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1、广西北流市实验中学2019-2020学年高一英语下学期午测(6.6)一,请根据汉语提示完成下列词块或短句。1. _in space存在于太空2. _into a truck撞上一辆卡车3. _on the surface of the water漂浮在水面上4. _out my tooth拔掉我的牙齿5. _of flowers / work一大堆的花 / 工作6. the law of conservation of_质量守恒定律7. in the cold_在寒冷的气候条件下8. climb out of the_爬出宇宙飞船9. create a comfortable_创造一种舒适的气

2、氛10. more than one _dollars 十亿多美元二,在空格处填入括号内单词的正确形式。1. They are_ (violent) opposed to the idea.2. _(fundamental), there are two different approaches to the problem.3. He claims television violence is_(harm) to children.4. He patted me_(gentle) on the back.5. These findings have both_(theory) and pra

3、ctical applications.6. He designs to become a_(physic).7. He wished to be an_(astronomy) when he was a child.三,根据汉语提示翻译或完成下列词组、语块或短句。1. _既然 2. _轮到某人;接着3. _pickpockets 提防扒手 4. _a baby boy 生了一个男孩5. _the light 挡住光线6. I immediately_. 我立刻振奋起来。7. be_ to catch the train 及时赶上那趟火车8. _air_ being polluted 防止空气

4、污染9. The hen_. 母鸡下了三个蛋。10. A fight _ just now. 刚才爆发了一场打斗。四,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。1. It was not_(immediate) obvious that water was to be fundamental _ the development of life. 水会对生命的发展起关键作用,这一点在当时并不太明显。2. This produced a chain reaction, which made_ possible for life to begin to develop. 这引起连锁反应,使得

5、生命开始发展成为可能。3. When we get closer _the moon, we shall feel its gravity _(pull) us, but it will not be as strong a pull_ _the earths. 当我们更接近月球时,就会感到月球的引力在拉我们。但是,月球的引力不像地球的引力那么大。4. So whether life will continue on the earth _millions of years to come will depend on_ this problem can _(solve).所以,在未来的数百万

6、年中,生命能否在地球上延续取决于这个问题能否得到解决。5. As_ result of this, many scientists believe that the earth may become _hot to live _.因此,许多科学家认为地球可能会变得太热而不适合生物生存。(6月6日午测)答案一 1. exist 2. crash 3. float 4. pull 5. masses / lots 6. mass 7. climate 8. spaceship 9. atmosphere 10. billion 二 1. violently修饰谓语用副词。2. Fundamenta

7、lly修饰整个句子用副词。3. harmful作定语用形容词。4. gently修饰动词用副词。5. theoretical作定语用形容词,与practical并列。6. physicist由句意“他计划成为物理学家”可知,用physicist。7. astronomer由句意“当他是个孩子时,想成为一名天文学家”可知,用astronomer。三 1. now that(=since) 2. in ones turn 3. watch out for 4. give birth to 5. block out 6. cheered up 7. in time (注:be in time to catch the train =be in time for the train) 8. preventfrom 9. laid three eggs 10. broke out四1. immediately; to 2. it 3. to; pulling; as 4. for; whether; be solved 5. a; too; on


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