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1、西南大学 培训与继续教育学院课程代码: 0089 学年学季:20202窗体顶端单项选择题1、When power is removed, information in the semiconductor memory is ( )1. manipulated2. reliable3. remain4. lost2、A computer system can roughly be divided into three components except( )1. hardware2. application software3. system software4. CPU 3、A process

2、or is composed of two functional units, they are ( )1. an arithmetric/logic unit and a storage unit2. a control unit and an arithemetric/logic unit3. some registers and arithmetric/logic unit4. a control unit and some registers4、( ) is a storage location inside the CPU1. Memory2. Control3. ALU4. A r

3、egister5、The basic units of a computer system are as follows( )1. CPU, Memory and disk2. CPU, Memory and I/O System3. CPU ,Input and output unit4. CPU, Memory and ALU6、( ) refers to the process of a two dimentional picture by a digital computer1. Image data file format2. Digital image processing3. P

4、attern recognition4. Image compression7、CPU is an important part of the computer, and it can interpret and ( ) information.1. process2. use3. brain4. heart8、Which following is not big 4 tech company?( )1. Ubber2. Facebook3. Apple4. Google9、Machine -language instructions are a series of ( )1. abstrac

5、t codes2. 0s and 1s3. words4. machine codes10、Which of the following is not an applicaton software?1. E. web browser2. compiler3. word processor4. database program11、Many companies use( ) to train employees.te1. technology2. multimedia applications3. animation4. entertainment12、The highest award of

6、Computer Science is ACM( ) award1. Bill Gates2. Andrew Groves3. Alan Turing4. Steve Jobs13、Multimedia means that ( )1. it can play music2. it can rotate a three-dimensional model3. it can do all above at the same time4. it can show a graph14、When the file is not saved, document in the processing is

7、( )1. reliable2. lost3. remain4. manipulated15、The founder of tencent is ( )1. C. Robin LI2. Jack lee3. Jack ma4. Pony Ma16、An ISP supplies( ) that you can dial from your computer to log on the internet server.1. Help file2. Private key3. Public key4. Service number17、The windows product line includ

8、es ( )1. D. windows me2. above all3. windows xp4. windows 200018、Which following is not Object-oriented language?1. Python2. Asembly language3. Java4. C+19、Static graphics include( )1. Animators2. Pictures3. Movies4. Videos20、The ( ) serves as an interface between hardware and software1. System2. ap

9、plication program3. control unit4. operating system21、With IE and an Internet connection, You can search veiw the information on ( )1. Active Desktop2. Phone Dialer3. Programs4. World wide web22、The name of first electronic computer is ( )1. A. ENIAC2. ERICA3. APPLE4. EIACN23、Please find the item th

10、at is not belong to the DBA ( )1. a transaction2. a file system3. a database system4. a database language24、( )program also has potential benefits in parallel processing1. machine2. process-oriented3. object-oriented4. assembly25、The input/output devices are called( )1. Peripherals2. Cache3. Storage

11、4. Memory26、The Internet became a lot easier for public to learn and use because of the common ( )1. topologies2. architecture3. protocols4. commands27、Service that Internet can not provide includes ( )1. web surf2. cooking3. email4. web live28、( ) is designed to manage large bodies of information.1

12、. a database language2. a file system3. a transaction4. a database system29、Today, ( ) can give you a music synthesizer, a fax machine, a CD-ROM drive, ect.1. Expansion cards2. Output device3. Joystick4. Input devices30、The end equipment in communication system does not include( )1. computers2. DCE3

13、. CRTs4. keyboards判断题31、With the development of computer, the physical size of the CPU has often become bigger and bigger1. A.2. B.32、The CPU is responsible for performing some arithmetric operations and logic decisions.1. A.2. B.33、The chipset consists of two parts: North Bridege and South Bridge1. A.2. B.34、O2O Model refers to online to offline1. A.2. B.35、an input/output device performs both input and output functions, such as a computer data storage device (including a disk drive, USB flash drive, memory card and tape drive)1. A.2. B.36、The movement of



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