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1、学习资料收集于网络,仅供参考 学习资料 2020 年山东省高考模拟考试英语听力(第一次) 仅供参考 答案: 1-5 ACBCB 6-10 ACBCC 11-15ABABA 16-20CBBCA 第一节 1. 发生什么 (4:00-4:08) M: Now what? I couldn t get back into my apartment and had to stay in the hotel last night. (4:09-4:10) W: How did that happen? Did you l ose your keys? (4:11-4:16) M: No, I left

2、them in my apartment and my wife was on a business trip. 2.地点 (4:28-4:35) M: Wow! So many choices and so many peopl e! So, what kind of film do you want to see ? (4:36-4:38) W: It s up to you, but nothing too violent pl ease. 3.不喜欢什么 (4:50-4:53) M: How was your trip to Lond on? (4:53-5:04) W: It was

3、 fantastic! I visited a lot of places, churches, museums and royal palaces. And the weather was fine, horrible traffic though. 4.时间 (5:16-5:20) W: How much time d o we have before the conference? We don t have to hurry, do we? (5:21-5:28) M: Don t worry. It s 7:30 now. We still have an hour and a ha

4、lf. It takes only 30 minutes to get there. 5.谈话的内容 (5:41-5:44) M: Did you see Ann in the office this morning? (5:44-5:47) W: Yes, but why did she have such a long face ? (5:48-5:51) M: I m not sure. I heard she failed to get promoted. 学习资料收集于网络,仅供参考 学习资料 第二节 材料 6 (7:13-7:15) M: What about the proble

5、ms I ve been having? (7:16-7:20) W: Not serious. Take some medicine and you ll get a better night sleep. (7:21-7:23) M: Thank you! How shoul d I take the medicine? (7:24-7:27) W: Take one pill about 30 minutes before you go to bed. (7:27-7:28) M: How l ong should I take them? (7:29-7:30) W: 30 days.

6、 (7:30-7:32) M: Is there anything I can d o? (7:33-7:35) W: Don t worry so much about things at work. (7:35-7:37) M: Should I stay at home from work? (7:37-7:41) W: No, it s not necessary. Just remember to stay calm . 材料 7 (8:54-8:55) W: You re late! (8:56-9:00) M: Yes, I m really sorry! I have to w

7、ait for ages for the bus. (9:01-9:02) W: Why didn t you drive? (9:03-9:05) M: Uh, well, I ve sold my car. (9:06-9:07) W: Oh! Are you getting a new one? (9:07-9:12) M: No, I m not getting another car. I ve decided to live without one. (9:12-9:14) W: Wow! What mad e you do that? (9:14-9:19) M: I think

8、 there are too many cars and this town is already far too polluted . (9:20-9:22) W: Well, that s true, but a car is useful. (9:23-9:30) M: I dontthink so, not in the city center. Anyway, I can never find anywhere to park. And you spend most of the time sitting in traffic jams. (9:31-9:33) W: But how

9、 are you going to get to work? (9:34-9:36) M: I m thinking of getting a bicycl e. (9:36-9:38) W: Don t you think bicycl es are dangerous? (9:39-9:42) M: Not really. I d on t think they are as dangerous as cars. (9:43-9:47) W: Well, I couldn t do without my car. I have to take the children to school

10、every day . 学习资料收集于网络,仅供参考 学习资料 (9:48-9:53) M: I d on t think children get enough exercise these days. They should walk to school. (9:54-9:56) W: OK. I see what you mean. 材料 8 (11:47-11:49) M: Hey, Heather! Can I sit here? (11:49-11:52) W: Yeah, Sure, Jonathan. How is your day? (11:53-11:56) M: Good

11、! Say, are you planning your summer travels? (11:47-12:02) W: Well, not yet. I was just reading a story about this woman, Ellen Wilson, who climbed up Mount Qomolangma. (12:03-12:14) M: Yeah. I read that too. A rather extraordinary experience, isn t it? 96 days! She is actually a graduate of our col

12、lege, class of 2012. (12:14-12:19) W: Oh! Really? So, Jonathan, what amazing thing have you done? (12:20-12:22) M: Well, I just went cycling across South America. (12:23-12:24) W: You didn t! (12:24-12:39) M: I did! Just last year, before I entered the graduate school, it was such a brilliant time.

13、Four months on the road enjoyed the wonderful scenery in the country, in towns and in cities all along the way. I got a bit tired, though. (12:39-12:48) W: Sounds great! Um, Maybe I shoul d think seriously about my big life adventure, like taking a long walk across a national park. (12:49-12:52) M:

14、Wow! Let me know if you need someone to go with you. 材料 9 (14:53-14:56) W: Hi, Matt! May I ask you a few questions? (14:56-14:59) M: Certainly, Julian. What d o you want to know? (15:00-15:07) W: I m doing a study on the spending habits of students in our school. I m writing a paper for my social st

15、udy s course . (15:07-15:09) M: That sounds interesting. (15:07-15:12) W: To begin with, how much money d o you get from your parents a month? (15:13-15:15) M: I get about 500 d ollars. 学习资料收集于网络,仅供参考 学习资料 (15:16-15:17) W: How d o you spend your money? (15:17-15:22) M: I spend about 300 dollars on f

16、ood. You know how I like to eat! (15:22-15:24) W: Yes! What about the rest of the money? (15:25-15:39) M: Well, I spend on shows about 30 d ollars a month. Games, um, for rental of tennis court and balls about 50 dollars . I do spend some on things like reading materials, and the rest I save. (15:40-15:41) W: What about cl othes? (15:41-15:43) M: My mother buys them for me. (15:44-15:45) W: Tha


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