七年级下册英语《Unit4 I want to be an actor》教案 人教新目标版

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1、用心 爱心 专心 1浙江省乐清市盐盆一中七年级下册英语Unit4 I want to be an actor教案 人教新目标版Step 1: Introduction and lead-in(新课导入)1.GreetingT: Good morning, class.Ss: Good morning, Miss Guo.T: Whos on duty today? Please come to the platform, and give us your daily report.After the students report, the student ask the other stud

2、ents three questions about the report: What do I do? Where do I study? What do I want to be?(让一位同学上台做值日报告,并问其他同学三个问题,主要是关于职业的,自然地导入新课。 )2. Warm-upT: OK, just now we knew some jobs in that students daily report. As we all know, there are so many jobs in our real life, I guess some of you learned them

3、 when you were in primary schools, can you tell me other kinds of jobs?S1: Teacher.S2: Doctor.S3:Lawyer. T: Oh, you are great.Here are some pictures on the screen, please tell us what they do. Have students say one by one.(让学生踊跃发言,把他们在书本上和网上查找到的职业告诉大家。然后,再猜出电脑屏幕上几种职业。 )Step2: Pair-work.(结对练习)Listen

4、to the recording, number the people (1-3) in the picture, and check the answers.Work with your partners, and make your own conversations about these jobs, you should use these structures: - What does he/she do ?-He/She is a/an (通过听力中的句式进行结对练习,接触并熟悉所学知识点。 )Step3: Listening practice.(听力训练)T: Next, wel

5、l listen to three conversations, listen and number the pictures in 2a and fill in the chart in 2b.Several minutes later.T: Please tell me your answers.用心 爱心 专心 2Ss: The order is: 3, 1, 2 .T: Well done. Lets continue, please answer my questions. What does Tonys father do?S1: Hes a waiter.T: and what

6、does he want to be?S2: He wants to be an actor.(通过听力训练,学习如何询问第三人称的职业;并在巩固所学知识点的基础上学习新的句式,即询问别人理想中的工作, 。 )Step4: Group-work.(小组活动)T: Please work in groups, four students in a group, interview your classmates what they want to be. Later, Ill ask you to come here, and present your conversations. Here a

7、re some props for you. When they discuss, walk around and offer some help. Three minutes later, ask several groups of students to act out their conversations.(进行小组活动,操练重点句型,并且使用了道具,活跃了课堂气氛。 )Step5: Free talk.(自由论坛)T: Now, listen to me carefully. Ill say something about my job, after my finishing, pl

8、ease tell me what I do and where I work, can you?Ss: Yes.T: I work in a middle school, I work with children and books, I like children, I love my job, although its a little tiring sometimes.S1: Youre a teacher, you work in a middle school.T: Yes, youre right. Great!Next, ask five students to the pla

9、tform and introduce themselves by showing the pictures in their hands, other students guess what they do and where they work.(学生上台自述,利用自己所画的图片用英语来描述自己工作的性质,让同学们猜测是什么职业,也可以自由发挥。 )Step6: Practice.(课堂练习)1. Review the jobs we learned today.2. Conversation practice, fill in the blanks.3. Translate these

10、sentences.(复习今天所学的表达职业的英文以及相关的语法练习。 )Step7: Summary.(总结)key words about jobs(重点单词):Teacher, doctor, nurse, police officer, sales assistant, waiter, ect.Important sentences(重点句型):What do you do? What do you want to be?What does he/she do? What does he/she want to be?Where do you work? Where does he/she work?Step8: Homework.(家庭作业)1. Make a survey about your classmates dream jobs.2. Find out other jobs from books and computers as much as possible. 用心 爱心 专心 3(调查你同班同学的理想工作;通过上网或书本查找更多的职业的英语表达式。 )



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