新概念英语第一册47-48课 (上课)课件

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1、can,boss,minute,ask,handwriting,terrible,lift,biscuit,cake,like,want,用can 或 cant 填空 1.What _ you do? I can lift this box, but I _ lift that heavy chair. 2. _ he speak Chinese? No, he _ speak Chinese, but he _ speak English. 3. _ you stand in front of the door? Then I _ see you. 4. _ Penny wash the d

2、ishes? Yes, she _ . 5. I _ see some spoons, but I _ see any knives. 6. What _ Mike do at the party? He _ dance.,can,cant,Can,cant,can,Can,can,Can,can,can,cant,can,can,Black coffee 纯咖啡,Kinds of coffee,Blue Mountain 蓝山咖啡,Latte 拿铁(意式奶泡咖啡),Mocha 摩卡,Irish Coffee 爱尔兰咖啡,Lesson 47-48 A cup of,New words,like

3、 v.喜欢,想要 What do you like? Do you like some apples? want v.想 What do you want? Do you want some tea?,CHRISTINE,ANN,Ask,Answer,and,Listening,Who likes coffee? Ann. 2.Does she want a cup of coffee? Yes, she does.,CHRISTINE: Do you like coffee, Ann? ANN: Yes ,I do.,like 喜欢 我喜欢绿色。 I like green. 我喜欢游泳。 I

4、 like swimming. dislike 孩子们一般不喜欢吃蔬菜。 Children often dislik evegetables. love:like very much I love china.,CHRISTINE: Do you want a cup? ANN: Yes,please,Christine. want a cup:want a cup of coffee want sb.to do sth. 我想让你把那本书给我。 I want you to give me the book. 你妈妈想让你回家。 Your mother wants you to go home

5、.,CHRISTINE: Do you want any sugar? ANN: Yes,please.,sugar: uncountable noun some sugar 肯定句 any sugar 否定句,疑问句 uncountable nouns bread coffee milk water tea chocolate.,CHRISTINE: Do you want any milk? ANN: No,thank you.I dont like milk in my coffee.I like black coffee.,milk in my coffee:white coffee

6、black coffee:不加牛奶或者咖啡伴侣,black tea,红茶,white lie,善意的谎言,green hand,新手,CHRISTINE: Do you like biscuits? ANN: Yes,I do. biscuit:countable noun apple banana orange cup ice-cream egg,CHRISTINE: Do you want one? ANN: Yes,please. one 指代前面的事物 buscuit Give me some glasses. Which glasses? The _on the shelf.,one

7、s,Language points,1.like,sth. to do sth. doing sth.,2.want,sth. to do sth. sb. to do sth.,3. some和any 用法: 既可以修饰可数名词 又可以修饰不可数名词,some 常用在肯定句中译为“一些” 可作形容词和代词 any 常用在否定和疑问句中为“任何一些” 注:在表示建议、反问、请求的疑问句中, 或期望得到肯定回答时,用some 当表示“任何”的意义,起强调作用时, any可以用在肯定句中,1. A: Do you like coffee? B: Yes, I do. No. I dont. 2.

8、A: Do you want any sugar? B: Yes, I do. No, I dont.,Look at the pictures(p95), ask and answer in pairs.,one first 1st two second 2nd three third 3rd four fourth 4th,five fifth 5th six sixth 6th seven seventh 7th eight eighth 8th nine ninth 9th,ten tenth 10th eleven eleventh 11th twelve twelfth 12th,

9、一般现在时: 1.表示现在的状态,常用be等表示状态的动词。 I am thirteen. / We are students. 2.表示经常或习惯性的动作,常与表频度的 时间状语连用。 He reads English everyday. 3.表示主语具备的性格、能力和特征。 I dont want so much. 4.表示客观事实和普遍真理。 The earth moves around the sun.,Grammar,Lesson 47 A cup of coffee Christine: _ you like coffee, Ann? Ann: Yes, I _. C: Do yo

10、u want a cup? A: _, Christine. C: Do you want _ sugar? A: Yes, please. C: Do you want any milk? A: _. I _ like milk _ my coffee. I like black coffee. C: _ you like biscuits? A: Yes, I do. C: Do you _one? A: Yes, please.,Do,do,Yes, please,any,No, thank you,dont,in,Do,want,Do you like .? Yes, I do./No

11、, I dont. I like . and I want some/one. I like ., but I dont want any.,practice,biscuits,fresh egg,fresh adj.新鲜的,Fresh air 新鲜空气 Fresh fruits 新鲜水果 Fresh news 最新的消息 Break fresh ground 做以前从未做过的事情,egg n.鸡蛋,我想要一些鸡蛋。 I want some eggs. Do you want any eggs? Yes,I do. No,I dont. Put all the eggs in one bask

12、et. 冒很大的风险,butter n.黄油(不可数),Do you want any butter? Yes,I do.No,I dont.,Scotch whisky,Scotch whisky 苏格兰威士忌,Scotch skt adj. 苏格兰人的;苏格兰语的,pure adj.纯净的,Puer water.纯净水,honey n.蜂蜜(不可数),He doest want any honey. Honey 亲爱的(Am) He here. honeymoon蜜月,ripe adj.成熟的,A ripe apple. 一个熟苹果。 The time is ripe. 时机成熟了。,ba

13、nana n.香蕉,the ripe bananas 熟香蕉 Do you like bananas? Yes,I do. No,I dont.,jam n.果酱,They dont like jam. Do you want any jam? Yes,I do. No,I dont. Jam n.堵塞 Traffic jam.交通堵塞。,jam,choice adj.上等的,choice apples. 上等的苹果。 Choice n.选择 Make a choice 做决定,做选择,apple n.苹果,There are some apples and an orange in the

14、basket. There is an orange and some apples in the basket. The apple of sbs eye 某人最喜欢的人或物 Her son is the apple of her eye.,wine,beer,wine n.酒(不可数) beer n.啤酒(不可数) blackboard n.黑板,I want some wine. She is drinking beer with her friend. Black tea 红茶,sweet oranges,The orange is very sweet. Sour 酸的 Bitter 苦的 Salty 咸的 Spicy 辣的 Sweet-and-sour 酸甜的,


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