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1、 人教八年级下册Unit2基础知识检测一、根据汉语提示完成单词。1. _ (几个) of my friends are learning English at language schools. 2. She looked at her painting with _ (满意).3. He always feels _ because he has no friends.(孤独的)4. Lets go to the football game and(欢呼)for our school team. 5. We need a to help to give out food at the foo

2、d bank(志愿者)二、根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Many people are _about the new movie by Jackie Chan. They think the movie is _(exict).2. Apples are _good fruit that few people dislike them.3. -What was Fred going to do ?-Hewas going to put on some signs asking _old books.4. Dont put off _ (raise) money for the

3、 food bank.5. Jerry is much _ (strong) than me.三、单项填空1. The students are _ the leaflets to people over there to ask them to save water. A. looking out B. putting out C. selling out D. giving out2. Ann used to _ here. But now she lives in Beijing.A. 1ive B. living C. 1ived D. lives3. Your room is ver

4、y dirty. You should _.A. clean up it B. clean it up C. clean them up D. clean up them4. We dont knownext. Lets go and ask Mr. Li. A. what to doB. to do whatC. to do whichD. to do how5.Will you go to_ food at the food bank tomorrow?A. put upB. give upC. give outD. try out6. Jackhis father, because th

5、ey are both easygoing. A. looks afterB. looks likeC. takes afterD. looks up7. The Internet makespossible for everyone to get education anywhere and anytime. A. itB. thisC. thatD. them8. We have made such great progress onlyyour help. A. becauseB. because ofC. whenD. until9. I cant buy the CD because

6、 I have _ money. A. run out of B. run out C. run away D. give out10. I cant go swimming with my friends _ my headache. A. because of B. as C. because D. so四、按要求完成句子1. 最终他们同时到达了山顶。At last, they got to the top of the mountain _ _ _ _.2. His sister wants to work in the factory. (同义句) His sister _ _ to

7、work in the factory.3. 我觉得露西像她姑姑。I think Lucy _ _ her aunt. 4. 他总能想出一些解决问题的好主意。He can always_ _ _ some good ideas to solve problems. 5. 他们打算为家乡的孩子们建一所新的学校。They plan to _ _a new school for the children in their hometown. 6. He didnt have any money left.He _ _ _ his money.五. 完形填空 We dont have special

8、skills but all of us can be special people. Why? Because we can volunteer. Mary, a Canadian girl, was sad because she had a heart problem. Her classmates had always been trying to 1_ her up. However, they couldnt because she was so 2_ that she needed lots of money to have an operation (手术). Her pare

9、nts 3_ to get help from the public. A TV station soon 4_ a call-in center for Mary. Many people called and offered to help Mary 5_. At the same time, Marys classmates donated money, and some of them even handed out flyers (传单) 6_ Marys story at a local supermarket. All above helped Mary a lot. Mary

10、and her parents really 7_ everyones hard work. There are lots of 8_ for us to volunteer. The Asian Games in Guangdong, for example, need thousands of volunteers. And volunteers are also 9_ in local hospitals, old peoples homes, and so on. We can also help homeless people and 10_ people, and voluntee

11、r to clean up parks. Volunteering is not only a great way to help people, but also a great way to make new friends, to learn new skills, and to have fun.1. A. think B. cheer C. call D. give2. A. tired B. glad C. sick D. healthy3. A. finished B. misses C. refused D. hoped4. A. set up B. broke off C.

12、turned on D. heard of5. A. in B. up C. down D. out6. A. translating B. telling C. selling D. finding7. A. forgot B. changed C. appreciated D. joined8. A. meetings B. opportunities C. research D. competitions9. A. hurt B. offered C. caused D. needed10. A. lucky B. happy C. disabled D. dead六、阅读理解Ladie

13、s and gentlemen, thank you very much for coming to this concert. I hope you have enjoyed the music. The purpose of this concert is toraisemoney for children in Africa. Every dayhundreds ofchildren in Africa die.because they have diseases or have not enoughfood to eat. There are two main reasons. First, there are no jobs for thechildrens parents, so they have no money to buy food ormedicine. Second, the governments in many African countries do not have the money to take car


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