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1、成长的烦恼英文作文篇一:成长的烦恼英文作文400字 Growing Pains In Memory of the Past Days Looking into the mirror, the man there is no longer that little boy singing and laughing all day long with his treasured toys. Instead, there stand a man who is legally an adult, though he is still immature and sentimental. People sa

2、y youth is the most precious and the most brilliant in our long period of life, and I agree with it. We are strong in body, quick in mind, we are always full of passion, energetic and high spirited. Youth is the sun in the morning and the rainbow in the sky. We have grown up, suddenly. Looking back

3、of the old days, it seems being a college student can be so cool and so pleasing, no more homework waste your time, no more criticism spoil your mood, no more ignore let you down. We can find our own way and go on it without interference, we can do whatever we want and achieve whatever we have dream

4、t. But gone with it, are our indelible years, sweet and sour, worth remembering and unforgettable. Still remember the days when dad, mom and I sit around the table, talking about all kinds of things, about happiness and sorrows, about dream and wishes. Every time I am happy and excited, there are mo

5、m and dad with whom I can share the joy. Every time I am upset and distressed, there are mom and dad who smile at me andfuel me the power to go forward. Every time I achieve my little success, its them who encourage me and tell me “carry on”. Every time I put my foot wrong, its them who pull me back

6、 and guide me the right way. Still remember the days being crazy with best friend, chasing around on the playground, skipping class to a long waited movie, playing an innocent prank on someone the simple, pure and treasured friendship started to grow in that infancy heart. Still remember giving the

7、gift to that girl I love. Though dont know what love is and means. Its like magic which attract you and let you forget all the sorrows and sadness. Seeing her smile became the best time life cant be replaced. Days are gone. No more stupid, no more spoil, no more kidding, its our turn to strive and f

8、ight for our dream. Little bit perplexed, little bit nervous and little bit excited, not sure what life is in store of me, but not afraid, not regret, not sad. I will keep going and never give up.篇二:成长的烦恼作文开头 作文开头 1、踏过如歌的花季,走过如诗的雨季,忽然发现:以前的欢笑和悲伤,都已悄然放在旧时的枕边,孩提时眼中瑰丽的红霞,被晚归的大雁带走,眼中少了些顽皮天真的光彩。不知什么时候起曾经

9、的琴棋书画、风花雪月已变成了柴米油盐、前程仕途,对于以前口中吟诵着的“夕阳无限好,只是近黄昏”,现在看来不过是强说愁而赋的新词墨了。然而,成长的代价却带给了我许多真实的烦恼 2、随着岁月的流逝,年龄的增长,我的烦恼似乎日亦增多,压得我喘不过气来,最大的烦恼就是爸爸那喋喋不休的唠叨。 3、我喜欢看晴朗的天空,湛蓝而纯净。不知何时,我成长的天空却有了一片阴霾,变的灰蒙蒙的,我想那叫烦恼吧。 4、深夜,万籁俱寂,偶尔闻听一些虫鸟残声,孤寂的心更增几分凄凉。飘渺的空中,星星若隐若现,皎洁的明月时儿被丝丝云儿遮住,此时夜阑人静,而我却睡意全无。 5、成长是一枝美丽的花朵,而烦恼就是小小的蚜虫,无情地吞噬

10、着我们的快乐生活。6、告别了幼稚,告别了天真,迈进了初中的大门。原来我们早已失去了游戏、玩耍的权利,失去了院子里的快乐与笑声,只留下了一束束昏沉的灯光,陪伴着本子上的龙飞凤舞的钢笔字,以及浅浅的“沙沙”声.篇三:英语作文范文及翻译系列3 英语作文范文及翻译系列3 一中英语作文经典范文一: In work hard learning, the library is a good place, I study it brings me a lot of knowledge. For every class often in and out of the library I; Selected fo

11、r the volunteers by the teacher, in the heart very happy, because finally had a chance to service for people! When a small volunteers on the first day, class library all things for me; Is a question mark, for others, photocopies accidentally! A wrong button, the paper places appeared a piece of data

12、 only a quarter of the paper, I have to pay.Sacrifice lunch break I went to the library work, the more cautious to fill a book, seeing so many tattered book, thinking “can have such a good study environment, dont cherish” an angry heart. One day, after finishing the book, see a man in the book, a st

13、epped forward to wanted to scold him a lesson, but the thought of Confucius said: “the way of administration, together with punishment, people free and shameless. Virtue, together with the ritual, shame and.” Im not angry, had to use moral to persuade him, and when no ones in, also wont destroy the

14、book. Busy, the teacher also told us to read, to gain understanding. When moving the heavy book, in fact, think about it, this will not only help the teacher save trouble, also enhance their own strength, every second, why not? As the young volunteers, I though a little tired, but for the teacher to

15、 share many things; I am also very happy, because “help others for pleasure this!” 翻译: 在功课繁重的学习中,图书馆是我进修的好场所,它带给我许多知识。因每天下课常出入图书馆的我;被老师选为小志愿者,心中无比的高兴,因为终于有机会替大众服务了! 当上小志愿者的第一节下课,图书馆一切的事物对我来说;都是一个问号,替别人影印资料时,一不小心!按错一个钮,出纸的地方出现了一张只有资料四分之一的纸,使我得自己掏腰包了。 牺牲午休时间 去图书馆工作的我,更加谨慎的补书,眼见这么多破烂的书,心想“能有这么好的读书环境,竟然

16、不好好珍惜”心中一股气愤涌上心头。一天,在整理书时,见到了 一位在破坏书的人,走上前去原想臭骂他一顿,但一想到孔子说:“道之以政,齐之以刑,民免而无耻。道之以德,齐之以礼,有耻且格。”我也不生气了,只好用 道德来规劝他,才能在没人的时候,也不会再破坏书。 忙碌之余,老师也叫我们看书,以增广见闻。在搬那沉重的书时,其实,想想看,这不但帮老师省麻烦,也增强自己的体力,一举二得,有何不可呢? 身为小志愿者的我,虽然累了一点儿,但替老师分担了许多事物;我也很快乐,因为“助人为快乐之本”呀! 一中英语作文经典范文二: Everyone in the path of growth, must through all kinds of test. Some people own learning is not ideal, some bad for your skin and worry, and some to get


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