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1、南京财经大学 硕士学位论文 基于企业家生命周期理论的我国民营企业家成长期研究 姓名:李晓凤 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:企业管理 指导教师:王瑛 2009-01 I 摘 要 经济学家斯蒂格利兹 (经济学) 指出, 发展中国家固然很多经济要素都不足, 但最缺乏的是能够参与市场竞争的企业家及企业家才能。 世界经济发展的历史表 明, 企业家是经济发展的发动机,一国经济的发展有赖于一大批企业家。一旦这 种稀缺的企业家资源逐渐变的短缺时,就会成为制约一国经济持续发展的瓶颈。 因此,我国在建立社会主义市场经济体制的过程中,一个十分重要的任务就是培 育和造就我国的企业家队伍。 近年来, 中国民营企业极大地促进

2、了我国经济发展, 在 G D P 和就业规模上占据着半壁江山,而民营企业家则是企业的中心和灵魂,因 而要更加注重对民营企业家的培育。 但是我国民营企业家由于生存环境及自身素 质,导致民营企业家很难过“成长期”这一门槛,民营企业家成长轨迹呈现“暴 起暴跌”状态,整体企业家生命周期较短,而这一现象必然影响我国经济持续健 康发展,因此本文力图通过对我国民营企业家生命周期中的成长期进行探索,挖 掘民营企业家成长期所需具备的企业家才能及良好的社会环境, 进而寻求确保民 营企业家健康成长的建议与对策,以延长企业家整体生命周期。 首先,本文对企业家及民营企业家定义进行了界定,详细阐述了企业家的核 心素质。进

3、而阐述了企业家生命周期独立于企业生命周期,运用企业家价值把企 业家生命周期划分为四个阶段(步入、成长、成熟、衰退) 。在此基础上,论述 了其中的成长期是企业家生命周期的关键时期,决定着企业家生命周期的形态。 其次,对前人研究的企业家生命周期理论进行补充,采用企业家能力、人格 素质、基础素质(知识、道德)四个纬度来支撑企业家才能,进而制定出了企业 家在成长期的企业家才能。在分析方法上,采用内容分析法,收集了商界杂 志中成长期的相关信息, 对相关信息进行编码, 统计出民营企业家成长期失败率、 成长期的长短及成长期的关键行为。 最后, 通过对顺利渡过成长期的民营企业家和成长期失败的民营企业家的关 键

4、行为及外部环境进行比较分析,论证民营企业家在成长期的企业家才能构成。 同时采用案例分析进一步强化成长期的民营企业家所需才能。 在上述分析的基础 上,提出分别从外界环境和民营企业家自身因素,采取措施以保证民营企业家顺 利渡过成长期,进而延长民营企业家的生命周期。 关键词: 民营企业家;企业家生命周期;企业家才能;社会环境 II ABSTRACT The Economist sterols have said that it is true to the developing country many factor are lacking ,but the entrepreneur that ar

5、e capable of participate in the market competitive are most lacked, in his literature. The entrepreneurs push the economics to advance. The world economic social development has proved that one country s develop to depend on having many entrepreneurs. Once this spared resource gradually to hard up,

6、that will become a bottleneck to restrict the business and economic got to developing. So when we to construct the socialist market economy system, one of most important missions are to train and bring up entrepreneurs of our country. For the past few years the private enterprise developed v ery fas

7、t and it have promoted china economics to developing at last, it occupied half in the GDP and absorbs the people to get a job of our country; the private entrepreneur is the soul and center, so we should pay attention to training them. But recently, the as the living environment and quality of the p

8、rivate entrepreneur, the developing state have become a threshold. The developing orbit of the private entrepreneur appeared a mode that them just recently make a hit and fade away suddenly. So it s must to affect them to healthy growth. This article tries to find the countermeasure for extending th

9、e life of the entrepreneur, by researching the developing state of the private entrepreneur lifecycle. Firstly, this article definite the concept of entrepreneur and entrepreneur of the private, and describe the key quality of the entrepreneur. At the same time elaborate the concept of entrepreneur

10、lifecycle and it s independent to the enterprise. The entrepreneur lifecycle have bend cut four section by the value of the entrepreneur as a criterion .it comprise of entering , developing , developed decline and so on .base on this I think the developing section is the most impotent for the hold l

11、ifecycle. Secondly, use a mold to supplement the theory of entrepreneur Life Cycle of the predecessor. Point out the entrepreneur talent comprise of entrepreneur capability, entrepreneur character logical constitution, the knowledge of entrepreneur, moral quality. And get the mold of competence for

12、developing section .Getting many entrepreneur samples by the Content Analysis in this article .so get the quality that about the lifecycle of these entrepreneurs. Expose the typical lifecycle tendency and the developing section of the private entrepreneurs. End, this article specifically analysis th

13、e key behavior and the living environment III of the private entrepreneurs that pass developing section successfully and the defeated to supply the theory the mold of entrepreneur s talent. Besides, get the manners that how the entrepreneurs to quit. To addition, use a case to proved the what s the

14、quality in the developing section is needed. At last put forward the countermeasure of how to prolong the entrepreneurs lifecycle by two sides about the quality and living environment of private entrepreneurs based on this comparison. KEYWORDS: Private Entrepreneur; Entrepreneur s Lifecycle; Entrepr

15、eneur Talent; Living Environment 学位论文独创性声明 本论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。 论文中除 了特别加以标注和致谢的地方外, 不包含其他人或其它机构已经发表或撰写过的 研究成果。 其他同志对本研究的启发和所做的贡献均已在论文中作了明确的声明 并表示了谢意。 作者签名: 日期: 学位论文使用授权声明 本人完全了解南京财经大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,即:学校有权 保留送交论文的复印件,允许论文被查阅和借阅;学校可以公布论文的全部或部 分内容,可以采用影印、缩印或其它复制手段保存论文。保密的论文在解密后遵 守此规定。 作者签名: 导

16、师签名: 日期: 南京财经大学硕士学位论文 1 第一章绪论 1.1 研究背景及意义研究背景及意义 经济学家斯蒂格利兹在(经济学)中提出,发展中国家固然很多经济要素都 不足,但最缺乏的是能够带领企业参与市场竞争的企业家才能。企业家是经济发 展的发动机,当代世界经济发展的历史表明,一个国家经济的发展有赖于一大批 企业家。一旦这种稀缺的企业家资源逐渐短缺时,就会成为制约一国企业和经济 持续发展的瓶颈。因此,我国在发展社会主义市场经济的过程中,一个十分重要 的任务就是培育和造就中国的企业家队伍, 尤其是民营企业家队伍。 因为近年来, 我国民营企业极大地促进了中国经济发展,在 GDP 和就业规模上占据着半壁江 山,而民营企业家是民营企业的中心和灵魂。但是在目前,由于民营企业家自身 素质及生存环境制约着民营企业家健康成长,民营企业家在成长过程中遭遇失 败,导致生命周期短小,而这一现象


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