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1、小学三年级下册英语试题一. 你能写出下面字母的大小写吗?15分B M W V E Q_G T t_d_ fhi y_n二. 根据汉语提示,补全单词。12分Ch ese语文 sp t运动 t let洗手间 sci ce科学 m ths 数学 E lish 英语 f st第一 sec d第二 th d 第三 lib ry 图书馆 s hool 学校 cl ssroom教室三. 单项选择。20分( ) 1、what are you going _after school?A to do B、doing C、do( ) 2、Whats name?A、you B、my C、your( ) 3、_ you

2、 have a music room?Yes, we do.A、Can B、Do C、Is( ) 4、_ Thursdays English class, we play English games.A、on B、in C、at( ) 5、_ Thursday, we sing and dance.A、on B、in C、at( ) 6、where is your mother?She is in the_A、swim B、study C、ride( ) 7、How are you ?A、Hello B、Fine, thanks C、Hi( ) 8、_ does your sister loo

3、k like?A、what B、why C、where( ) 9、Whatis your _ doing?She is watering the plants.A、father B、brother C、aunt( ) 10、what is in the living room?There is _A、a TV and a sofa B、two tables C、four chairs四、选出不同类的单词。(12分)( )1. A、mother B、brother C、teacher( )2. A、duck B、desk C、chair( )3. A、plane B、pear C、peach(

4、)4. A、small B、giraffe C、short( )5. A、fifteen B、twelve C、friend( )6. A、bike B、grape C、bus五、选择正确选项,把序号填入括号内。16分( )1.water bottle A 起床( )2.get up B 水瓶( )3.look like C 打扰一下( )4.excuse me D遛狗( )5.walk the dog E 看起来像( )6.in one hour F 听音乐( )7.dining room G 一个小时后( )8.listen to music H 餐厅六、根据所给的情景选出正确的句子。(2

5、0分)( )1、你想知道那个男孩是谁,你应该这样问:A、Whos this boy? B、Whos that boy? C、Whos that girl?( )2、想询问别人小汽车在哪里,应怎样问:A、Wheres my car? B、Wheres my cat? C、This is my car.( )3、如果有人对你说:“Im sorry.”你应该怎么回答:A、Thank you. B、Youre welcome. C、its OK.( )4、你想知道别人在干什么,应该这样问:A、Where are you from? B. what are you doing? C、how old are you?



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