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1、商务英语谈判情景对话 商务英语谈判情景对话是在商务谈判中的一个载体,只有掌握好英语,并且拥有足够的谈判技巧,才能在国际商务谈判中获得足够优势,最后取得谈判的成功。 下面我整理了商务英语谈判情景对话,供你阅读参考。 商务英语谈判情景对话:情景对话 20xx年11月19日 上午11时57分26秒 行至此处,谈判都还算是在和谐的气氛下进行,双方各自寻求获利的方案。但针对技术转移这一项,Robert所提的保证和要求能否消弭Kevin心中的顾虑,而今此谈判终露曙光呢?以下对话即为您揭晓: K: If we transferred our technical and research expertise(

2、技术与研究的专业知识), what would stop you from making th esame product? R: Wed be willing to sign a commitment. Well put it in writing (书面保证)that we wont copycat(仿冒)the Sports Cast within five years after ending our contract. K: Sounds O.K., if its for any similar product. That would give us better protectio

3、n. But wed have to interest on a ten year limit. R: Fine. We have no intention of becoming your competitor. K: Great. Then lets settle the details of the transfer agreement. R: Well need you to send over some key personnel to help us purchase the equipment and train our technical people. How long do

4、 you anticipate that will take? K: A week to put the team together, three weeks to train your people. If so, when do you estimate starting production? R: Our first production run(一批的生产)should be one week after our team finishes its training. But Id like your team to stay a full week after that, to h

5、andle any kitches that pop up(处理突发的事件). K: Can do. Everything seems to be set, Robert. Ill bring in a sample contract tomorrow. If you like, we can sign it then. 商务英语谈判情景对话:实例对话 Botany Bay是家生产高科技医疗用品的公司。其产品病例磁盘可储存个人病例;资料取用方便,真是达到一盘在手,妙用无穷的目的。此产品可广泛使用于医院、养老院、学校等。因此Pacer有意争取该产品软硬件设备的代理权。以下就是Robert与Bot

6、any Bay的代表,Mark Davis,首度会面的情形: M: Mr. Liu, total sales onthe Medic-Disk were U.S.$ 100,000 last year, through our agent in Hong Kong. R: Our research shows most of your sales, are made in the Taipei area. Your agent has only been able to target the Taipei market(把.作为目标市场). M: True, but we are happy

7、with the sales. Its a new product. How could you do better? R: Were already well-established in the medical products business. The Medic-Disk would be a good addition to our product range. M: Can you tell me what your sales have been like in past years? R: In the past three years, our unit sales hav

8、e gone up by 350 percent; profits have gone up almost 400 percent. M: What kind of distribution capabilities(分销能力)do you have? R: We have salespeople in four major areas around the island, selling directly to customers. M: What about your sales? R: In terms of unit sales, 55 percent are still from the Taipei area. The rest comes from the Kaohsiung, Taichung, and Tainan areas. Thats a great deal of untapped market potential(未开发的市场潜力), Mr. Davis.


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