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1、介 词 1.before 和 after 表示时间的先后顺序 before表示:在 .之前 after表示:在 .之后 例如: before eight oclock 八点之前 after lunch 午饭后 You should wash your hands before supper. The boys often play football after school. 2.over 和 above 表示位置 over 表示:“在 .正上方”,强调在某人或某物的正上方,而且两物体表面表面没 有接触。 above 表示:“在 .上方”,强调位置在某物体的上方,并不一定是正上方,而且两 物体

2、表面也没有接触。 例如: I saw a wood bridge over the river. Look! Some bieds are flying above the trees. 3.under 和 below 表示位置 under 表示:“在 .正下方”,强调在某物的下方,完全覆盖两物体的表面可以接触 也可以不接触。 below 表示:“在 .下方”,强调位置低于某参照物,但并不一定是正下方。 例如: There is a cat under the table . Our classroom is below theirs . 4.between 和 among between 表

3、示:(位置、时间、数量等)在.之间(两者之间) among表示:在 .中间(三者或三者以上之间) 例如: I often fly between Beijing and Shanghai. Come here between eight and nine oclock. Tom is among the crowd. 5.behind 和 in front of behind 表示:在 .后面 in front of表示:在 .前面 例如: The cat is behind the door. There is a big tree in front of the park. Zhang S

4、an sits in front of me and Li Si sits behind me . 6. in front of 和 in the front of的比较 in front of表示一定范围外的前面例如: in front of the house 房子的前面(在 房子外) in the front of 表示一定范围内的前面例如: in the front of the classroom 教 室的前面(在教室内) into 和 out of 表示动态的介词,都表示动作方向 into 表示:从外向里,进来 out of:表示由里向外,出去 例如: I put the book

5、s into my bag. He takes the gift out of the box. 7. into 和 in 的比较 into表示动态的进入 in 表示静态的在里面 8.up 和 down 表示动态的介词,都表示动作方向 up 表示:由下向上,向.顶上,常与climb等动词连用 down表示:由上向下下,沿着.往下 例如: The monkey climbed up the tree quickly. Sit down ,please. 9.from 和 to from 表示起点,“从.” “来自 .” 例如: He is from China. to 表示终点, “到 .;向.

6、;往.” ,意思和 from 刚好相反。它前面最常用的 动词就是go. 例如: Let s go to school. from.to. 表示时间时意思是“从.到.” 例如: We have classes from Monday to Friday. She did her homework from morning to evening. 另外 : from.to. 也可以用来表示地点,意思仍然是“从.到.” 例如: The train is from Beijing toTianjin . 10.across 、through 和 along across 、through 表示“穿过

7、.” , 但是用法有区别 across 表示人或物从另一个物体表面穿过、跨过,强调从一端到另一端,含有“横穿”的 意思,常与street 、 bridge、raod 等名词连用。例如: There is a bridge across the river . Go across the street ,and youll find a school. Through 表示从物体内部空间(如森林、隧道、云层等)穿过,“从.里面穿过”。 例如: We walked through the forest。 Along 表示:沿着, 顺着, 常与 road 、 street 、 river等名词连用。

8、 如: Go along the road ,and then turn left. 介词练习 一、选择填空。 1、Class finishes_ half past nine. A .at B. in C.on D.to 2、Class begins at eight oclock.You d better get to school _ 8:00. A.at B. in C.on D.before 3、You should wash you hands _eating,and you shouldn t exercise _eating . A.at ;at B.in; to C. aft

9、er;before D.before;after 4、We have classes _ 8 am _ 3 pm every day. A.at,at B.at,to C.until,to D.from,to 5、Seven is the number _ six and eight. A. in B.between C.among D.at 6、Walk down the street and walk _the bridge,you will see the shop. A.cross B.at C .through D.across 二、把正确答案圈起来。 1、The train lea

10、ves (at,in)2: 30pm. 2、I received a beautiful card from Tom (in,on )my birthday. 3、( From ,At )7 to 9 (in,before)spring,he often runs around the playground. 4、My brother washed the dishes (at,after)supper. 5、Do you preview (预习 )lessons (after,before)class? 6、When did you arrive (at,on)the bus stop. 7

11、、The dog is jumping (on ,over)the fence(篱笆 ) 。 8、The first astronaut landed on the moon (in,on)1968. 9、The train is driving(through,across)the tunnel. 三、根据中文意思,填写恰当的介词。 1、我们房后有棵大树。 There is a big tree _ our house. 2、在这幅画里你能看到什么? What can you see_this picture. 3、看!汤姆正站在车站旁。 Look!Tom is standing _ the bus stop. 4、啊,我的袜子在床底下。 Aha,my socks are _ the bed. 四、根据中文意思填写介词,把短语补充完整。 1 跑出房间 run _ the room 2 爬上山 climb _ the hill 3 穿过隧道 drive_the tunnel 4 飞往巴黎的飞机 a plane flying _Paris 5 走出商店 walk _ the store 6 沿着这条大街走 go _this street 7 走进电梯 walk _ the elevator


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