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1、录音文字稿录音文字稿 Model Test One Part Listening Comprehension (35 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions w

2、ill be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the center. 11. W: I waited until 10:20

3、for you. M: I must have arrived 8 minutes after you left. Q: When did the man arrive? 12. M: Where shall we have dinner tonight? Shall we try that Japanese restaurant? W: I cant eat a thing. I feel terrible. My head aches. Q: What will the woman probably do next? 13. M: Could you please tell me what

4、 room Mr. Smith is in? W: Yes, hes in the intensive care unit on the fourth floor. I suggest that you check with the nurses station before going in, though. Q: Where did the conversation most probably take place? 14. W: I dont like this painting very much. M: Neither do I. Q: What does the man mean?

5、 15. M: What do you think of Professor Browns problem? W: The topic was interesting, but the lecture was much more difficult to follow than I had expected. Q: What does the woman say about the lecture? 16. M: Im exhausted. I stayed up the whole night for my final exam. W: But why do you always wait

6、until the last minute? Q: What does the woman mean? 17. M: I would like two tickets for the 9 oclock show this evening. W: Im sorry, Sir. They are sold out. But we have a few left for tomorrow. Q: What do we learn from this conversation? 18. M: What was the weather like when you left London last Tue

7、sday? W: It was very much like the weather here in Beijing. So you neednt take a lot of clothes if you just plan to stay there for a week. Q: What do we learn from the conversation? Now you will hear two long conversations. Conversation One M: What do you plan to do for Christmas? W: No concrete pla

8、n, but I think Ill most likely go skiing in Montana and spend a few days in the mountains doing cross-country skiing. M: I heard you are very good at skiing. Believe it or not, I havent done any skiing in my life. I wish I could ski just like you. W: Yeah, you could if you gave it a shot. You know,

9、skiing is my love and the only reason I like it so much is because it gives me great pleasure to speed through the snow. M: My parents and I vacationed in Montana National Park when I was young and I remembered we had great time going hiking. Now I feel going back again. W: Well, since we have two w

10、eeks break for Christmas, you can spend a few days in Montana and I can give you lessons on skiing. That would give you some basics and hopefully you can ski like a professional in a few days. M: Ski like a professional? No way. Actually, you do have a good point. I could spend some time in Montana

11、and head back home for Christmas. Perhaps you could spend Christmas at my place too. My parents would like to meet you. W: That would be great, since my folks will be in Jamaica for Christmas and New Year. M: Oh, I am anxious to learn how to ski. W: And you can bet I will be a very strict instructor

12、. M: No problem. I have been known to be an excellent student during my school year. W: Well, maybe you wont be this time. M: Really? I am looking forward to it now. W: OK. Then, lets wait and see. Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 19. What are the two speakers ma

13、inly talking about? 20. Why does the woman like skiing so much? 21. When did the man go to the Montana National Park? 22. What will the man do on the vacation? Conversation Two M: Morning, Alice. Still having problems with your faucet? W: No, got that fixed. But I have another headachetrying to make

14、 a decision about credit cards. Well, I need one but which one? M: Yes, that is tricky, especially since the rates are not standard. W: Thats right. What people dont realize is that the credit associations like Visa and Master Card dont issue credit cards or set terms and interest rates individual b

15、anks do. M: So you will need to investigate what interest rates are charged by different issuers. W: Yes, also how the rates are actually calculated, I think. M: Alice, you should remember to ask them what rules you must follow to maintain these rates. If you dont pay off your bill, all new charges

16、will begin rising immediately. W: Yes, thats another problem and banks charge varying amounts for annual membership, late payments and exceeding your credit line. M: You know, I read somewhere that 70% of people with credit cards pay interest on their purchases and only about 21% of the cardholders knew the interest rate they were being charged. Nearly all credit card debt carries an interest rate of 24% or less. W: Wow, I guess I should ask a few hard questions. Questions 23 to 25 are base


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