
上传人:索马****尊 文档编号:145899481 上传时间:2020-09-24 格式:PDF 页数:2 大小:285.10KB
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1、人教版六年级英语下册期末考试题 听力部分 (40%) 一、听录音 , 选出跟录音内容相符合的一项,并将其字母编号填在题前的括号里。(10 分) ( )1. A. B. C. ( )2. A. B. C. ( ) 3. A. rain B. train C. rainy ( ) 4. A. swam B. swimming C. swims ( ) 5. A. right B. night C. light ( ) 6. A. day B. date C. yesterday ( ) 7. A. My head hurts. B. My hand hurts. C. My hands hurt.

2、 ( ) 8. A. playing basketball B. playing football C. playing volleyball ( ) 9. A. I have 15 books. B.I have 50 books C. I have 5 books. ( ) 10. A. Its Sunday today.B.It s Saturday today C. Its sunny today. 二、听录音 , 判断图片或句子是否与录音内容相符, 相符的在题前括号内打 “” , 不相符的打 “”。(10 分) ( ) 1( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( )

3、 6. ( ) 7. My sister is taller. ( ) 8. You look so angry. ( ) 9. Danny gets up at 6:30. ( ) 10. Li Ming went to school by bike. 三、听录音,给你听到的问句选择合适的答语,并将其字母编号填在题前的括号里。(10 分) ( ) 1. A. I like fish. B. My favourite sport is swimming. C. I like reading books. ( ) 2. A. No, she didnt. B. No, he doesnt. C.

4、 Yes, she does. ( ) 3.A. He is forty years old. B. He is sixty kg. C. He is 172cm. ( ) 4. A. I do my homework at home. B. I will do my homework at home. C. I watched TV at home. ( ) 5. A. Its far from here B. Its east of the bookstore.C. You can go there on foot. 四、听录音,根据你听到的内容填写下列句子中所缺的单词, 使句子意思完整,

5、每空只填一词。(10 分) 1. -What is your bike?-It s . 2. I usually go to school at and go home at . 3. In we can go fishing and in we can fly kites. 4. -What does the look like? -It looks like a . 5. We have rice and vegetables for , and noodles for . 笔试部分 (60%) 五、阅读下面对话,根据上下文,选择合适的句子补全对话,并将其字母编号填在相应的横线上。(10

6、分) A. Yes? B. Thank you very much. C. How can I get there? D. Its near the bookstore. E. Excuse me! Boy: Girl: Boy: Where is the post office, please? Girl: Boy: Girl: Go down this street, and turn left at the second crossing. You will see it on your left. Boy: Girl: Youre welcome. 六、读下面问句,根据图片内容所示,按

7、书写的规范要求,写出正确的答语。(10分) 1. What time is it ? . 2. What is he doing? . 3. Is this a TV or a computer? . 4. What s the weather like today? . 5. How did you go to Beijing last week? . 七、读下面句子,选择合适的一项填空,将其序号填入题前括号内。(10分) ( ) 1. What s he doing? Hes books. A. read B. reading C. reads ( ) 2. I usually to sc

8、hool at 7:00. A. go B. goes C. went ( ) 3. I from China. A. is B. am C. are ( ) 4. I the book last week. A. buy B. buys C. bought ( ) 5. Mike often TV in the evening. A. watch B. watches C. watched ( ) 6. did you go on your holiday? A. Where B. What C. When ( ) 7. did you go there? A. Where B. How C

9、. Who ( ) 8 The sun is than the earth( 地球). A. big B. smaller C. bigger ( ) 9. students are there in your class? A. How many B. How much C. How ( ) 10.Its 7:00 now. Its time _ have breakfast. A. for B. at C. to 八、读下面短文,选择合适的词填空。(5 分) Yesterday Children s Day. We go to school. I up late . In the morn

10、ing I my homework at home. In the afternoon I went to the bookstore and some books. The bookstore is not far _ my home , so I went there foot. Tomorrow Thursday. We go to school. Im going to _ up early. 九 、Reading Comprehension (每小题 2 分,共 20 分) 1.阅读短文,选择正确的答案,并将其字母编号填在句子前面的括号里。 I get up at 6:30 in t

11、he morning. I eat my breakfast at 7:20. I have milk and bread for my breakfast. At 7:30 I go to school by bus. I arrive at(到达) school at 8:00. Classes begin at 8:20. School is over at 5:30 in the afternoon. In the evening I usually do my homework. I go to bed at 9:00. ( ) 1. I _at 6:30 in the mornin

12、g. A. go to school B. get up C. eat breakfast ( ) 2. My breakfast is at . A.7: 20 B. 7:30 C. 7:00 ( ) 3.I go to school _. A. by bike B. by train C. by bus ( ) 4. at 8:20. A. I arrive at school B. Classes begin C. I go to bed ( ) 5.I usually in the evening. A. watch TV B. play computer C. do my homew

13、ork 2. 阅读短文,判断对错。 Our country is very big. The weather in the north is different (不同) from the south. The weather in the east is different from the west. In Heilongjiang, its very cold in winter. In Hainan, its warm in winter. We have many rainy days in the east of our country. But, it seldom( 很少)ra

14、ins in the west of our country. ( ) 1. The weather in the north and the south are different. ( ) 2. Its cold in Heilongjiang in winter. ( ) 3.In winter, Hainan is very cold, too. ( ) 4.It often rains in the west of our country. ( ) 5. You can wear your T-shirt in winter in Heilongjiang. 十.Look and write.看图写话(满分 5 分) 今天是星期天。假定你是图画中的李平(I)。仔细观察图画:现在是什么时间?天气怎样?你的家 人都在做什么?他们的职业?都有啥爱好?你能写一段不少于5 句话的短文描述一下吗?你也可以选 择其中的一幅图画进行描述。 如果有一时想不起来的单词, 看看参考词汇吧。(参考词汇:cook, computer, kite, listen to, make, music, weather) My father My mother My sister I is was did got get bought from on didn t will



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