新版pep五年级上册Unit3B read and write课件

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《新版pep五年级上册Unit3B read and write课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新版pep五年级上册Unit3B read and write课件(17页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Free talk,Free talk,Coke,A: Whats your favourite food/drink? B: I love Its/ Theyre (味道),Robin is a robot. Its a helpful robot.It can do many things.It can cook.Today Robin will cook.Wu Yifan and his grandpa each write a letter about what they want to eat.Lets read the two letters and see.,letter let

2、 书信,信件,each it 每个;各自,letter,1.The letter is from _ to _ . 2.Yifans favourite food is _. 3.Yifans favourite vegetable is _ .,Wu Yifan,Robin,ice cream,onion,正文,结束语,署名,称呼,2._,njn,信,Grandpas favourite food is _.,chicken,_,Whats grandpas favourite food?,_,b 两个的;两者的,pepper,hot,chicken,beef,Miss Wang,_ are

3、 (is) my favourite. Theyre (Its)_. But I dont like _. Theyre (Its)_.,Fruit: apples, bananas, grapes, pears, oranges, strawberries, watermelons Vegetables: potatoes, tomatoes, cabbages, green beans, onions, carrots, cucumbers, Food: hamburgers, , hot dogs, cakes, French fries, noodles, pork, mutton,

4、fish, beef, bread, soup, tofu, chicken, Drink: water, coffee, milk, coke, tea, juice ,Choose and say ( 选一选,说一说。),We must know: Balanced nutrition is good for health, especially for us. Because we are growing .Just for this, we should have a reasonable dining table. (人的身体需要各种营养,特别是同学们正处在成长的阶段,更需要有合理的

5、饮食习惯。),Dear Chen Zhang, Sandwiches are my favourite food. They are delicious and healthy. I dont like chicken, but fish is OK. Its fresh and healthy for me. I like vegetables, but not green beans. Tomato soup is my favourite drink. Today is my birthday, can I have some noodles and cakes? Thanks, Joh

6、n,Read and tick(读一读,勾出恰当的答案) 1. John thinks the sandwich is _. healthy and delicious healthy and fresh 2. John doesnt like _. fish and vegetables chicken and green beans 3. Today John wants to have some_ cakes and noodles sandwiches and fish,3._,(二) Read and write. 1. _ are Johns favourite food. The

7、yre_. 2. Johns favourite drink is _. 3.Today John wants to eat some _.,Dear Chen Zhang, Sandwiches are my favourite food. They are delicious and healthy. I dont like chicken, but fish is OK. Its fresh and healthy for me. I like vegetables, but not green beans. Tomato soup is my favourite drink. Today is my birthday, can I have some noodles and cakes? Thanks, John,Sandwiches,1._,_,_,delicious and healthy,tomato soup,2._,noodles and cakes,3._,Read and write,小,结,重点句型: My favourite food is/are+食物名称. I like_. I dont like_.,Homework 1.以“My favourite”为题,写一篇作文! 2.读Read and write 2遍。,


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