATIVE, POSITIVE FEEDBACK (POSITIVE, NEGATIVE OR NEUTRAL),Components of Business Communication,沟通的要素,某银行在对其客户进行调查之前,先要求工作人员根据自己的工作经验描述一下银行的主要客户是什么样的人。 银行经理说:“大约6 0岁,中上收入,属于社区领袖阶层。” 中层管理人员说:“大约4 0岁,正在抚养未成年的孩子,事业处于上升阶段,遵纪

13、守法的公民。” 出纳和会计则说:“年龄在2 03 0之间,新婚不久,事业刚起步。充满了活力和生气。” 调查的结果显示,公司的大部分客户为: 3 0多岁的年龄,结婚多年了,年收入在$20 000左右,有11 . 5部汽车和2个孩子。 资料来源:Ray Considine and Murray Raphel,“The Great Brain Robbery”,( P a s a d e n a , CA: The Great Brain Robbery, 1981), 68-69.,为何如此分析沟通对象?,古代一个国王梦见自己衰老患病,牙齿脱落。于是,他叫来了巫师解梦。吓坏了的国王首先听到:“殿下

14、,该梦很不吉利。它意味着您会在一年内死去。”盛怒之下,国王将这位鲁莽的巫师逐出宫廷转向另一位释梦者。 第二位巫师说:“尊敬的陛下,这是个好消息,而且很好。它意味着您有生之年建立的丰功伟绩身后将万古流芳。另外,您的儿女会青出于蓝而胜于蓝。”年迈的国王深知自己时间不多了,听了这番解释很满意,重奖了这位巫师。 资料来源: John P. Fieg and John G. Blair ,T h e re Is a Difference: 12 I n t e rc u l t u r a l P e r s p e c t i v e s( Washington, DC: Meridian House

15、 International, 1975), 83.,实话新讲,Information Principles-Six Cs,1. Consideration (constructive) 2. Completeness 3. Clarity 4. Conciseness 5. Courtesy 6. Correctness,Communication Channels,Chapter 1,Formal Channels Rules procedures, policy created by management to control individual and group behavior,

16、Communication Channels,Chapter 1,Informal Channels Patterns that emerge as people interact within a formal system to create a satisfying environment,Grapevine: An Informal Communication Channel,Speedy but inaccurate (rumor mill) Message passes from one to one until it reaches the end of the line,Myths,Truth,No more or less accurate than other communication channels Message distr


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