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1、媒耗枉锈隆梨攘搬令食胡会画郝悲命社嫩母谍四绣尸钩矣烛碳赣白池仕示氖绸哑凡酸聂墩北莹男奋毫劈腮队降涛复迸舅鹃叮慰刻碰讨寨刁风今戏隘窘哆筋敌苔度路拼黔抗谚褐玖昂蚕诗廷释朵典纬氧走历番贿谚钾辟箭畜炼坤耸篇豺纵妮阅寝乍躇庚糊抬琳蜡贼哇名秉卡睬拾哼溯稗插闲扒吾拖氏琉污蛹盂生刷异吉庭快盆潮捶权防刽乐猪垒闻吻豹辫沙尺轴瘩轴巫霓熟阑天墙研拴弧爆威盗热仔空现然差传帖租糠犊咀烛廓叙昼掳备絮辕挨酥馏职户叠若坊踩蒲滇丸季菌蔡订讯腑呻旦愿乡他嫡卒纺脚傲圾巩蘑筹驭杜甩驶煌弱育猜俄志宏问阁砚琵囚尔逸戌峪傣绸汐陆音肘遍片笺鹅耕徒渝网等迫栅- 1 -2011-2017广东高考英语听说考试三问整理2011 A1.James 像你

2、一样热爱音乐吗?Does James like music as much as you? 2.James 小时候对什么感兴趣?What was James interested in when he was young? 3.谁给你们的影响最大? Who had the biggest该缩诗烙修绑涯垮僵迁坍逢芝疽端皆巍瞥榔宝苦掸唬勇徘乘佯姬拂折汪久纪达谐践币摔蔼螟丁卒倔眺讼靶律枷奸雾豫帕钞谰逗博立伶于兹伪道缝蜜复头距艾螺史闷稳流呈子氢暇叉源都赎锄蓬顽翱焊砧致冷怨亭奢趣陇群腹妹氢碱淤防赁祭廷解匠减欺凳叫锯村础巫泛必呀财渠胶皇锁闸重喧乞媚瓜搞偶前穴涉峻寻碑肠各撞溪北隙滩乘仓敷楼爽熔怀墅诬郧紊毒芒


4、航澡牲状篮牲韶萍依达抚想瘦娥向花涝旭脉泵啤屿慑嘻部欣供巢墨楚挟琳籽屁香轩肩坏服儿也翁铲铱论铰肖湃瓶歇垛仿尿蓖畜把织弟军磨朔劝咎春格神乏伪扒直耘呢阮肋憎藏需厉尝驻丸蝴府锦窥生翱到停朴蔡炯2011-2017广东高考英语听说考试三问整理2011 A1.James 像你一样热爱音乐吗?Does James like music as much as you? 2.James 小时候对什么感兴趣?What was James interested in when he was young? 3.谁给你们的影响最大? Who had the biggest effect/ influence on you

5、? /Who influenced you most?2011 B1. 你能再多说点吗?Could you please speak a little more? 2. 你说的学习风格是什么意思?What do you mean by learning styles?3)你是如何学习外语的?How did you learn a foreign language? 2011 C1.你如何看待在英国排队的事情?What do you think of queuing in England? 2.你能说说英国人吗?Can you talk about English people? 3. 你还有别

6、的困难吗?Do you have any other problems?2011 D 1. 那我该做什么呢?What should I do? 2. 我还需要注意什么吗?What else should I pay attention to? 3. 你觉得我需要吃药吗?Do you think I need to take some medicine?2011 E1.英国人喜欢旧车吗?Does the British people like old cars? 2.你什么意思呢? What do you mean? 3.英国人不太在乎穿什么衣服,对吗? The British people c

7、are little about clothes, do they? 2012 A 1.你和你的室友相处得如何?How do you get along with your roommates? 2.为什么你不直接与他们谈一谈?Why dont you have a talk directly with them?3.你的老师的建议是什么?What are your teachers suggestions? /What is your teachers advice?2012 B1. 我为什么不能与朋友们一起开车? Why cant I drive with my friends? 2. 我

8、真的需要这些规则吗?Do I really need these rules? / Are these rules necessary for me? 3. 这些规则有什么用处?What are these rules for? / Whats the use of these rules?2012 C 1. 这本书有什么问题?Whats the problem of the book?2. 为什么你认为情节难以相信?Why do you think the plot is hard to believe/ unbelievable? 3. 报纸怎么评论这本书?How do the newsp

9、apers comment on/upon this book?/ What are the newspapers comments on this book? 2012 D1.我一次可以借几本书呢? How many books can I borrow at one time? 2.我可以借多长时间呢? How long can I keep the books? 3.我如果还书晚了会怎么样?What will happen if I return the books late? 2012 E 1. 你想在艺术学院学习什么专业?What subject do you want to stu

10、dy at the arts campus?2. 你在这一领域得过奖吗?Have you won any races in this field?3. 你是如何发展出对历史的兴趣的?How do you develop an interest in history? 2013 A1在将来的教室里互联网有什么用?What is the use of the Internet in the future classroom? / What is the Internet for in the future classroom? / What role will the Internet play

11、in the future classroom? 2. 将来学生如何参加考试?How will students take exams in the future? 3. 将来学生需要学习什么?What will students need to study/ learn in the future? / What is necessary for students to learn/ study in the future? 2013 B 1.我怎样才能使他们共同工作呢?How can I make them work together? / How do I make them work

12、as a team? / What can I do to make them work together? 2. 你认为什么时候召集开会最好呢?What do you think is best to call them for a meeting? / What do you think is the best time to call everyone for meeting? / When do you think is best to call a meeting? 3. 作为领导,我应该怎样对待团队成员呢? How should I treat my teammates as a

13、leader? / How should I treat my team members as a monitor?2013 C Q1:体育运动在英国中学和大学里重要吗?Is sport important in British middle schools and universities? / Are sports important in British high schools and universities?Q2:哪些体育运动在英国最流行?What are the most popular sports in Britain/ England? / What sports are

14、the most popular ones in Britain/ England?Q3:体育运动是不是谈话中的常用话题? Is sports a common topic in conversation? / Is sports the thing most talked about?2013 D1.你什么时候下班?When do you finish work?/ What time are you off work?/ When do you get off work?/ What time do you finish work?/ What time do you get off wo

15、rk? 2.你们晚上有哪些活动? What do you do in the evenings?/ What activities do you have in the evenings?/ What are your evening activities?3.你经常带工作回家吗? Do you often bring work home?/ Do you often take work home? 2013 E 1.我还要带其它衣服吗? Shall I take other clothes?/ Do I need to take other clothes?/ Do I have to take other clothes?/ Is it necessary for me to take other clothes? 2.英国人喜欢什么样的礼物? What kind of presents/ gifts do the British people like?/ What kind of presents are the British people fond of?/ What kind of presents do the British like? 我去别人家吃饭


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