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1、Basic Service Courtesy 基础服务礼仪,- Body Language 之 - 形体语言,By the end of this session you will be able to: 在本章节结束时,你将能够: Appreciate and state the ten aspects of body language . 了解并陈述形体语言的十个方面。 Increase the quality of your “customer service” by focusing your service courtesy. 通过专注于自己的服务礼仪来加强“对客服务”的质量。 Be

2、 more customer responsive in the following situations. 在下列情况下能作出正确的响应: 1. Making the guest feel valued and welcome. 让客人觉得他很重要,而且很受欢迎。 2. Dealing with different nationalities / cultures. 对于来自不同国家和具有不同文化背景的客人要适当的应对。,Objective 课程目标,What we will learn? 我们将学到什么?,Standing 站立 Sitting 坐 Walking 行走 Squat 下蹲

3、Direction 指引方向,Welcome 迎宾 Give way 让道 Take Escalator 乘坐电梯 Shake hands 握手 Deliver & receive 递接(物品),What is BODY LANGUAGE? 什么是形体语言?,One kind of non-verbal communication 非语言交流的一种,Including postures, movements, facial expressions, etc. 包括姿态、动作、神态表情等等,Also can show your mood, personality, education, upbr

4、inging, experience, etc. 一样可以体现你的心情、个性、教育、素养、经验等等,Why we need standard BODY LANGUAGE at work? 为什么在工作时我们需要标准化的形体语言?,Achieve Guest SATISFACTION 赢得客户满意,What kind of BODY LANGUAGE do we need? 我们需要怎样的形体语言?,Courteous 礼仪,Elegant 优雅,Finished 利落,-Respect Guests culture, religious belief, habits & customs, et

5、c. 尊重客人的文化、宗教信仰、风俗习惯等等 Develop our eminent tradition 发扬我们的优良传统,-To be efficient, expressing our intention in a simple & effective way 高效,用简单而有效的方式表达我们的用意,-Elegant service provided by gentlemen & ladies 优雅的服务总是由绅士淑女提供,双腿直立式 (脚跟并拢、双膝紧靠) 适合短时间站立、 迎送宾客,-分腿站立式 (双膝直立、 与肩同宽),Basic Body Posture 基础仪态,双腿直立八字位

6、 (脚跟并拢、 双膝紧靠),-双脚前后丁字位 (前脚脚跟紧靠后脚脚心 弯曲部分),Basic Body Posture 基础仪态,腹前交叉式,体侧自然下垂式,-两手背放式,Basic Body Posture 基础仪态,腹前交叉式,体侧自然下垂式,-两手背放式,胸前相握式,Basic Body Posture 基础仪态,Basic Body Posture 基础仪态,ACTION,1. Standing 站立,Standing 站立,Standing 站立,Oh ! NO !,-Lean on walls/counters 倚墙、柜台而站,-Put hands in pockets 把手放在口

7、袋 (上衣、裤带)里,-Stand with two legs parallel (for ladies) -双脚平行站立(女士),2. Sitting 坐,Male男员工,平行停放式 ( 90120 ),脚踝小交叉式 (椅前或椅下),Sitting 坐,Feet 脚位,Sitting 坐,平行停放式 ( 90120 ),一侧平放式 (双腿并拢、向内弯曲),Female 女员工,Feet 脚位,Sitting 坐,-自然相握式 (垂放在双腿上),-自然平放式 (平放在腿上或桌面上),Sitting 坐,-自然相握式 (垂放在双腿上),-自然平放式 (平放在桌面上),Sitting 坐,-单腿前

8、伸,-以手托面,-人字形腿 (双膝并拢、 双腿向两侧斜放),-二郎腿,Oh ! NO !,ACTION,3. Walking 行走,Walking 行走,步履轻盈、不拖沓 走的线路尽量为一直线 步幅恰当 双臂自然摆动 目光平视前方 挺胸收腹,- Lower heads &Being bow backed 低头、驼背,- Running 奔跑,Oh ! NO !,Walking 行走,No running, especially in guest area. 不得奔跑,尤其是在客用区域,No holding hands or 不得相互搀手或勾肩搭背,No dragging shoes while

