2020年整理新世纪大学英语系列教材综合教程2 practice TestⅡ 中文翻译.doc

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1、At our core, human beings are social creatures, says Michal Chick, CEO of Cornerstone Initiatives, a management and technology consulting firm in San Diego, California. The fact is that no one person could have built our railroads or programmed Microsoft Windows. Like it or not, we are all team play

2、ers. He adds that while our culture still tends to worship stars, the most respected stars have tended to be individuals who also made their teams better. “在我们的团队中,人是一种社会属性的生物”,迈克奇科,一家加利福尼亚圣迭戈的管理与技术过问公司,基石主动的首席执行官说,“事实上,没有单独一个人可以完成我们铁路的建设或者设计实施Windows操作系统。不论你喜不喜欢,所有人类都是团队成员。他还强调,当我们的文化还在对星星崇拜的时代,最令人

3、敬佩的星星就是那些可以为其他成员带来益处的星星。In the workplace, it is essential to be perceived as a team player, says Libby Sartain, vice president of Southwest Airlines. Being a team player will lead to promotion, while not being a team player will limit career and promotional opportunities. I cannot think of a job at

4、Southwest Airlines that doesnt require teamwork.在工作场所,做为团队的一员而被考虑是非常重要的”,Libby Sartain,西南航空的副总裁说,“具有团队精神的成员会得到升迁,而非团队精神的成员的职业和升迁机会会受到限制。我不能想象在西南航空没有团队精神将会怎样。Success in college, to a lesser degree, can also depend on teamwork. Lab assignments, group projects, and internships are just some of the expe

5、riences requiring cooperation with others. ”虽然在程度上稍弱,但是在学院的成功也有赖于团队精神。实验室安排,项目组项目和内部关系其实也是一些与他人合作的经验。In todays world, its better to be perceived as both a team player and an individual contributor, says Gary L. Couch, president of Professional Management Alternatives in Palm Harbor, Florida. But the

6、res more emphasis on being a team player in the workplace since most organizations are running lean, pushing more responsibility down the line, and using team concepts to run their business. “ “现如今,同时考虑团队利益和个人贡献更贴切”,Gary L Couch,福罗里达州棕榈港主业管理选择公司的总裁说,“但是在工作场所往往更加强调团队精神,因为大多数组织机构有一种倾向,即把更多的责任传递给团队并且运用

7、团队概念管理事务。Having What It Takes团队精神需要哪些条件But what does it take to be a team player? How can you make sure you fit into the teamwork profile that is so often preferred in businesses and other organizations? Here are a few key factors to consider in this important area of job and academic performance:但是

8、,团队精神需要哪些条件?你怎样确保自己是否适合这样的团队构架,即商业和机构青睐的模式?有以下几点值得考虑:1. Be cooperative.合作态度Cooperation is more than just good manners. From a teamwork perspective, it means working toward common goals. Doing your fair share, minimizing conflict, and maintaining a positive attitude are all parts of being cooperative

9、.合作比礼貌谦和更加重要。从团队的角度,这意味着相同一个目标工作。做好份内的工作,冲突最小化以及保持正面积极的态度都是合作态度的组成部分。Its important to believe the most important outcome of your effort is the accomplishment of the teams goal, Chick says. Whenever you allow your personal agenda to be your primary consideration, you increase the possibility that you

10、r actions will diminish the performance of the team.相信自己的努力的最重要的成果是团队目标的成就,奇科说,如果你把自己的个人议程做为基础考虑,你个人的行为降低团队成果的可能性就会增大。2. Keep people informed.共享相关信息What we got here is a failure to communicate. This statement is more than a famous line from an old Paul Newman movie. Its also a common source of confl

11、ict in the workplace. When co-workers are not kept informed about matters affecting them, they tend to become confused, disappointed, and sometimes angry. Conversely, good communication supports positive teamwork.Being able to communicate effectively continues to be one of the top requirements in ha

12、ving an effective team, not only among team members, but also with other internal and external contacts, says Couch. Communication is always among the top five items clients identify as an issue or problem within their organization.3. Keep commitments.信守承诺On a truly effective team, others know they

13、can count on you, and vice versa. People need to know they can depend on you, says Arthur Crane, owner of Capstone Services in Sherman, Connecticut. You need to be known as someone who does what they say they are going to do.If you want to be seen as a team player, be sure to perform in such a way t

14、hat other workers know they can rely on you. If you say a report will be completed by next Friday, make sure it is ready as promised. If you agree to attend a meeting, dont cancel out at the last minute. When you make any type of promise or commitment, keep it.Its tough to be a highly functioning te

15、am when people do not fulfill their responsibilities, Sartain says. It is important to be clear on what is expected of you and to be reliable about delivering results. When you keep commitments, it shows that you respect others. Being on time for a meeting, for instance, shows that you dont want to

16、waste other peoples time. In the process, others are more likely to treat you the same way.The really great news about giving respect is that it usually begets respect in return, Chick says. If you consistently keep your word and do what you say youll do, people will want to give you better assignments and more interesting challenges.4. Be honest.诚实Honesty and trust are essential elements of posi


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