八年级英语上册 Unit 1 Me and My Class Lesson 4 Best Friends学案 (新版)冀教版

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1、Lesson 4 Best Friends科 目英语课题Lesson 4 Best Friends课型新授主备人审核人授课人授课时间学案编号学 习 目 标知识与能力:要求能正确地读出如下单词surprise angrily cheat following embarrassed enemy deal 并要求会拼 过程与方法:通过自主学习完成任务,提出质疑并大胆探究,积极交流,巩固当堂知识,反馈学情。情感态度和价值观:激情投入,大胆展示,为团队增光添彩。 重点: 句型 短语难点: 句型的准确理解和灵活运用学法指导:1. 自主学习,并通过熟读课文独立完成相应练习(30mins.); 2. 课堂探究

2、,针对自主学习过程中的疑难点大胆质疑,教师点拨,学生应完成知识巩固(20mins.); 3. 能力提示与知识拓展,完成相应练习(15mins.); 4. 自主归纳知识点,作好学请反馈(5mins.)。学习流程:自主学习 1. copy ones homework 2.talk to each other3. help each other 4. go to the gym 5. feel awful = feel bad 6. feel embarrassed7. in the following days = in the next days 8. two peas in a pod 9.

3、go ones own way(s) 10.那样的话 11.绝对不行,没门 12.先做他们自己的作业 13.打败/战胜我们的敌人 14.在考试中作弊 15.什么朋友啊? 16. 生气地分手合作探究展示提升A. Sb. spends +time(in)doing sth . = It takes sb. + time to do sth .某人花时间干某事.1. He could spend more time playing basketball. = It could take him more time to play basketball.他能花更多的时间打篮球.2. It takes

4、me 2 hours to do my homework every day. =I _ 2 hours (in) _ my homework every day.3. It took Tom half an hour to finish his homework last night. =Tom _.4. It willtake you3 days to finish reading this novel.=You _.5. He spent half an hour writing the letter yesterday. =It _. 注:Sb. spends money/ time

5、(in) doing sth. = Sb. spends time /money on sth.6. I spent 20 yuan in buying the new hat. = I spent 20 yuan _ the new hat.我花了20元买了那顶新帽子.7. She usually spends much money _ clothes.她常常把大量的钱花在买衣服上.【要点】形容词性的物主代词(my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their)+own , “某人自己的”,表示强调,加强语气.:1.I saw it with my own e

6、yes.那是我亲眼所见.2.He hopes to have _ _ house.他希望有自己的房子.3.we are eating _ _ foods.我们在吃我们自己的食物.4.They cleaned _ _ classrooms. 他们打扫了自己的教室.5.They decided to do _ _ homework first. 他们决定先做各自的作业.6. That afternoon, they parted angrily and went _ _ ways . 当天下午他们生气地分手并分道扬镳了.B. argue with sb. “和争吵” ,come over (to)

7、“过来(到),从远处来到” hold out “伸出.,拿出” makea deal “达成协议,做个交易”1.I want to _ with you.我想和你做个交易.2. They all _ their hands to welcome me just now .刚才他们全都伸出双手欢迎我.3. He _ to China for the summer last year.去年他不远万里来中国度暑假.4.We should help _ and learn from _ from now on .从现在开始我们应互相帮助,互相学习.5. I _ my mother yesterday.

8、昨天我跟妈妈吵架了.【达标测评】翻译 to ones (my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their, Jims)surprise“使某人感到惊奇的是”:1.To _ surprise, he is our teachers husband .让我吃惊的是,他竟然是我们老师的丈夫.2.To _(everybody)surprise, she is very sad today.出乎大家所料,她今天并不开心.3.To the _ surprise, no one said nothing in class .让老师吃惊的是,课堂上人人哑口无言.4. To _

9、 surprise, theysaidokay!让我们吃惊的是,他们同意了.5. To _ great surprise, he won the first prize.使Tom感到十分惊奇的是他得了一等奖.6. But _, Patric didnt agree.但是令他吃惊的是,Patric并不同意。 【拓展延伸】 简单句:只含有一个主谓结构的句子叫简单句.在简单句中主语和谓语是句子的主干,其余部分是枝叶.简单句有五种形式:A.主语不及物动词(SVi) ,叫主谓结构:1.The mancooks.男人做饭。 2.The sunisshiningbrightly.太阳在明亮地照耀着。3.Pa

10、tricdidnt agree. Patric不同意。4.Theytalkedfor half an hour. 他们谈了半个小时。注:在这些句子中,谓语动词都能表达完整的意思,其后不能加_ _,这类动词叫做_ _ _动词,后面可以跟副词、介词短语等做状语。B.主语及物动词宾语(SVtO),叫主谓宾结构:1.Whoknowsthe answer?2.Heenjoysreading.3.The two boysmadea deal. 4.Grantwantedtocopy Patrics homework.注:在这些句子中,谓语动词都具有实义,都是主语发出的动作,但不能表达完整的意思,其后必须跟

11、一个_ _,即动作的承受者,才能使意思完整.这类动词叫做_ _动词.C.主语系动词表语(SVP),叫主系表结构:1.This is an English-Chinese dictionary.2.Patricfeltawful.3.Everythinglooksdifferent.4.The cakesmellsgood.注:在这些句子中,谓语动词都不能表达一个完整的意思,必须加上一个表明主语身份或状态的表语构成复合谓语,才能表达完整的意思.这类动词叫做_ _动词.联系动词除be(am ,is , are, was, were)外,还有look, keep, seem , get, grow,

12、 become, turn等,因为look, keep, seem , get, grow, become, turn等后常跟着_ _词.D.主语及物动词间接宾语直接宾语(SVtIODO),叫做主谓加双宾语结构:1.I wont lendyoumy homework.2.Ishowedhimmy pictures.3.Canyougiveme your eraser?4.I brought youa dictionary.注:在这些句子中,谓语动词必须跟有两个宾语才能表达完整的意思,故这类动词被称作双宾语动词。这两个宾语指人的宾语叫_ _宾语,指物的宾语叫_ _宾语。通常情况下间接宾语在前,直

13、接宾语在后;有时也可把间接宾语置于直接宾语后,此时间接宾语前需加介词for或to。间接宾语后置与for连用的动词有buy, make, draw , get, cook, sing等。例如:Uncle Li bought me a birthday present . =Uncle Li bought a birthday present _ me .间接宾语后置与to连用的动词有show, give, lend, send, pass , bring, take等。例如:Please pass him a cup of tea.= Please pass a cup of tea _ him.注:若直接宾语是人称代词it, them等时,it, them必须置于间接宾语之前。例如:Please give me them.(改错)Please give



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