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1、NADCAP 热处理工作组审核手册 发布日期:2013 年 10 月 28 日 目录目录 1. 范围. 3 2. 定义 . 3 3. 依据 Nadcap 审核准则实施审核 . 6 4. 质量体系 . . 21 5. 热处理审核清单. 23 6. 附录 A:铝合金标准. 32 7. 附录 B: 主要客户标准矩阵图. 38 8. 附录 C: 主要客户对保温开始时间与保温时间的定义. 42 9. 附录 D: 审核员公告. 43 9.1 主题. 43 9.1.1 高温测量. 43 9.1.2 工序控制测试. 51 9.1.3 主要客户的关注内容. 53 审核员公告 11-001 HT罗

2、罗公司. 53 9.1.4 作业审核. 59 9.1.5 审核管理. 60 9.1.6 其他内容. 64 10. 附录 E:文件修订历史. 65 1. 范围 This Audit Handbook has been prepared to assist the Heat Treating Auditors and Suppliers as follows: 此审核手册在以下方面给予热处理审核员和供应商相应指导: 1.Where necessary, provide clarification on the intent and rationale of the Heat Treating Ta

3、sk Group as it pertains to specific questions contained in the current revision of AC7102 and its corresponding slash sheets, as well as heat treating specific issues with Materials Testing Laboratories (MTL) checklists commonly used during heat treating audits. 需要时,说明热处理工作组的目的和理论依据。因为这是热处理审核时经常用到的

4、AC7102 标准和其相应斜格表,以及材料实验室(MTL)审核清单所要求的具体内容。 2.Clarify the material to be reviewed in addressing audit questions 在处理审核问题时,应理清评审需要的资料。 3.Standardize the audit from Auditor to Auditor 使每个审核员的审核表标准化。 4.Standardize definitions 使定义标准化 5.Provide general guidance on Task Group expectations as to the Supplier

5、s preparation for an audit and on an auditors execution of the audit 提供以下两方面的通用指南 : 工作组要检查的供应商所作的审核前期准备过程以及审核 员实施审核过程。 6.Provide general information on unique requirements of participating prime contractors to aid the Auditor in determining supplier conformance to customer requirements 提供有关主要客户特殊要求的

6、基本资料以便审核员能够确定供应商是否符合客户要求。 This handbook was prepared to directly reference the most current audit checklist revision. Sections are divided to correspond to audit criteria slash sheets. Current Heat Treating controlled checklists are: 此手册直接引用审核清单的现行有效版本。 各章节也按照审核准则斜格表而划分。 现行有效 的热处理审核清单包括: AC7102 Nadc

7、ap Audit Criteria for Heat Treating Nadcap 热处理审核准则 AC7102/S Nadcap Supplemental Audit Criteria for Heat Treating (Primes specific requirements) Nadcap 热处理审核补充准则(重要客户具体要求) AC7102/1 Nadcap Audit Criteria for Brazing Nadcap 钎焊审核准则 AC7102/2 Nadcap Audit Criteria for Aluminum Heat Treating Nadcap 铝合金热处理审

8、核准则 AC7102/3 Nadcap Audit Criteria for Carburizing Nadcap 渗碳审核准则 AC7102/4 Nadcap Audit Criteria for Gas and/or Ion Nitriding Nadcap 气体和/或离子渗氮审核准则 AC7102/5 Nadcap Audit Criteria for Hardness Testing for Heat Treating Nadcap 热处理硬度试验审核准则 AC7102/6 Nadcap Audit Criteria for Hot Isostatic pressing (HIP) N

9、adcap 热等静压审核准则 AC7102/7 Nadcap Audit Criteria for Induction Hardening Nadcap 电磁感应硬化审核准则 AC7101/3 Nadcap Audit Criteria for Material Testing Laboratories Mechanical Testing Nadcap 材料实验室力学测试审核准则 AC7101/4 Nadcap Audit Criteria for Material Testing Laboratories Metallography and Microindentation Hardnes

10、s Nadcap 材料实验室金相和微型压痕硬度审核准则 AC7110/1 Nadcap Audit Criteria for Brazing (Torch/Induction) Nadcap 钎焊(火焰/电磁感应)审核准则 Additional checklists may be required during an audit (including AQS and/or MTL Task Group checklists). This handbook will not give guidance for questions based on other Task Groups checklists; however, if an interpreta



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