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1、,1. aid First aid is a temporary form of help given to someone who suddenly falls ill or gets injured before a doctor can be found. (P33)急救就是在找到医生之前给予突然生病或受伤的人的一种临时性的帮助。 A concert was given in aid of the flooded areas. 为了帮助洪涝灾区,举行了一次音乐会。,He is a warm-hearted man who has aided many poor people. 他是个已帮

2、助了许多穷苦人的热心人。 The old man was walking along the road slowly with the aid of his stick. 那位老人拄着拐杖沿着街慢慢地走。 They aided us in solving/to solve the problem. 他们帮助我们解决了这个问题。,aid作名词,意为:帮助,援助,资助 with the aid of. . . 在的帮助下 in aid of为了帮助 aid作动词,意为:帮助,援助,资助 aid sb. in doing sth. 在方面帮助某人 aid sb. to do sth. 帮助某人做某事

3、,help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事 help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事 assist in sth. /doing sth. 帮助做某事,单句改错 The family lived on government aids for two years. _ We may travel on/under the aid of a good map. _ Weve aided him finish the work ahead of time. _ 答案:aidsaid on/underwith finishto finish或in finishing,完成

4、句子 With the aid of (在的帮助下)our teachers, we have made great progress in English. (aid) They collect money in aid of (为帮助)the poor. (aid),We were greatly _ in our investigation by the cooperation of the police. A. exposedB. aided C. submittedD. switched 【解析】选B。句意:通过与警察合作,我们在调查研究中得到了他们的大力帮助。expose使暴露;

5、aid帮助、援助,可构成短语“aid sb. in doing sth. ”; submit递交、呈递;switch开关、转换。,The young nurse was very nervous when she _ in the first operation. A. resistedB. insisted C. restrictedD. assisted 【解析】选D。句意:这个年轻的护士首次帮忙做手术时非常紧张。resist抵抗,反抗;insist坚持;restrict限制、约束;assist帮助,以助手的地位去协助某人完成某事。,2. fall ill You will fall il

6、l if you lack sleep. 如果你缺乏睡眠,你会生病的。 fall ill意为:生病,fall down跌倒,滑倒fall over摔倒,跌倒 fall behind落后fall asleep睡着 fall off掉落fall in love with爱上 Tom has been ill for one week. 汤姆已经病了一周了。,As she the _ newspaper, Granny _ asleep. A. read; was falling B. was reading; fell C. was reading; was falling D. read; fe

7、ll 【解析】选B。由句意“在她读着报纸的时候,奶奶睡着了”可知答案为B。fall asleep是瞬间动词词组,不可以用进行时。,How long has your grandma _? About three months. A. fallen illB. been ill C. fall illD. be ill 【解析】选B。fall ill是非延续性的动词短语,因此不可与一段时间连用。,3. injury Often the illness or injury is not serious, but there are other times when giving first aid

8、 quickly can save lives. (P33) 通常这种病或伤害都不是太严重,但在一些其他情况下迅速给予急救就能挽救生命。,Smoking does an injury to his health. 吸烟的确对他的健康有害。 Dont injure yourself with that tool. 不要让那工具伤害到你。 He got injured in a traffic accident. 他在一次交通事故中受了伤。,injury 作名词,意为:损伤,伤害 do an injury to sb. 对某人造成伤害 injure 作动词,意为:损伤,伤害 get injured

9、负伤,受伤,根据语境用所给词的适当形式填空。 Some people were injured in an accident yesterday, and the injury was serious. The people present took the injured to the hospital nearby quickly. (injury) Dont be so vain, or you will do a great injury _ yourself sooner or later. A. inB. toC. onD. at 【解析】选B。句意:不要那么自负,否则你迟早会给自

10、己 带来伤害的。do an injury to sb. 意为“对某人造成伤害”。,At the pub, Ryan removed his shirt and showed his old war _ to us. 2012宁波高二检测 A. hurtB. woundC. injuryD. damage 【解析】选B。考查词义辨析。hurt 与injury 都可指意外的伤害;damage指损失,损害;wound特指战场上的受伤,因此选B。,选词填空(injure/hurt/wound) Ten soldiers were killed and thirty seriously wounded

11、. He was deeply hurt by her dishonesty. In the traffic accident ten were killed and eight were injured .,4. poison You have three layers of skin which act as a barrier against disease,poisons and the suns harmful rays. (P33) 皮肤有三层,像是屏障, 可以防病、防毒、抵御有害的太阳光线。 Gases from cars are poisoning the air of our

12、 cities. 汽车放出的废气在污染我们城市的空气。,poison 作名词,意为:毒药,毒害 poison 作动词,意为:毒害,使中毒 She was bitten on the ankle by a poisonous snake. 她被一 条毒蛇咬中了脚踝。(poisonous 作形容词,意为:引起中毒 的,有毒的 ) The person who is poisoned should be sent to the hospital at once. 中毒的人应该马上被送往医院。(poisoned 作形容词,意 为:中毒的,中过毒的 ),用poison,poisonous,poisone

13、d填空 Some villagers are poisoned by eating this kind of white poisonous mushrooms. 一些村民因为吃了这种白色的毒蘑菇而中毒。 Small quantities of poison were detected in the dead mans stomach. 在死者胃中找到了少量的毒药。,To avoid breathing in poisonous gas,they didnt move into the newly decorated house immediately. 为避免吸入有毒气体,他们没有立即搬到新

14、装修的房子里。 Selfishness is a _ that is spreading through the society. A. drugB. waste C. poisonD. threat 【解析】选C。句意:自私是正在社会蔓延的一种毒药。poison毒药;drug药;waste浪费;threat威胁。,5. squeeze out(P34) She squeezed the water out of her swimming suit. 她把泳衣的水挤出来。 The room was crowded, but I managed to squeeze in. 房间已经挤满了人,

15、不过我还是设法挤了进去。,squeeze out 意为:榨出,挤出 squeeze sth. from/out of. . . 意为:从挤(榨)出 squeeze in/into 意为:挤入,Then wash it with clean water that is a little warm. Gently squeeze out (挤出)the extra water. The train was full but I managed to squeeze in (挤进) anyway.,He was so fat that he could only just _ the door. A. squeeze ofB. squeeze through C. squeeze outD. squeeze onto 【解析】选B。句意:他太胖了,仅仅只能从门口挤过去。此题要结合语言环境,“从门里通过”,要用介词through。,Time is like the water in the sponge. If you like,it can still be _


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