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1、大学英语四级考试作文讲座 Lectures on CET-4 English Writing,主讲:周志远,一、我校历年四级考试基本情况介绍:,1四级考试简介,2我校历届考试概述(平均分,通过率,备考措施),5痛苦的经历,4学练作文的益处,3四级作文简述(目的、题型、意义、历届考试平均得分),二、作文讲座内容安排,第一讲: (1) 作文存在的障碍和问题,(2) 作文与词语,第二讲: (1) 句子的运用,(2) 段落基本概念,第三讲: (1) 应考作文的写作要求,(2) 应考作文的写作方法,(3) 句子和段落的连接手段,(2) 四级考试注意事项,第四讲: (1) 作文常用句型,(1) 作文存在的

2、障碍和问题,The Study of English,There are various kinds of books. History books tell people about the history of human society. Scientific and technological books make people understand the unknown world and make the society progress. Books about art and literature help us enjoy nature and people.,a. 翻译式

3、作文。 例:,Books are beneficial to people. We can learn all knowledge from books. By reading books we get to know things we dont known. Also we can learn things we cant experience by ourselves. Books are our friends that will accompany us forever.,However, some books are harmful. Books that tell people

4、to do bad things will certainly do great harm to us. Especially yellow books will ruin the young people. These books are no good. So we must choose books to read.,The First Day I Came to College,I always remember the day I come to college. It was a sunny day and I was very excited. I have arrived at

5、 the college in the afternoon. Everything had seemed fresh to me. The campus was beautiful. The college was located at the foot of a Mountain and was surround with trees. To the east of it we can see a blue river. There are so many teaching buildings. It was here that I would study for four years. I

6、 thought that I must study hard in order to live up to the expectations of my parents and friends. It is true that there are many challenges, but I will prove myself a worthy college student.,b. 时态混杂。 例:,Computer,Nowadays computers are widely used in our society. We can see computers everywhere. Man

7、y people use computers in schools and colleges. We also use computers in offices, libraries, banks and at home.,c. 没啥可写。 例:,Failure Is The Mother of Success,Because we often fail. No failure no success. Different people have different attitudes toward failure. Failure is natural. If we are not afrai

8、d of failure, it will become the mother of success. Failure is very important. No pains no gains. Failure can lead to success.,Fake commodities are bad to us. They not only are bad to our life, but also to our health. In a store , even a supermarket, all kind of fake commodities always can be found.

9、 It is very harmful to customers society and even to a country.,Fake Commodities,Do you like travelling? Probably you will say “Yes, I like it very much!” Thats right.,Traveling,I think travelling is really good to everyone of us. Do you agree with me, my dear friend?,d. 套用中文模式。 例:,. As I was a litt

10、le tired from the journey to the college, I went to bed early. At mid night, I suddenly woke up. I found that there was no gate in the college.,The First Day I Came to College,e. 主题模糊。 例:,(2) 作文与词语,Im a student of Hunan University. Im studying in Tumu Department. I like my major very much.,要能正确和恰当地用

11、词语表达意思,首先必须意识到英语词语和汉语词语并非是一一对应的。例如,汉语的“觉得”可用英语的feel、find、think等词语来表达,但具体怎么用,还须依句意而定:,1. 他一点儿也不觉得累。,2. 我觉得有必要先跟他商量。,3. 你觉得这个计划怎么样?,What do you think of the plan?,4. 他觉得有人在注视着他们。,He didnt feel tired at all.,I think we should consult him first.,How do you like the plan?,He became aware that someone was

12、 watching him.,5. 他觉得有责任帮助同学。 He deems it his duty to help his fellow classmates.,6. 我觉得他不会同意。 I have a sense that he wont agree.,7. 你觉得这样做合算吗? Do you find it pays?,9. 很多次我觉得自己是胜利者。 And for many times I figure that Im the winner.,8. 我觉得我们会取胜。 I have a feeling that we will win.,只有通过反复实践,不断体会词语的含意和用法,

13、掌握有关英语词语运用的一些基本要求,才能减少失误,并逐步提高表达能力。,对初练写作的人而言,应适当了解正式文体与非正式文体的差异,尤其是词语的区别。试比较两个内容相同,语言却不一样的图书馆的告示:,The number of books in the library has been going down. Please make sure you know the rules for borrowing, and dont forget that the library is for everyones convenience. So from now on, were going to e

14、nforce the rules strictly. You have been warned.,(1),It has been noted with concern that the stock of books in the library has been declining alarmingly. Students are requested to remind themselves of the rules for the borrowing and returning of books, and to bear in mind the needs of other students

15、. Penalties for overdue books will in the future be strictly enforced.,(2),再比较下面的一些词语:,endeavor cognition commence terminate,utterance proposition precede aspire,这些词,大都用于正式的文体,如法律条款、学术论著、正式的信函等。日常用语中,则更多使用另一类词语:,tryknow beginend,speechsuggestiongo before desire,金圣华桥畔译谈,记得有一次在电视上看到这么一幕 (外国电视剧) 情景,母亲头

16、发凌乱,儿子见状,叫母亲梳理一下,屏幕上打出的中文是:“可否请你略理云鬓?”,词语的运用主要强凋“得体”。试借用一个英译汉例子来说明什么是得体:,词汇量与作文:,水浒传第二十三回“景阳冈武松打虎”中有这么一段描述:,武松在路上行了几日,来到阳谷县地面。此去离县治还远。当日晌午时分,走得肚中饥渴,望见前面有个酒店,挑着一面招旗在门前,上头写着五个字道:“三碗不过冈。”,一个“挑”字,使酒店前挂的旗子活活有了生命。英语中也不乏简单词语用得很生动的例子。大学英语精读课本第二册有一篇题为“My First Job”的课文。主人公去一学校应聘,辗转半天终于找到了学校:,文中的struggle 和survive都是常用词,但用得非常生动,很值得学习。,The school was a red brick house with big windows. The front garden was a gravel square; four evergreen shrubs stood at each corner, where they struggle


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