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1、喔哦!全球变暖简直要了我的命Oh boy! This global warming is killing me!这太热了,而冰河期又太冷了This is too hot.the ice age was too cold.怎么才能让你高兴呀?What would it take to make you happy?这个.我喜欢This. I like!不要跑.Jane! 野营规则.No running Jane! Camp rules.有本事来抓我啊,树獭Make me, Sloth!叫我.老师Make me.sir!这就是尊重.Its all about respect.Sarah.你刚吃了饭

2、,休息会儿Sarah. You just ate! Wait an hour!Hector! 不不不.你不能在那儿便便Hector! No,no! You cant pee-pee there!好.好吧,就在那儿吧Ok,ok! there is fine.Ashley! 那样会让你.啊Ashley! Stop picking your.抓到他了,耶Pinata!住手Stop!你应该先戴上眼罩再来.youre supposed to wear blindfolds!没问题Ok!Hey轮到我打这只树獭了Hey, its my turn to hit the sloth!-到我啦,到我啦 -应该是我

3、!我!我.mine.mine.mine.mine!Hey! 这么轻松就把他打晕了Hey! You didnt have any candy in you!让我们把他给埋了Lets bury him!嘿, 嘿! 唔. 是谁让你们这些孩子折磨这个树獭的Hey, hey! Whoah.Who said you kids can torture the sloth?Manny, 别打击他们的创造性Manny, dont squash their creativity.嗨,Manny! Diego!Hey Manny! Diego!我最好的猛犸象和剑齿虎哥们儿My bad mammal jammel!帮

4、帮我这只树獭怎么样Wanna give a sloth a hand?听着,我搞了一个夏令营Look. I opened my camp!舒适的来玩Come forth and sit.也就是Sid夏令营It means camp of Sid!恭喜你,现在有两种语言来形容 你这个笨蛋了Congratulations.Youre now an idiot in two languages.嘘.!Shhhh.!别在这些小鬼面前数落我卬ot in front of the K-l-D-G!这些小鬼都很喜欢我,对吗,BillyThese little guys love me! Right, Bil

5、ly?别逼我吃了你Dont make me eat you!很好笑,孩子 所以咯,他们还被叫做小屁孩Funny, kid!Thats why theyre called kids!我告诉过你 Sid.I told you Sid.你开营地还不够格Youre not qualified to run a camp.噢!从什么时候开始照顾孩子 也资格认证扯上关系的?Oh! Since when do qualifications have anything to do with childcare.?还有,这些孩子都很尊敬我Besides, these kids look up to me.我是他

6、们的好榜样Im a role model to them!我看出来了I can see that.你们总是认为我一事无成You guys never think I can do anything.但我这个群体中平等的一员but Im an equal member of this herd!这一切都是我自己做到的I made this herd.!你们也应该开始对我尊敬一些.and you need to start treating me with some respect!得了吧! Sid!Come on! Sid!Sid! 我们只是开玩笑而已Sid! We were just kidd

7、ing!嘿!Hey!让我们和这头猛犸象玩玩!Lets play pin the tail on the mammoth!Sid!Sid!我不会一事无成的Can you stop!我一定会得到他们的尊重的Im gonna get some respect!我会证明给他们看Ill show em!所以呢,最后And so, in the end.小驴找到了自己的妈咪the little burro reached his mommy.他们从此过着幸福的生活and they lived happily ever after.真有你的Good job!我有问题,为什么驴要回家Question! Why

8、 does the burro go home?他为什么不和兔子们生活在一起Why doesnt he stay with the rabbit?因为.因为他想和家人在一起Because. He wanted to be with his family我觉得他应该去找个女驴I think he should go with the girl burro!这会是个很好的爱情故事.Thats a better love story!也好,你下次在给别人说故事时 再让驴这样好了OK! Well, when you tell your burro story, thats what hell do.驴

9、只是个代名词而已Burro is a demeaning name.技术上说,他应该叫野驴Technically, its called a wild ass!好吧,那个野驴小子Fine. The wild ass boy came home.和他的野驴妈妈一起回家了.to his wild ass mother.所以,这也是我为什么叫他驴了See! Thats why I called it a burro!那只驴会遇到吃饭问题吗Could the burro have a grazing problem?-这样会更有故事性 -无聊- That would make him more.rel

10、atable. -Boring!这一点也不可能Its not believable!驴会自相残杀吗 这个结尾并不让人满意- Do burrows eat their young? - Its not a very satisfying ending!我有时都要烦透了Sometimes I throw up!他们从此过着幸福的生活They lived happily ever after.不可能有比这个更让人满意的结尾了You cant get more satisfying than that!一个幸福的大家庭One big happy family!这是理所当然的Thats the way

11、it supposed to be!那么,你的幸福家庭在哪里呢Then, wheres your big, happy family?然后,一只饥饿的老虎要吃小孩儿了Then.the hungry tiger eat the pesky little kids!-你还好吧,哥们儿 -当然,为什么会有事- You ok, buddy? - Sure, why not?!-我只是觉得你. -故事时间结束了,没有了- I just thought you. - Storytimes over.the end!-大家快跑啊,想活命就快跑 -Hey等等- Out of the way! Run for

12、your lives! - Hey, watch it!你们这是去哪儿呢Wheres everybody going?世界末日就要来了The worlds coming to an end!你在说什么呢What are you talking about?Fast Tony! 他说这个世界将被洪水淹没Fast Tony! He says the worlds going to flood!伙计们,我手里拿着的这根小管子Folks,I hold in my hand a device so powerful.可以让你把空气it can actually pull air.一直呼到天上去right

13、 out of the sky!00:07:58,580 - 00:08:00,510过来看看吧,来看看吧Gather round.gather round!打扰一下,您有鳃吗,夫人Pardon me, do you have gills maam?所以你不能在水里呼吸对吧So you cant breathe under water?我的助手可以为你示范My assistant here will demonstrate!Hey我可以闻到海洋的味道Hey, I can smell the ocean!笨蛋,你在这做什么呢What are you doing.?我不能卖它了I cant sel

14、l that now.!这个是要塞进嘴里的,你个笨蛋You suck air through your mouth you moron!如果你想知道,我现在就给你讲解If youre a pupil of mine, and Im starting instruction.有了这个,不管是横渡海峡,还是 绕着小岛游一圈,都不会有问题youll have plenty of air for eons to come!当然,不要把它放到水下Of course, dont stay buried!为什么你要用末日来吓唬大家Why are you scaring everybody with this doomsday stuff?啊哈哈哈 我只是在讨生活而已,老兄Im trying to make a living here pal.这只是我的预言中的一部分Its all part of my weather forecast!五天激烈的水灾,接着就是The 5 day outlook is calling for intense flooding, followed by.世界末日!the end of



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