新版PEP7六年级上册Unit5What does he do课件

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1、绿色圃中小学教育网,绿色圃中小学教育网,factory worker,What does he do ?,Hes a factory worker.,What does she do? Shes a postman.,post邮寄+man =postman邮递员,What does she do? Shes a police officer.,=policeman或 policewoman,What does he do?,He s a businessman.,商业的 + man,商人,Miss Wen, What does your sister do?,Shes a businesswo

2、man.,businesswoman,farmer,nurse,doctor,driver,Act like a .,He/She can .,He/She is a .,write,writer,dance,drive,teach,er,er,er,sing,er,What does he do?,He can sing.,Hes a singer.,taxi driver,writer,dancer,singer,cleaner,football player,taxi driver,writer,dancer,singer,cleaner,football player,police o

3、fficer,postman,businessman,factory worker,A: What does your father /mother do? B: He/she is a/an,Miss Wen, What does your father do?,Hes a teacher.,teach,er,head,1.Listen and answer the questions,1. What does Olivers mother do? _ 2. What does Olivers father do? _ 3.Does Oliver want to be a businessm

4、an? _ 4. Is Olivers father here today? _,Shes a head teacher.,Hes a businessman.,Yes, he does.,No, he isnt. Hes in Australia.,问职业,其他,国家(复),校长,真好!,= she will be 她将会,想成为,She often goes to other countries.,country,单数,复数,country,复数,国家,kntri,countries,绿色圃中小学教育网,绿色圃中小学教育网,Amarica,China,Britain,What does h

5、e/she do,3 He can write the stories for you.,4 She sings well.,5 If you are not fine, he will help you.,writer,singer,doctor,driver,writer,football player,singer,dancer,postman,businessman,police officer,factory worker,head teacher,A: Do you want to be a/an? B: Yes/No. Because,My dreaming career(梦想职

6、业),What does he do?,He is a fisherman.,渔夫,渔民,fmn,Where does he work?,He works at sea.,What does she do?,She is a fisherman.,santst,科学家,Where does she work?,She works in a university.,palt,飞行员,What does she do?,She is a pilot.,Where does she work?,She works on a rescue plane.,kt,教练,He is a coach.,Wha

7、t does he do?,He works in a gym.,Where does he work?,Mike:我叔叔是名渔民。 Xiao Yu:他在哪儿工作? Mike:他在海上工作。他每天能看见很多鱼! Xiao Yu:我明白了。他怎么去上班?乘船吗? Mike:不.他在船上工作。他骑自行车去上班。 Xiao Yu:他有一个非常健康的生活方式。 Mike:是的。他工作非常努力并且身体健康。 Xiao Yu:我们也应该努力学习并保持健康 stay healthy=keep healthy 保持健康 stay后接形容词或名词,代词.stay属系动词。,五种职业,和你的同伴比较一下.在两个清

8、单中有多种不同的职业?,建议,秘书,打字很快,像,为文章选一个题目,完成表格,人们和他们的工作,业余爱好和工作,在真实世界野营中,孩子们能偿试着做不同的工作.你想去野营吗?完成下表,sports,gym,Using computers,secretary,office,science,scientist,你想做哪种工作,父亲的信息:,我允许我的孩子去野营,父亲或母亲的签名:,让我们总结如下,填空,然后完成游戏, “我没听见你说的话”,1.Zoom:哇,多好的一份工作啊! Zip:是的.你还能想出别的不同寻常的工作吗? 2.Zoom:一名训狮员怎么样? Zip:哦,不.太危险了。 3. Zoom:一名养蜂人怎么样? Zip:嗯.养蜂人可能被蛰伤。不适合我。 4. Zoom:或许你能成为一名电脑游戏测试员.你能玩游戏或在家工作。 Zip:我喜欢学习,我不。喜欢游戏. 5. Zoom: 一名魔术师助理怎么样?那很棒。 Zip:哦,不.我不喜欢那个。 6. Zoom:嗯.你想成为什么? Zip:我想成为一名坚果轧碎钳。我喜欢吃果仁。 Zoom:哈哈,你是坚果!,Thank you!,


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