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1、中华人民共和国消防法(中英文)Fire Prevention Law of The Peoples Republic of China (Adopted at the Second Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Ninth National Peoples Congress on April 29, 1998 and promulgated by Order No. 4 of the President of the Peoples Republic of China on April 29, 1998)(1998年4月29日第九届全国人民代

2、表大会常务委员会第二次会议通过) Contents目 录 Chapter I General Provisions第一章 总 则 Chapter II Fire Prevention第二章 火灾预防 Chapter III Fire Fighting Organizations第三章 消防组织 Chapter IV Fire Extinguishment and Rescue第四章 灭火救援 Chapter V Legal Liability第五章 法律责任 Chapter VI Supplementary Provision第六章 附 则 Chapter I General Provisio

3、ns第一章 总 则 Article 1 This Law is enacted with a view to preventing fire and reducing fire damage, protecting the safety of citizens and the safety of public property and the property of citizens, maintaining public security and ensuring the smooth carrying out of the socialist modernization.第一条 为了预防火

4、灾和减少火灾危害,保护公民人身、公共财产和公民财产的安全,维护公共安全,保障社会主义现代化建设的顺利进行,制定本法。 Article 2 The policy of prevention first and combination of fire prevention and fire fighting should be implemented in fire prevention, the principle of combination of specialized organs and masses shall be adhered to and the fire prevention

5、 safety responsibility system shall be practised.第二条 消防工作贯彻预防为主、防消结合的方针,坚持专门机关与群众相结合的原则,实行防火安全责任制。 Article 3 Fire prevention work shall be under the leadership of the State Council and the responsibility of local peoples governments at all levels. Peoples governments at all levels should integrate f

6、ire prevention work into the national economic and social development plans and ensure that fire prevention work adapts to economic construction and social development.第三条 消防工作由国务院领导,由地方各级人民政府负责。各级人民政府应当将消防工作纳入国民经济和社会发展计划,保障消防工作与经济建设和社会发展相适应。 Article 4 The department of public security under the Sta

7、te Council exercises supervision and administration over fire prevention work nationwide. Public security organs of local peoples governments at and above the county level exercise supervision and administration over fire prevention work within their respective administrative areas and the fire figh

8、ting organs of public security organs of peoples governments at the corresponding levels shall be responsible for the implementation. Fire prevention work of military installations, underground portions of mines and nuclear power plants shall be under the supervision and administration of the units

9、in charge of them.第四条 国务院公安部门对全国的消防工作实施监督管理,县级以上地方各级人民政府公安机关对本行政区域内的消防工作实施监督管理,并由本级人民政府公安机关消防机构负责实施。军事设施、矿井地下部分、核电厂的消防工作,由其主管单位监督管理。 In case of separate provisions under laws and administrative regulations governing fire prevention work of forests and prairies, those provisions shall be observed.森林、

10、草原的消防工作,法律、行政法规另有规定的,从其规定。 Article 5 All units and individuals have the obligation to maintain fire prevention safety, protect firefighting installations, prevent fire and report fire alarms. All units and adult citizens have the obligation to participate in organized firefighting work.第五条 任何单位、个人都有

11、维护消防安全、保护消防设施、预防火灾、报告火警的义务。任何单位、成年公民都有参加有组织的灭火工作的义务。 Article 6 Peoples governments at all levels should regularly conduct fire prevention publicity and education to raise citizens fire prevention awareness.第六条 各级人民政府应当经常进行消防宣传教育,提高公民的消防意识。 Competent administrative departments of education, labour an

12、d others should integrate fire prevention knowhow into contents of teaching and training.教育、劳动等行政主管部门应当将消防知识纳入教学、培训内容。 Press, publications, broadcasting, film, television and other competent departments concerned have the obligation to conduct fire prevention safety publicity and education.新闻、出版、广播、

13、电影、电视等有关主管部门,有进行消防安全宣传教育的义务。 Article 7 Units and individuals having made outstanding contribution or prominent achievements in fire prevention work should be rewarded.第七条 对在消防工作中有突出贡献或者成绩显著的单位和个人,应当予以奖励。 Chapter II Fire Prevention第二章 火灾预防 Article 8 Municipal peoples governments should integrate fire

14、fighting planning including firefighting safety layout, fire brigades, firefighting water supply, firefighting communications, passages for fire engines, firefighting equipment and other contents into overall city planning and be responsible for organizing competent departments concerned in implemen

15、tation. 第八条 城市人民政府应当将包括消防安全布局、消防站、消防供水、消防通信、消防车通道、消防装备等内容的消防规划纳入城市总体规划,并负责组织有关主管部门实施。公共消防设施、消防装备不足或者不适应实际需要的,应当增建、改建、配置或者进行技术改造。 Where there are inadequacies in public firefighting installations and firefighting equipment or they are not in a position to cope with actual requirements, there should be additional construction, reconstruction, deployment or technical transformation.对消防工作,应当加强科学研究,推广、使用先进消防技术、消防装备。 Scientific research should be stepped up in fire prevention work and advanced fire prevention technology and firefighting equipment shall be extended and used.第九条



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