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1、Lesson 8 The best and the worst,形容词和副词的比较级和最高级 1) 单音节词和少数双音节词在词尾加-er, -est,以辅音加-y结尾的词变-y为-i,再加-er,-est,soon later slow heavy nice big small,sooner later slower heavier nicer bigger smaller,the soonest the latest the slowest the heaviest the nicest the biggest the smallest,thinner harder poorer ruder

2、 longer wider larger luckier cleverer younger,thin hard poor rude long wide large lucky clever young,the thinest the hardest the poorest the rudest the longest the widest the largest the luckiest the cleverest the youngest, 三个或者是三个音节以上(多音节) 比较级的构成 : more+原级 最高级的构成 : the most+原级 beautiful interesting

3、 difficult quickly impotant expensive careless comfortable careful,more beautiful more interesting more difficult more quickly more impotant more expensive more careless more comfortable more careful,the most beautiful the most interesting the most difficult the most quickly the most impotant the mo

4、st expensive the most careless the most comfortable the most careful, 有些构成是不规则的: good/well bad/ill many/much little far old,betterthe best,worsethe worst,more the most,less the least,farther the farthest further the furthest,olderthe oldest elder the eldest,【New words and expressions】 competition n.

5、 比赛,竞赛 (暗地里的竞争), neat adj. 整齐的, 整洁的,井井有条 path n.小路,小径 wooden adj. 木头的 pool n. 水池(人工的),neat paths,a wooden bridge over a pool,Joe Sanders garden,Bill Friths garden,The Nicest Garden Competition,Joe Sander,Bill Frith,Myself,Bill Friths garden is larger than Joes.,Joes,Bills,Bill works harder than Joe.

6、Bill grows more flowers and vegetables than Joe.,Bills,Bills,Joes,Joes garden is more interesting than Bills.,I like gardens too,but I do not like hard work.,Mine,I always win a little prize for,the worst garden in the town!,Joe Sanders has the most beautiful garden in our town. Nearly everybody ent

7、ers for The Nicest Garden Competition each year, but Joe wins every time. Bill Friths garden is larger than Joes. Bill works harder than Joe and grows more flowers and vegetables, but Joes garden is more interesting.,He has made neat paths and has built a wooden bridge over a pool. I like gardens to

8、o, but I do not like hard work. Every year I enter for the garden competition too, and I always win a little prize for the worst garden in the town!,1. Summary writing 摘要写作 回答下列问题,将答案组成一个段落,不要超过45个单词。 1 Who has the best garden in town? 2 What does he win each year? 3 Who else has a fine garden? 4 Is

9、 Joes better or not? 5 Is the writers garden beautiful,or is it terrible? 6 What does he always win a prize for?,Key to Summary writing Joe Sanders has the best garden in town. He wins The Nicest Garden Competition each year.Bill Frith also has a fine garden. Joes is better. The writers garden is te

10、rrible. He always wins a prize for the worst garden in the town.,P42 练习D 用of 或 in 填空 1 Which is the longest river the world? 2 This is the finest picture them all. 3 This stereo is most expensive all the ones in the shop . 4 He is the best boxer our town.,in,of,of,in,【Special Difficulties】 a every构成

11、的合成词 every和one,body,thing可以构成复合不定代词everyone,everybody,everything。 Everyone和everybody一般可以替换使用,后面的代词既可以用单数,也可以用复数,但它们本身均被视为单数。 Everyone/Everybody knows what he has to do. =Everyone/Everybody knows what they have to do. 每个人都知道自己必须做什么。,Everything is going well. 一切都很顺利。 each和every均可译为“每一个”,两者常可互换。every只能

12、是形容词性,强调整体,常用来指一个大的、不确定的数目,不能直接做主语;each既可作形容词,又可作代词,强调个体,常用以一个确定的并通常是有限的数目,在作代词时,直接作主语或宾语,使用第三人称单数,Every/Each time I wash the car it rains. 练习 选择动词的正确形式 1 Everybody (believe)(believes) he will win. 2 I heard a noise and went downstairs. I found that everything (were)(was) in order. 3 Everyone (try)(

13、tries) to earn more and work less.,Enter and Enter for enter vt.&vi. 进入enter+地点名词 Always knock on the door before you enter. vt.&vi. 参加,加入 Weve entered into an agreement. 我们已达成一项协议。 He soon entered their conversation.,enter for+表示比赛、竞赛、考试的名词 报名参加, 强调报名 enter for the exam She entered (her name/hersel

14、f) for the mathematics competition. 她报名参加数学竞赛。 take part in 真正的参加,练习 必要时填上for 1 He is very ill. No one is allowed to enter his room. 2 Will you enter this weeks crossword competition. 3 Many athletes have entered the Olympic Games this year. 4 No one saw the thief when he entered the building. 5 I have entered the examination but I dont want to take it.,for,for,for,不填,不填,


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