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1、2018-2019学年江苏省无锡市梁溪区锡师附小U1-4单元练习卷一、选出下列划线部分读音与其它三个不同的那个选项。( )1.A.star B.hard C.quarter D.park( )2.A.rained B.called C.laughed D.happened( )3.A.listened B.lived C.watched D.used( )4.A.teacher B.her C.worker D.daughter( )5.A.early B.dear C.near D.hear( )6.A.show B.window C.know D.how【答案】1.C2.C3.C4.B5.

2、A6.D【分析】二、中英互译,每空一词1. 外滩附近的一个公园 a _ near the _ 2. 进展顺利 _ _3. 国庆假期前 _ the _ Day _ 4. 穿着纸衣 _ paper _5. 一场时装表演 a _ _ 6. 过去和现在 _ and _7. 喜欢交朋友 _ _ _ 8. 全世界 all _ the _9. 拼写新单词 _ new _ 10. 去博物馆 go to the _11. 十二年前 _ years _ 12. 使用手机 _ a _ _13. call people anywhere _ 14. What happened? _【答案】1. park Bund 2

3、. go well 3. before National holiday 4. wear clothes 5. fashion show 6. then now 7. like making friends 8. over world 9. spell words 10. museum 11. twelve ago 12. use mobile phone 13. 随处打电话给人们 14. 发生了什么?【分析】三、单项选择 _ it often _ in Jiangsu?【A】Does; windy 【B】Is; windy【C】Was; windy【答案】B【分析】_ a lot of ra

4、in in New York.【A】Theres【B】There are【C】There be【答案】A【分析】-What _ Tom wear on the show?-He _ many ring-pull cans(易拉罐).【A】was; were【B】did; wear【C】did; wore【答案】C【分析】My mother often _ dinner for us three years ago.【A】cook【B】cooks【C】cooked【答案】C【分析】Which holiday is not the main school holiday in the UK?【A】

5、The Easter holiday【B】The winter holiday【C】The summer holiday【答案】B【分析】- _ you at home yesterday? -No. I _ to the cinema.【A】Did; went【B】Were; went【C】Were; was【答案】B【分析】My grandpa usually _ letters _ his friends in the past.【A】wrote; for【B】writes; to【C】wrote; to【答案】C【分析】- _ did you get up? -I _ up at se

6、ven.【A】When; got【B】How; got【C】What time; get【答案】A【分析】- _ did you do at Maoye Plaza? -I went _.【A】Where; skating【B】What; skating【C】What; skate【答案】B【分析】Helen _ speak French last year, but now she _ it very well.【A】cant; speak【B】couldnt; speaks【C】could; can speak【答案】B【分析】四、用所给动词的适当形式填空。My friend May _(

7、not like) _(rain) days.【答案】doesnt like; rainy【分析】The weather _(become) snowy. We could _(make) a snowman.【答案】became; make【分析】-Look! Who _ an email in the library?-She is my aunt. She usually _ to her friends. (write)【答案】is writing; writes【分析】The boy _(take) a walk and _(catch) a bee in the garden th

8、is morning.【答案】took; caught【分析】It _(rain) yesterday, so the students _(not go) to the zoo.【答案】rained; didnt go【分析】Miss Li usually _(use) the computer _(teach) us English.【答案】uses; to teach【分析】Tom _(have) five lessons every day when he was at school.【答案】had【分析】There _(be) any honey in the bottle a mo

9、ment ago.【答案】wasnt【分析】五、按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。1. I could draw well ten years ago. (对划线部分提问)_ _ you _ ten years ago?【答案】What could; do【分析】2. It was windy yesterday. (对划线部分提问)What _ the _ like yesterday?【答案】was; weather【分析】3. David read an interesting story in his bedroom. (改为否定句)David _ _ an interesting sto

10、ry in his bedroom.【答案】didnt read【分析】4. Mr Brown bought some fruit for his parents. (改为一般疑问句)_ Mr Brown _ _ fruit for his grandparents?【答案】Did; buy any【分析】5. here, it, in, rain, does, spring, always (?) (连词成句)_【答案】Does it always rain in spring here?【分析】六、根据首字母提示,完成句子。 Mike l in a village(村庄)near LonD

11、on ten years ago.He h a small farm.There w a lot of animals on his farm.He w hard.And he often w letters to his son in LonDon.He missed his son very much. Now he l with his son in LonDon.In the morning he c with his new friends in the park.In the afternoon he w news video on the I .He sometimes s em

12、ails to his friends in the village.【答案】lived;had;were;worked;wrote;lives;chats;watches;internet;sends.【分析】七、根据短文内容判断句子正确与否,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。 Last week ,I went to the cinema.I had a good seat.The film was very interesting.But I didnt enjoy(享受)it.A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me.They were talking loudly.I got very angry.I could not hear the film.I turned round.I looked at them angrily.But they didnt see me.At last I could not hear it.I sa


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