9、 walking 走路不拖沓,Its not safe & will ruin the atmosphere of the hotel 因为这样做既不安全也破坏了 酒店的氛围,Its not a professional image 因为这不是一个职业化的形象,Making people think the shoes do not fit or we are out of passion 会让人觉得鞋不跟脚,或不精神,Walking 行走,Back area staff need to take staff entrance. If it is not out of work exigenc

10、y, no crossing through the lobby. 后台员工走员工通道。无工作需要, 不随意穿越大堂,When the passage is too narrow, walk after the guests 当通道狭窄时,让客人先行,by hotel regulation 依据酒店规定,out of courtesy 出于礼仪要求,Walking 行走,4. Squat 下蹲,Squat 下蹲,-Give our back to the guest 完全后背朝人,- Bow directly without squat and turn up one leg 不曲腿,直接弯腰

11、,一条腿翘起,Oh ! NO !,5. Direction 指引方向,Hands 手位,伸出手掌指示方向 掌心向外 四指并拢 拇指内扣,Direction 指引方向,What shall we do? 我们应该怎样做?,Body 躯干,Stand up 起立 Raise our head, dont be bow-backed 挺胸抬头、身姿挺拔 Do not give your back to guests 保持身体和客人的身体相对,不要背对客人 If the guest ask for leading, we should lead the guest by walking in fron

12、t of him/her with the distance of about 1meter. 如客人需要引领,应站在客人前方一米左右,Direction 指引方向,What shall we do? 我们应该怎样做?,Show the way by - using his/her finger 用手指指示方向 - pouting his/her mouth 用努嘴指示方向 - using his/her eye expressions 用眼神指示方向,Direction 指引方向,Oh ! NO !,ACTION,6. Welcome 迎宾,Eye contact with smile 目光

13、注视、面带微笑 Greet guests 向客人致以问候 - Slightly pitch our body 身体微微前倾 - Show the direction for guests 伸手为客人指引方向,Welcome 迎宾,7. Give Way 让道,In a narrow isle, when we walk facing a guests 在狭窄的过道,同客人迎面而行时 - In a narrow isle, when we walk in front of a guest 在狭窄的过道,同客人相向而行时(此时你走在客人前面) When we finish a conversati

14、on with guest, even in a spacious area (eg. in the lobby) 即使在宽阔的区域(如大堂),当你和客人结束谈话时,When do we need to give way for guests? 何时我们需要为客人让道?,Gave Way 让道,Back off a little bit 往旁退出一小步 - Slightly pitch our body 身体微微前倾 - Show the direction for guests 伸手为客人指引方向 - Eye contact with smile 目光注视、面带微笑 - Greet gues

15、ts if necessary 向客人致以问候(如有必要),Gave Way 让道,What shall we do? 我们应该怎样做?,8. Take Escalator 乘坐厢式电梯,Show the way for guests before we take escalator. We may take first and lead the guest by standing in front of him/her. 乘坐自动扶梯前应伸手示意客人。自己可先行搭乘,在客人前方引领。 Stand by right side and leave the left side for those

16、who are in a hurry 尽量靠右站立, 把左边的空间让给有急事的人,Take Escalator 乘坐自动扶梯,What shall we do? 我们应该怎样做?,Two steps for once (ladies) 两级一跨台阶(女士) Stand by left side 靠左站立 Stand behind the guest we are accompanying 落在陪同客人的后面,Oh ! NO !,Take Escalator 乘坐自动扶梯,Press the button for guests, then lead guests to the elevator which is to arrive first. 乘坐厢式电梯前应先为客人 按下按钮, 然后引领客人等候 在最先到达的电梯前 When the elevator



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