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1、1 1 告知信告知信 【文体概述文体概述】 告知信是指一方告诉另一方某一信息的信件。常考的话题有告知上课计划、会议、招聘信息、电话留 言内容、报名事宜、活动安排等事情。高考真题中,告知信需要告知的内容均属于积极的信息。告知信的 语言要简单明了,在信中一般应告知写信的目的,然后再讲述其他事情。 【常用语块常用语块】 1. 报名_ 2. 航班号_ 3. 每周工作八个小时_ 4. 我们组长的助手_ 5. 才艺大赛_ 6. 下列四门课程_ 7. 特别关注_ 8. 课前_ 9. 给某人做讲座_ 10. 认为非常重要_ 11. 举办茶文化节_ 12. 中华文明_ 13. 提前_ 14. 关于的一些事情_

2、15. 为了学好它_ 【套用句式套用句式】 1. 现在我写信来告知你详情。 _ 2. 我打算在第一堂课教你拼音。 _ 3. 如果你课前准备一个笔记本和一本字典会更好。 _ 4. 如果你想尝试,你必须在 6 月底之前去电视台报名。 _ 2 2 5. 如果你需要进一步的信息,请让我知晓。 _ 【短文改错短文改错】(做短文改错,背经典范文做短文改错,背经典范文) Hi Leslie, Im writing to tell you about the Chinese class the next week. Lets meet on two Tuesday afternoon at the coffe

3、e shop near my school again. I plan help you study some poems of the Tang Dynasty there is an important part of Chinese civilization. Many of the Tang poems had greatly influenced Chinese literature. And we learned it at a young age. Ill help you read and understand the selecting poems before we hav

4、e a discuss of them. To make it easier, I suggest you can study and get some knowledges of the Tang Dynasty in advance. See you then! Best, Li Hua 【课堂练习课堂练习】 假设你是李华,你在报上看到本市电视台今年七月将举办外国人“学中文,唱中文歌”才艺大赛 (Talent Show) 。你的美国朋友 Peter 正在一所大学学中文,你觉得他可以去试一试。请给他写信告知此事, 并表示可以提供帮助。要点如下: 1. 比赛时间; 2. 报名时间; 3. 报名

5、地点:电视台。 注意:1. 词数 100 左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3. 开头语和结束语已为你写好。 Dear Peter, Yours, Li Hua 【课外作业课外作业】 假设你是李华,下周你校将举办茶文化节。你想邀请英国朋友 David 来做关于“英国茶文化”的讲座, 3 3 请写信告知,内容包括: 1. 简要介绍茶文化节活动; 2. 说明讲座主题:英国下午茶; 3. 询问可来做讲座的时间。 注意:1. 词数 100 左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3. 开头语和结束语已为你写好。 Dear David, Yours, Li Hua 告知信告知信 常用语块常

6、用语块 1. sign up 2. flight number 3. work eight hours a week 4. an assistant to our team leader 5. talent show 6. the following four courses 7. pay special attention to 8. before class 9. give sb. a talk 10. attach great importance to 11. hold a Tea Culture Festival 12. Chinese civilization 13. in adv

7、ance / ahead of time 14. something about. 15. to / in order to learn it well 4 4 套用句式套用句式 1. Now I am writing to tell you the details. 2. I intend to teach you Pinyin in the first period. / I have the intention of teaching you Pinyin in the first period. 3. It would be better if you prepare a notebo

8、ok and a dictionary before class. 4. If you would like to try, you have to go to the TV station to sign up before the end of June. 5. Please let me know if you need further information. 短文改错短文改错 李华写信告知外国朋友李华写信告知外国朋友 Leslie 下个星期中文课的相关情况。下个星期中文课的相关情况。 1. 去掉 next week 前的 the 表示下个星期无需用定冠词 the。 2. onat 在

9、几点用介词 at。 3. 在 plan 后加 to 因 plan to do sth.(计划做某事)是固定用法。 4. therewhich 因前有 plan 作谓语动词,故用 which 引导定语从句,在从句中作主语。 5. hadhave 根据上下文意思,指对现在造成的影响,用现在完成时。 6. learned 后的 itthem 指代 the Tang poems, 用 them。 7. selectingselected 因 poems 与 select 是被动关系,故用过去分词表被动。 8. discussdiscussion 因前有不定冠词修饰,故用名词形式。 9. 去掉 can

10、或把 canshould 因 suggest 表示“建议”时,从句谓语动词用“should+动词原形” ,其 中 should 可以省略。 10. knowledgesknowledge 因 knowledge 是不可数名词,没有复数形式。 课堂练习课堂练习 Dear Peter, I read in a newspaper today that a “Learn Chinese, Sing Chinese Songs” Foreigners Talent Show will be held in our Television Station on June 6th. I do believe

11、 it is not only interesting but also meaningful. I know you like singing, and you are in China during that period. There is no doubt that it is a good chance for you to show your talent and how well you have learned Chinese. If you would to try, you have to go to the TV station to sign up before the

12、 end of June. If there is anything I can do for you, I would be more than glad to help. Yours, Li Hua 课外作业课外作业 5 5 Dear David, How is everything going these days? Our school is going to hold a Tea Culture Festival next week and I am writing to invite you to give us a talk on “British Tea Culture”. During the Tea Culture Festival, we will have activities like a display


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