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1、一: adaptv.适应于, 改编 1:Adapt to 适应:The children are finding it hard to adapt to their new school. 2:Adapt for 为.改装:The cars fuel system was adapted for use with older children. 3:be well adapted to 很好地适应:This kind of flower are well adapted to the winter.二: addv.增加;补充 1:add A to B 把A加到B上:If you add 5 t

2、o 5, you get 10. 2:A add to B A加到B上 : five added to five is/makes 10. 3:add to 增加,增添: The balloons add to the festival atmosphere. 4:add up to 加起来总共:His whole school education added up to no more than 1 year. 5:add up 加起来总共: Add up the numbers, and you will get 1155.三:admitv.承认,供认 1:admit(to)doing s

3、th承认做A quarter of all workers admit to taking off when they are not ill. 2:admit sb to/into 允许进入:Only ticket-holders will be admitted into the stadium. 3:Come on , admit it ! 来吧,快点承认. 4:I must admit I didnt actually do anything to help her. 我必须承认。 5:freely /openly admit :公开承认。 6:admit defeat. 承认失败。四

4、:aid n/v .帮助. 1:in aid of = in order to help 用来帮助:Were collecting money in aid of cancer research. 2:come to/go to sbs aid 帮助某人:I didt speak any French, but a nice man came to my aid and told me where to go. 3:with the aid of 借于: He was able to prove the existence of the supergun with the aid of a p

5、hotography. 4:aid sb in/with sth:在某方面帮助某人:The local community aided us in our investigation.五:allow v. 容许 1:allow sb to do sth :The committee allowed the oil company to build a refinery on the island. 2:allow sb sth :允许带:We allow passengers one item of hand luggage each. 3:allow sb in/out/up :I dont

6、 allow the cat in the bedroom.六:apart adj/adv .分开的 1:apart from :除了,只是:This essays good apart from a couple of spelling mistake. 2:quite apart from :不考虑:Quite apart from the cost , theres the question of your health to be considered. 3:grow/drift apart:逐渐疏远:Sadly, the family has grown apart since au

7、nt died. 4:Joking apart:说正经的:Joking apart, we must do something about the hole . 5:时间/距离 分开:时间:Our birthday are exactly a mouth apart.距离:The two villages are 6 kilometers apart. 6: Well, To be honest, the relationship is fallen apart. 7: be world /poles apart :完全相反. 8: live apart 分居. 9: take sth apa

8、rt :拆开。 10: I try to keep my work and private life as far apart as possible. 11: tell sth/sb apart:区别,辨别.七:adjust to适应:Adjusting to the tropical heat was more difficult than they had expected.八:approve of: 批准:Catherines parents now approve of her marriage.七: apply v:申请,求职 1:apply to (大学,公司): I appli

9、ed to four universities and was accepted by all of them. 2:apply for (权利,职位):Tom applied for the post of Eliots secretary. 3:apply sth to :应用.于:New Technology is being applied to almost every industrial process. 4:apply to 适用于:The questions on this part of the form only apply to married man. 5:apply

10、 oneself 专心:Stephen would do very well if he only applied himself.八:appeal (1) n/v.呼吁,恳求 (2)吸引(力)n/v. (3)n/v.上诉n(1) 1:appeal for .的呼吁: The Unites Nations appeal for a ceasefire has been largely ignore by both sides. 2: an appeal to sb do sth :an appeal to parents to supervise their children. 3: laun

11、ch/make an appeal: 发出呼吁:Bob launched an urgent for the famine victims.v(1) 4: appeal to sb for sth : The police are appealing to the public for information about the crime. 5: appeal to sb to do sth :she appealed to the kidnappers to release her son.n(2) 6: the appeal for : The film has great appeal

12、 for the young audience . 7: popular / wide appeal :CD-ROMs now have wider popular appeal. 8: Sex appeal: 性感: Lucy had amazing sex appeal.v(2) 9: appeal to sb : (1)Does the idea of working abroad appeal to you? 10:The magazine intended to appeal to women in their 20s and 30s.n(3) 11: appeal to an ap

13、peal to the European court of Human Right.v(3) 12: appeal 上诉 : If you are not satisfied , you can appeal.九:approach v. 接近、交涉、临近、处理. n. 方法、接近、临近、要求.1:approach sb/sth about doing/for sth:The charity approached several store giving food aid.2:sth is approaching :Our vacation is approaching and we still

14、 cant decide where go to. 3:nothing/not approaching chahing approaching the more 得运:Nothing approaching the 200 million was found by the auditor. 4:处理 :I dont think refusing to negotiate is the right way to approach this problem. 5:a approach to :a new approach to teaching language. 6:the approach o

15、f : The leaves were turning brown with the approach of autumn.十:argue (1)v争论(2)v说理(3)v说服某人(1) 1:argue with :Im not going to argue with you ,but I think youre wrong . 2:argue about :They were arguing about how to spend the money. 3:argue over (=about,偏向 物主):The family argued bitterly over who should inherit the house.(2) 4:argue that :Tom argued that a date should be set for the withdrawal of troop. 5:argue fo


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