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1、完整性测试原理,1,to confirm the integrity of the filter prior to (out of box, after SIP/autoclaving) and after use (release requirement) to detect system leaks (housings, tubes, o-rings, etc.) as a SOP and auditing requirement as a regulatory requirement,Integrity testing of filter is necessary.,2,在使用前(开包装

2、、在线蒸汽灭菌/高压灭菌) 和使用后(产品放行要求)验证过滤器的完整性。 监测系统泄漏(钢壳、管道、O形圈等) SOP和审计要求 相关法规的要求,过滤器的完整性测试是必要的,3,“Normally, integrity testing of the filter is performed after the filter unit is assembled and sterilized prior to use. More importantly, however, such testing should be conducted after the filter is used in ord

3、er to detect any filter leaks or perforations that may have occurred during the filtration. Forward flow, bubble point and pressure hold tests are acceptable integrity tests.“,FDA Guideline on sterile drug products produced by aseptic processing, 1987,Regulations for Integrity Testing,4,法规要求(1) FDA无

4、菌工艺生产无菌药品指南,1987 通常完整性测试是在过滤器安装和灭菌之后、正式使用 前进行的。另外,使用后进行完整性测试在发现过滤 过程中的意外泄漏或穿透现象显得尤为重要。 可接受的完整性测试方法如扩散流、气泡点测试、稳压测 试。,完整性测试的相关法规,5,EC GMP (Annex 1, Filtration of medicinal products which cannot be sterilised in their final container, (June 2001),85. The integrity of the sterilised filter should be ver

5、ified before use and should be confirmed immediately after use by an appropriate method such as a bubble point, diffusive flow or pressure hold test. The integrity of critical gas and air vent filters should be confirmed after use. The integrity of other filters should be confirmed at appropriate in

6、tervals.“,Regulations for Integrity Testing,Critical gas and air vent filters: e.g. lyophilization, BFS, aseptic filling, long-term application (WFI),6,完整性测试的相关法规,法规要求(2) EC GMP(附录1,不能在终端容器中灭菌的药品过滤,1995) 除菌过滤器在使用前和使用后及时用适当的方法进行完 整性测试,方法如:气泡点、扩散流、稳压测试 关键的气体或空气过滤器在使用后应该进行完整性验证。 其他过滤器也应定时作完整性测试。,关键的气体或

7、空气过滤器如:冷冻干燥、 BFS、无菌灌装、长期应用的液体(WFI)。,7,United States Pharmacopoeia 24 (USP 24), Sterilization and Sterility Assurance A membrane filter assembly should be tested for initial integrity prior to use, provided that such a test does not impair the validity of the system, and should be tested after the fi

8、ltration process is completed to demonstrate that the filter assembly maintained its integrity throughout the entire filtration procedure. Typical use tests are the bubble point test, the diffusive airflow test, the pressure hold test, and the forward flow test. These tests should be correlated with

9、 microorganism retention.,Regulations for Integrity Testing,8,法规要求(3) 美国药典 24 (USP 24), 灭菌和无菌验证 “膜过滤器在使用前应进行完整性测试,假使该测试不会削 弱系统的有效性,在过滤完成后也应该测试,以保证整个过 滤装置在过滤过程中保持完整。 经典方法如:气泡点、扩散流、稳压测试和前进流测试。这 些测试方法应与细菌截留能力相关联”,完整性测试的相关法规,9,Health Industry Manufacturers Association Washington, D.C. (April 1982) HIMA

10、Document No. 3, Vol. 4,Bacteria Challenge Test: Generally, a filter is considered to be a sterilizing filter when, after being challenged with 1.0 x 107 challenge organisms per square centimetre of effective filter area (EFA), the resulting filtrate is sterile. This is sufficient to challenge any ov

11、ersized pores in the filter because preferential flow would be through oversized pores. . Pseudomonas diminuta (Brevundimonas diminuta, American Type Culture Collection (ATTC) 19146) is commonly used. . ,Regulations for Integrity Testing,10,HIMA 第3号文件 , 卷 4, 1982 通常,当用1.0 x 107/cm2有效过滤面积的缺陷型假单胞菌 (Br

12、evundimonas Diminuta, ATTC 19146)作挑战性试验, 过滤液为无菌时被认为是除菌级过滤器。这个数量足够用 来挑战滤器中过大的孔,因为它会优先通过过大的孔。 缺陷型假单胞菌(Brevundimonas Diminuta, ATTC 19146) 是常用的. . ,完整性测试的相关法规,法规要求(5),11,ISO Aseptic processing of health care products 1993, 20.5 In-process determinations of the physical integrity of process filters shal

13、l be conducted. Post filtration integrity evaluation shall be performed. Pre-filtration integrity evaluation is recommended where process conditions permit.,Regulations for Integrity Testing,12,ISO“保健品的无菌工艺”1993, 20.5 过滤器在使用过程中应进行物理完整性测试 过滤器在使用后应进行完整性测试 工艺条件允许的情况下,建议在使用前也进行一 次测试。,完整性测试的相关法规,法规要求(4),

14、13,破坏性方法: 非破坏性方法: 滤芯生产厂家使用 滤芯用户使用:在过滤前 和过滤后检测除菌滤芯 泡点法 细菌挑战性试验 扩散流法 (根据 HIMA) 压力降法 水侵入法(WIT),完整性测试方法,将微生物挑战试验的结果与完整性测试相对应 证实除菌过滤器对微生物的截留能力 提供制造商和用户一个非破坏性的方法 来取代破坏性的微生物挑战测试,14,破坏性方法:细菌挑战性试验,15, 107 CFU/cm2,0.6 - 1.0 m,0.3 - 0.4 m,最差测试条件,缺陷型假单胞菌(ATTC 19146),细菌挑战性试验,16,气泡点测试原理,毛细管现象,润湿,非润湿,毛细管现象是液体在细小管路

15、,狭缝或小 孔的行为,是由液体的表面张力引起的。,毛细管上升,毛细管下降,17,非润湿: 润湿角 90 ,润湿: 润湿角 90 ,由于表面张力的作用,在没有外力的 作用下,液体将以球体的形态存在。,肥皂泡 或 悬挂的水滴,气泡点测试原理,18,表面张力是液体表面的物理现象,它是液体 分子间相互作用使表面面积趋于最小化的结果。,气泡点测试原理,19,表面张力的影响因素 1.表面张力是液体的特性参数,随温度的升高而降低.同时,如果液体 被污染或添加表面活性剂都将对表面张力的大小产生影响. 2. 常见液体的表面张力值: 20 ,相对空气的表面张力:汞:0.475 N/m 水:0.072 N/m 乙醇:0.022 N/m 乙酸:0.027 N/m 3.标准湿润液体: 对亲水性过滤材质:20 的去离子水 对疏水性过滤材质:60/40 异丙醇/水,气泡点测试原理,20,气泡点测试原理 - 小结,气泡点是将润湿液体压出微孔滤膜上最大孔时对应的压力。 气泡点与下列因素相关:,润湿液体膜材质孔径温度,最小泡点值与微生物挑战测试的结果是对应的, e.g.3.2 bar for Sartobran P, 0.2 m (CA).,检测最大的孔,适于从针头式滤器到单根滤芯的过滤系统,21,p BP =,2 cos ,r,.,K,pBP:气泡点压力 :表面压力 :润湿角 r:管子半径 K:孔道形状相关系数,



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