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1、 Unit 6 Im watching TV.Section A 1a2c(听说课)编写:唐晓静 审核:冯贵容 挂科领导:_ 使用者:_ 教师寄语::Doing is better than saying.与其挂在嘴上,不如落实在行动上。 学习目标:1. 掌握本节课的重点单词和短语2. 掌握本节课的重点句型:(1)What are you doing ?Im watching TV. (2)Do you want to play tennis ? That sounds good.(3)Is Nancy doing her homework?No,she isnt.She is writing

2、 a letter. (4)What are they talking about ?重点、难点:现在进行时态.(be +doing)学习过程:Step1、 感知(一) 了解话题 1、预习并翻译下列短语。(1) 做家庭作业_ (2)看电视_( 3)吃晚饭 _(4)在电话上交谈_ (5)打扫房间_(6)清洗餐具_(7)听唱片_ (8) 读报纸 (9)用电脑 (10)做汤 (11)锻炼 2.(1)认真观察1a中的图片,将活动与图片搭配,小组讨论并核对答案。 (2) 将1a中的现在分词所对应的原型写下来。 (二) 初听材料 1.听对话,完成1b,小组讨论核对答案. 2.完成1c,看图片1a,熟练练习

3、、掌握询问他人正在做什么的句型:Whats he /she doing in the picture a? He/She is What are they doing in the picture h? They are. (三)发现疑难 (温馨提示)在运用现在进行时表达时,漏掉be动词是同学们常见的错误。Step2、 内化(一)详听材料 听录音,完成2a, 2b,并核对答案。(2) 互动释疑 (疯狂背诵)1. read,look.watch,see的区别:read books看书;look强调看的瞬间动作;watch观看;see强调看的结果,看见的意思。2. listen听,强调听的过程;h

4、ear听见,强调听到的结果。3.talkto/with与.交谈 She is talking to /with her classmates. talk about谈论. What are you talking about? talk on the phone讲电话 talk交谈; speak讲某种语言; say说,后加说的内容; tell告诉:tell sth to sb/tell sb sth,告诉某人某事;tell sb. to do sth.告诉某人做某事tell stories讲故事。4. make sb do sth让某人做某事;make soup做汤;make the bed整

5、理床铺;make breakfast做早饭5.What are you doing ?此句是现在进行时的特殊疑问句,用来询问某人正在做什么。其结构式:(What+be+人+V-ing+其他?)6.Im watching TV.这时现在进行时的陈述句形式,其结构是:主语+be(not)+V-ing+其他。表示目前正在进行或发生的动词。拓展:现在进行时的定义:表示现在正在进行或发生的事情,通常句子中常有now, Look! Listen! Its two oclock now.等表示正在进行的时间状语。My brother is watching TV now.l 现在进行时的构成:be+V-in

6、g构成,其中be 受主语影响变为am,is,are。l V-ing又叫动词的现在分词。V-ing的构成规则如下:(1) 一般在动词后边加-ing。如reading,doing,working,sleeping, waiting,studying, talking.(2) 以不发音e结尾的动词,先去e再加ing,如,writing,taking,liking, using, exercising.但是,若是发音的e结尾,则不能去e: seeing,agreeing.(3)以重读闭音节结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母,先双写这个辅音字母,再加-ing.如,getting, swimming, sitti

7、ng,putting.(4). 以字母ie结尾的动词,通常将ie改为y,再加ing:diedying lielying 躺 Step3、 拓展(1) 汇报点拨 完成2c,汇报结果。(二)内化训练A:填空 1.I often (读书)with my friends in the library.2._(看)!There is a koala,its kind of cute.3.I (看电视) now.4.He cant (看见)anything at night.5. !(听)There is a bird singing in the tree. 6. I can _(听)you.B:句型转

8、换 1.Mary is watching TV at home.(就划线部分提问)_ 2. My brother is playing the piano now.( 就划线部分提问)_ C:单选选择( )1. Look,! They _ games over there. A. is play B. is playingC. are playing( )2. We are doing _.A. our homework B. my homework C. ones homework ( )3. Jim and his teacher _ over there. A. is talk B. i

9、s talking C. are talking ( )4. Lily _ the blackboard. A. is looking B. is looking at C. looking( )5. They are _ books. A. seeing B. reading C. watching( )6. _ are the students doing in the classroom now? A. WhatB. Where C. When( )7.- Is the boy using the computer? -_ A. Yes, he does B. No, he isnt C

10、. No, he doesnt ( )8.-What _ your family doing? -Theyre watching TV. A. isB. doesC. are ( )9.Your idea _ good. A. Listens B. sound C. sounds( ) 10. Its twelve oclock now. The Greens _lunch at home. A. have B. is having C. are having (三)反馈拓展 我的收获:_ 我的疑惑:_ Unit 6 Im watching TV.Section A 2d-Grammar Fo

11、cus(读写课)编写:唐晓静 审核:冯贵容 挂科领导:_ 使用者:_ 教师寄语::Doing is better than saying.与其挂在嘴上,不如落实在行动上。 学习目标: 1.掌握本节课词汇和短语;2.掌握本节课句型 重点、难点: 1.学习巩固现在进行时。 2.掌握一般疑问句及其简单答语。 学习过程: Step1、 初读(1) 新课导入 写出下列词的现在分词形式。wash- watch- listen- clean- play- do- use- exercise- (2) 初听快读 初听2d,圈出困难词句。(3) 问题初探 1.根据2d内容回答:(1) Whats Laura d

12、oing?_(2) Whats Jenny doing?_(3) What do they want to do? _(4) What time do they meet?_ 3.分角色表演2d。 4. 学习Grammar Focus 中的句型,归纳现在进行时的用法、构成、肯定式、否定式。并做以下练习。句型转换1.Im doingmy homework.(改一般疑问句)_yourhomework?2.Shesswimmigatthepool.(改为一般疑问句)_she_atthepool?3.BettyissinginganEnglishsong.(改为否定句)_.4.Areherfamilye


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