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1、留学英文自我介绍篇一:英文自我介绍留学高中 LETTER OF SELF-RECOMMENDATION I am Duan Zexu. I hope to apply for International Business Management major of your graduate school. I would like to introduce myself first. I finished my undergraduate degree in Yanbian university of JiLin Province which is a key universityin our

2、country. I laid a solid foundation in our school with excellent education quality. My luck is inseparable from my endeavor. The competition for undergraduate school was very fierce at that time. I stood out from numerous students and outstandingly finished the first challenge of my life. At present,

3、 I have made good preparation for another challenge. That is to enter my ideal graduate school to study the major that I long for. I have been longing to studying further in the Netherlands which inexplicably left me a favorable impression. In order to achieve my goal, I am strict with myself. In my

4、 university stage, in addition to finishing the study school assigned, I paid special attention to two things: the news about the Netherlands and information about business management. At that time, I always edited and stuck the content of the two aspects to a big notebook. Students made fun of me,

5、but I knew it was not a joke nor momentary impulse but my plan and choice for the future. Everyone pays attention to something. I have been a person who takes study as the main part of my life. I feel that there is a kind of strength which drives me to persist in my dream and strive towards it. My s

6、trong interest in business management derives from my character and specialties. I have become a person who likes sorting out materials and is good at summarizing and researching. My father asked what I would like to do in the future. At that time, I told him that I wanted to engage in work involvin

7、g communication skill, organization and management ability instead of some simple and easy work. I hope to study new knowledge and constantly improve myself in work and study. Gradually, I found that business management can fulfill my desires. I apply for your graduate school not only for my future

8、work which is really an important part of my life but also for the learning process. It will be the greatest happiness for me if I can study my favorite major in the city I long to be in. After eiching my processional knowledge and realizing my ideal, I will fully apply my learned knowledge to work.

9、 I hope to make some achievements in the future. I believe that the distance between dream and reality and personal endeavor vary inversely. I am willing to try my best to narrow the distance between dream and reality. The Netherlands is remote as well as close. It is remote as I havenever been to i

10、t. It is close as I am quite familiar with it. At last, thanks for your reading. ApplicantOctober 29, 2020篇二:【留学生求职】1分钟英文自我介绍,10句模板让你脱颖而出 【留学生求职】1分钟英文自我介绍,10句模板让你脱颖而出 在你没有什么面试经验的时候,这可能是你最容易忽略、但或许也是最重要的问题:“ 请做一个1分钟英文自我介绍吧。”你是不是郁闷面试时为什么总被HR给刷掉呢?很有可能从自我介绍开始就有问题了! “对于第一印象,你永远没有第二次机会。”对大多数面试来说,情况就是如此。 许多

11、专业人士曾介绍过,面试的“最初5分钟”将起到什么样的作用。在这5分钟时间里,面试官会做出初步评判,而剩余时间只是为了验证这样的评判。 如果他们喜欢你,他们将会寻找更多原因强化这样的好印象。而如果他们不喜欢你的自我介绍方式,那么面试实际上就已经结束,他们在剩余时间里所想的只是如何拒绝你。 “ 请做一个1分钟英文自我介绍吧。” 在准备好下面的10句经典答案之前,请注意答案背后的两个基本要素: 媒介即讯息。面试官其实并不在意你的内容,他更在乎的是在你回答过程中展现出来的个性、信心和热情。 速度是很重要的一个因素。在你回答问题的过程中,最可能犯得一个错误就是不够流利,回答时容易吞吞吐吐,这是自我意识和

12、自信心不够的表现。 下次你面对这样一个问题时,请尝试以下方式: “ I can summarize who I am in three words. ” “我的性格可以用三个词来总结。” 这样能快速抓住他们的注意力,而且展示了你简洁、 富有创造性和令人信服的能力。 “ The quotation I live my life by is? ” “我人生的格言是.” 证明你是一个非常上进的人,也表明你激励自己的能力。 “My personal philosophy is?” “我的个人哲学是.” 这样的回答表明你的立场,不仅仅是一名雇员,还是一名思想家。 “People who know me

13、best say that Im?” “在最了解我的人的心中,我是?” 这样的回答反应你自我意识水平。 “Well, I googled myself this morning, and heres what I found?”“嗯,今天早上,我在谷歌里搜索了一下我自己。下面是Google中呈现出来的?” 这样的回答能让人觉得你很专业,并且非常幽默,同时也会给人留下深刻的影响。 “My passion is?” “我的热情在于?” 人们不在乎你做什么人们关心你是谁,你热爱的是什么。 “When I was seven years old, I always wanted to be?” “七岁

14、的时候,我总是想要?” 这样的回答表明你一直在准备这份工作,你很有规划性,而不是头脑一热来应聘这份工作的。 “If Hollywood made a moive about my life, it would be called?” “如果好莱坞要拍摄一部关于我生活的电影,它会被称为?” 这样的回答充满趣味性和娱乐性。 “Can I show you, instead of tell you?” “我可以展示给你看,而不仅仅是告诉你吗?” 然后,从口袋里拿出一样能代表你的东西。这样的回答谁能抗拒呢,谁能忘怀呢? “The compliment people give me most frequ

15、ently is?” “人们称赞我最多的词是?” 这样的回答充分展现出来了你重视反馈和自我形象。 请牢记这些例子只是冰山一角,快速流利的回答以及充满趣味性的答案能够打破以往的思维定式。 当然,这样的答案有着相应风险,结合你自己的特征,就能让那些颇显厌倦的面试官耳目一新,感慨:“哇 !这是整天听到的最好的答案!”篇三:英文面试自我介绍vs留学 Mature, dynamic and honest思想成熟、精明能干、为人诚实。 Excellent ability of systematical management有极强的系统管理能力。 Ability to work independent1y,

16、 mature and resourceful. 能够独立工作、思想成熟、应变能力强。 A person with ability plus flexibility should apply. 需要有能力及适应力强的人。 A stable personality and high sense of responsibility are desirable. 个性稳重、具高度责任感。 Work well with a multi-cultural and diverse work force. 能够在不同文化和工作人员的背景下出 色地工作。 Bright,aggressive applicants. 反应快、有进取心的应聘者。 Ambitious attitude ess



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