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1、Lesson 19 Sold out 票已售完The play may begin at any moment, I said.It may have begun already, Susan answered.I hurried to the ticket office. May I have two tickets please? I asked.Im sorry, weve sold out, the girl said.What a pity! Susan exclaimed.Just then, a man hurried to the ticket office.Can I ret

2、urn these two tickets? he asked.Certainly, the girl said.I went back to the ticket office at once.Could I have those two tickets please? I asked.Certainly, the girl said, but theyre for next Wednesdays performance. Do you still want them?I might as well have them, I said sadly.New words and expressi

3、ons 生词和短语hurry v. 匆忙 ticket office 售票处 pity n. 令人遗憾的事exclaim v. 大声说return v. 退回 sadly adv. 悲哀地,丧气地参考译文“剧马上就要开演了,”我说。“也许已经开演了呢,”苏珊回答说。我匆匆赶到售票处,问:“我可以买两张票吗?”“对不起,票已售完。”那位姑娘说。“真可惜!”苏珊大声说。正在这时,一个男子匆匆奔向售票处。“我可以退掉这两张票吗?”他问。“当然可以,”那姑娘说。我马上又回到售票处。“我可以买那两张票吗?”我问。“当然可以,不过这两张票是下星期三的,您是否还要呢?”“我还是买下的好,”我垂头丧气地说。1

4、. Sold out 票已售完sell sel v., n.v. (sold, sold sld ) (opposite: buy bought , bought)1.sth. (to sb.) (at/for sth.) / sb. sth. (at/for sth.) to give sth. to sb. in exchange for money出让;转让:e.g. vn, vnn 我把我的汽车转让给了詹姆斯,获得800英镑。I sold my car to James for 800 pounds. I sold James my car for 800 pounds.vn 他们把公

5、司卖掉,赢了利/赔了钱。They sold the business at a profit/loss (=they gained/lost money when they sold it).v 我们开了好价钱,但他们不卖。We offered them a good price but they wouldnt sell.2. vn to offer sth. for people to buy出售;售卖:e.g. 你这儿卖邮票吗?Do you sell stamps? 出售保险 to sell insurance inurns 3. to be bought by people in th

6、e way or in the numbers mentioned; to be offered at the price mentioned销售得;卖出;售价是:e.g. vn这种杂志一周售出30万册。The magazine sells 300,000 copies a week. sell well畅销 sell badly 滞销 这部戏的票卖得很好/不好。The tickets for the play sold well/badly. The new design just didnt sell (=nobody bought it).新款式无人问津。sell for +价格 以价格

7、出售 sell at +价格 以价格卖出e.g. 这个花瓶至少要卖5000美元。The vase will sell for 5000 dollars at least.今年,洋白菜的价格很高。Cabbage is selling at a high price this year.4. vn sth./yourself (to sb.) to persuade sb. that sth. is a good idea, service, product, etc.; to persuade sb. that you are the right person for a job, positi

8、on, etc.推荐;推销;自荐;自我推销:e.g. 应聘面试的时候,你真得推销你自己。You really have to sell yourself at a job interview.Phr.v. 1. sell sth. off 1) to sell things cheaply because you want to get rid of them or because you need the money甩卖;抛售;变卖(get rid of sb./sth. 摆脱;丢弃;扔掉)2) to sell all or part of an industry, a company or

9、 land出售,卖掉(产业、公司或土地):e.g. 教堂卖掉了那块地皮,用来盖房子了。The Church sold off the land for housing.(house hauz vt.1. 给(某人)提供住处 2.收藏;安置 housing n. 1. u(统称)住房,住宅 2. u 住房供给)2. sell out / be sold out (of tickets for a concert, football game, etc.音乐会、足球赛等的门票) to be all sold售完:e.g.几小时内票就卖光了。The tickets sold out within h

10、ours. 所有的票被卖光了。All the tickets have been sold out.3. sell out (of sth.) / be sold out (of sth.) to have sold all the available items, tickets, etc.售空,卖光(某种商品、门票等);脱销:e.g. 抱歉,我们的面包卖完了。Im sorry, weve sold out of bread.我们卖光了所有的票。Weve sold out of all the tickets.先生,星期天的报纸已经卖完了。We are sold out of Sunday

11、newspapers, sir.seller sel n. 1. a person who sells sth. 卖者;销售者;卖方:opposite: buyer ba e.g. 卖花人 a flower seller这项法律意在保护买卖双方。The law is intended to protect both the buyer and the seller.2.a good, poor, etc. a product that has been sold in the amounts or way mentioned(畅销、滞销等的)商品:e.g. 畅销的商品 a good selle

12、r 滞销的商品 a bad/poor seller 畅销品 a best sellerIDM: a sellers market 卖方市场selling point n. a feature of sth. that makes people want to buy or use it卖点(吸引顾客的产品特色):e.g. 显然,价格低是一大卖点。The price is obviously one of the main selling points.selling price n. 销售价sale seil n. 1. u, c an act or the process of sellin

13、g sth.出售;销售:e.g. 汽车/服装/商品的销售 the sale of cars/clothes/goods2. (sales) pl. the number of items sold销售量3. (sales) u (also sales department c) the part of a company that deals with selling its products销售部4. c an occasion when a shop/store sells its goods at a lower price than usual特价销售;廉价出售;大减价:5. c an

14、 occasion when goods are sold, esp. an auction(:kn n. 拍卖;竞卖;标售)销售活动;(尤指)拍卖IDM:1. for sale available to be bought, esp. from the owner待售;供出售(尤指从主人手里)e.g. 待售的房子 a house for sale 抱歉,这个不卖。Im sorry, its not for sale.2. on sale1) available to be bought, esp. in a shop/store(常用于商店)出售,上市:e.g. 售票处正在售票。Ticket

15、s are on sale from the booking office.新款下月上市。The new model mdl goes on sale next month.2) (esp. AmE) being offered at a reduced price折价销售;减价出售:e.g. 所有商品今明两天降价出售。All goods are on sale today and tomorrow.salesman n. 男售货员;男推销员 e.g. 汽车推销员 a car salesman saleswoman n. 女售货员;女推销员2. The play may begin at any moment, I said. “剧马上就要开演了,”我说。1) may begin 是一种可能性的判断e.g. 客人们马上就要来了。The guests may arrive at any moment. 这天气随时都可能下雨。It may/might rain (at) any moment.must+原形 指比较肯定的判断e.g. 你一定是玛丽,我见过你的照片。You must be Mary. Ive s


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