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1、2015 年 6 月英语四级考试真题及答 案(卷一完整版) 2015 年 6 月英语四级考试真题及答 案(卷一完整版) 范文:范文: Writing:家长角色Writing:家长角色 There are several possible reasons accountable for this phenomenon(中心句). To begin with, family in growing numbers has only one child; therefore, parents oftentimes focus all their attentions on that child and

2、 exert much pressure on him or her(原因一). Moreover, numerous parents intend to realize their unfulfilled dreams by letting their children learn what they failed to learn and apply for the college by which they failed to be accepted, because they have become richer and they believe that they have the

3、power to make what they wanted and want come true now(原因二). For instance, my uncle used to be a poor man and his dream that one day he would become a violinist was broken because of lack of money. But he made a fortune by selling coals, and then forced his son, my younger brother to practice playing

4、 violin. My brother was a huge fan of sports, but now he has to play violin everyday unwillingly and ofter quarrels with their parents(举例:原来-然后-结局). To sum up, it is unreasonable for parents to control their childrens life(总结句). In order to help them grow happily and healthily, parents are supposed

5、to communicate with their kids about what they are really interested in(建议一,目的 句型). Meanwhile, it is about time that parents let their kids make their own choices(建议二,“是时候”句型). Only in these ways will children grow in a psychologically happy environment and realize their own dreams. 短对话原文(周祖骏)短对话原文(

6、周祖骏) 1 W: I am going to give up playing chess, I lost again today. M: Just because you lost? Is that any reason to quit? Q: What does the man imply? 2 M: Do you know Shirleys new address? Shes got some mail here and Id like to fold it to her. W: Well, weve not been in touch for quit a while. Lets se

7、e, Marry should know it? Q: What does the women mean? 3. W: I missed the classes this morning could you please lent me your notes? M: My notes? Youve never seem my hand writing, have you? Q: What does the man imply? 4. M: I am taking my girlfriend to the fancy new restaurant for her birthday tonight

8、. W: I went there last weekend and I found it rather disappointing. Q: What does the women mean? 5. W: Winter is over at last, time to put away my gloves and boots. M: I ve been waiting for this for months. Q: What does the man mean? 6. W: Thank you for bringing the books back. M: I thought you need

9、 them over the weekend, many thanks for let me use them. Q: What do we learn from conversation? 7. W: Are you working flexible hours? M: No I am not, The weather today is so nice, so I decided to walk to work and that meant I have to leave an hour earlier than usual. Q: What does the man decide to d

10、o? 8. W: Our plane has been circling for a long time, we could delay. M: The airport was closed for a while this morning and things are still not back to normal. Q: What does the man mean? 短对话答案解析(孙祥喆) 短对话答案解析(孙祥喆) 【总评】 : 8 个短对话总体来说比以往四级听力要难, 但是考察水平令人叹服。 题目的设置一改往年的模式化语境, 更加委婉、 微妙, 贴近真实生活中的语境, 选项并不是对

11、原文的简单重现而是替换与推理。 1. 考点:推理判断 答案:A. The woman should go on playing chess. 本题的关键在于听懂反问语气反问语气。女士说因为又输了棋,所以打算放弃。男士没 有正面回应,而是反问了一句:“Is that any reason to quit? 这能算一个放弃 的理由吗?”言下之意就是不该放弃。换句话说,男士就是建议女士继续好好 继续下棋。 2. 考点:细节捕捉。 答案:D. Mary probably knows Sallys new address. 本题的关键在于听到最后一句“Mary should know it. ”男士说自

12、己手边有一堆 Sally 的信件需要寄给她,所以需要知道她的地址。女士说自己很久没跟 Sally 联系了,但是结尾说了一句:“Mary 应该知道地址。”如果没有听出结尾一句 的反转含义反转含义,本题很容易错选。 3. 考点:推理判断 答案:B. His notes are not easy to read. 本题的关键在于听懂反义疑问句反义疑问句。女士想要借笔记,男士说:“Youve never see my handwriting, have you?”“你从没看过我的笔迹吧?”言下之意, 就是自 己的笔记难以辨认。 4. 考点:推理判断 答案:D. The man had better c

13、hoose another restaurant. 本题的关键在于听懂否定语气否定语气。 男士说我今晚要带女朋友去新开的漂亮饭店过 生日。女士说我上周去过,太让我失望了。从 “rather disappointing” 可以听 出女士的强烈否定语气,言下之意就是建议男士不要去这家饭馆了。 5. 考点:推理判断 答案:C. He has been looking forward to spring. 本题在于听懂期待语气期待语气。本题首先听到女士开头说的:“冬天终于结束了。”和 男士结尾说:“我等了好几个月了啊。”有所期待才会愿意等待,显然是男士希 望冬天快点结束,春天快点到来。 6. 考点:细

14、节捕捉 答案:B. The man appreciates the womans help. 本题关键在于听懂感谢语气感谢语气。男士说:“Many thanks for letting me use them.”(太感谢你让我看他们了。)thank Many thanks 和选项中的 appreciate 为同义词。 7. 考点:细节捕捉 答案:B. Go to work on foot. 本题的关键在于捕捉否定词之后被突出的信息否定词之后被突出的信息。男士提到的“walk to work”和 选项中的 Go on foot. 为同义表达。 8. 细节捕捉 答案:A. Temporary cl

15、osing has disturbed the airports operation. 本题考察的是一组明显的因果关系因果关系,即什么导致了延误。男士提到今早机场关 闭了一段时间了,而且仍然没恢复正常。“closed for a while”与选项中的 Temporary closing 构成同义替换。 长对话(周祖骏)长对话(周祖骏) 点评:今年听力长对话的选材还是来自于我们熟悉的工作场景的解决问题和个 人访谈;长对话的逻辑非常清晰,采取问答形式,一人主导提问,一人主导回 答。如果能够把握好问题是考题,回答是答案这一基本原则,长对话答题应该 是不难的。而且选项和原文一遍是原文重现,即听到什么

16、选什么即可。 点评:今年听力长对话的选材还是来自于我们熟悉的工作场景的解决问题和个 人访谈;长对话的逻辑非常清晰,采取问答形式,一人主导提问,一人主导回 答。如果能够把握好问题是考题,回答是答案这一基本原则,长对话答题应该 是不难的。而且选项和原文一遍是原文重现,即听到什么选什么即可。 Conversation 1Conversation 1 W: Morning, this is TGC! M: Good morning, Walter Barry here, calling from London. Could I speak to Mr. Grand, please? W: Whos calling, please? M: Walter Barry, from London. W: What is it about, please?问题是考题 M: Well, I understand that your company has a chemical processing plant.Well, I und



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