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1、Lesson 3,Making Guesses about People,Their friends are really upset and have been waiting,anxiously for more news.(P12, Ex 2)他们的朋友真的很难过,并且 一直在等待更多的消息。,1upset adj.不安的,不快的 vt.使心烦意乱;打翻 典例 She felt upset over her mothers illness. 她为母亲的病而感到不安。,Losing the necklace borrowed from her friend upset her comple

2、tely.,她把从朋友那儿借来的项链弄丢了, 这使她心烦意乱。,拓展 运用,be upset about/over 对感到不快(不安) 完成句子,(1)He _ ( 对 感 到 不 快 ) the way his father treated him. (2)Small things never _ (使他心烦意乱),upset him,was upset about/over,I wonder how they got lost and whose fault it was.(P12, Ex 2)我不知道他们是怎样迷路的,又是谁的过错。 2fault n错误;缺点,典例,Every man

3、has his faults.,(谚语)人无完人, 金无足赤。 Its my fault that we are late. 我们迟到是我的错。,拓展 运用,find fault (with sb./sth)(对某人/某物)挑剔,吹毛求庇 完成句子,Why do you have to _ (挑剔) everything I like?,find fault with,Or they could have gone exploring on their own and lost their way back to the group.(P12, Ex 2) 或许他们独自去探 险回来时迷了路。,

4、3on ones own,独自地,独立地(by oneself/alone),典例,You cant expect her to do it all on her own.,你不能指望她完全独立地做好这件事。,运用,完成句子,I had to go to the cinema _ (独自地) because all the other boys were busy.,on my own/by myself/alone,Its so cold at the moment.(P12, Ex 2)当时天气很冷。 4at the moment 当时,在那时,典例,The police arrived

5、right at the moment of the explosion. 警,察就在爆炸的那个时候赶到了。,拓展 in a moment,一会儿;立刻,马上,for a moment 片刻;一会儿,for the moment the moment that,暂时;目前 一就,运用 完成句子 (1)I really must be going home _ (立即) (2)I was writing a letter _ (那时)when he came in. (3)I recognized him _ (一就) I saw him. (4)_ (目前) we are content to

6、 watch and wait.,in a moment,at the moment,For the moment,the moment that,They might be sheltering in a cave.(P12, Ex 2) 他们可 能躲在一个山洞里。,5shelter vi.躲避,n躲避处,避难所;庇护,点拨,(1)作不及物动词,常构成短语 shelter from,意为“躲,避”。如: They sheltered from the sun under a tree. 他们在树底下乘凉。 (2)作名词,常与介词 from 搭配使用。作“避难所,提供保 护及安全的场所或事物”

7、讲时是可数名词;作“庇护”讲时是 不可数名词。如:,The umbrella is a poor shelter from heavy rain. 雨伞不太遮挡得住大雨。,拓展 运用,under the shelter of 在的庇护下 take/find shelter from 避难,躲避 give shelter to 庇护 food, clothing, shelter and transportation 衣食住行 完成句子,(1)We finally _ ( 找到了一个躲避处) in a,small cave.,sheltered us from,(2)The wall _ (为我

8、们遮挡) the wind.,found a shelter,Itll be a real relief when theyre found.(P12, Ex 2) 当 他们被找到的时候,那真是松了口气。 6relief n减轻,宽慰,点拨,relief 为不可数名词,常与介词 from 连用,意为“免,除/解除”。如: These pills bring relief from pain. 这些药丸可以止痛。,拓展,with/in relief 轻松地,宽慰地,to ones great relief/much to ones relief 使某人大为欣慰的是,运用,完成句子,(1)Both

9、 men seemed to sigh ( 叹 息 ) _ (轻松地) (2)_ ( 让我们感到非常欣慰 的是), all the children returned safely.,with/in relief,To our great relief/Much to our relief,A mother is telling her son off.(P13, Ex 8) 一位母亲正 在责备她的儿子。 7tell.off 责备,斥责,点拨,该短语中的 off 为副词,属于“动副短语”,后接代,词作宾语时须置于动词和副词之间。如: My teacher always tells me off

10、, which makes me unhappy. 我 的老师总是责备我,这让我很不快。,运用,完成句子,You shouldnt _ (责备我) like this.In fact, it is your fault.,tell me off,They cant exactly eat seeds like squirrels and sparrows do! (P12, Ex 2)他们根本不可能像松鼠和麻雀一样吃种子。 点拨 like 在此作连词,意为“如同”,引导方式状语从句。如: I hope I can drive the car like you do. 我希望我开车开得像你一样好

11、。,运用,完成句子,He followed his brother and jumped across the small stream _ (像他一样),like he did,情态动词表示“猜测”,英语中,情态动词 can/could, must, may/might, would, should 等,都可以表示“猜测”。具体用法如下:,一、“情态动词do”用于对现在或将来情况的猜测,“情态动词be (doing)”用于对此时此刻正在发生的事情的,猜测,1must 表示十分肯定的猜测,只用于肯定句中,且很少用于对,将来情况的猜测。如:,Mr.Li must be working now,

12、for the lights in his office are still on.,李先生现在一定在工作,因为他办公室的灯还亮着。,2“will/woulddo”表示对将来或有可能出现的情况的 猜测,语气较强,常有客观依据。would 表示猜测时,不一定 是 will 的过去时,而是表示说话者的语气要委婉一些。如:,He will come if hes free.如果有空他明天会来的。,He would come here if the weather were fine. 如果天气好,他可能会来这里。,3should (有时用 ought to)表示猜测的可能性比较大,仅比 must 的

13、可能性小一点,可译为“很可能,按理应该”。如:,It is already 10 oclock now; they should be there. 现在已经十点钟了。他们应该已经到了那里。,4can/could 表猜测时语气比 should 弱,could 不一定是 can,的过去时,而经常表示比 can 更为委婉的语气。,(1)用于肯定句中时表示一种理论上的可能性,即“有可能发 生,但实际未必发生”,往往有“不时,有时”的含义。如:,Even experts can make mistake. 即使是专家也有可能犯错。,Reading could be very boring. 有时阅读也

14、可能是很枯燥的。,注意:一般不用“cando”表示对将来的猜测,但可用“could,do”表示对将来的猜测。如:,We could pay a visit to Hainan next month. 下个月我们可能去海南观光。,(2)用于否定句中时,cant 相当于 must 的反义词,表示“肯,定不”,couldnt 则语气弱些。如:,Shes still single.That man cant/couldnt be her husband. 她还,单身,那人不可能是她的丈夫。,5may/might 表猜测时可能性最小,常指一种没有客观依 据的猜测;might 表示猜测时不一定是 may

15、的过去时,而表示可 能性比 may 要小。如:,The man may/might be waiting for you. 那个人可能正在等你。,二、“情态动词have done”表示对过去情况的猜测 1must have done 表示对过去发生的事情的十分肯定的猜 测,只用于肯定句,意为“过去肯定做了某事”,不存在 mustnt have done 这种形式。如:,The ground is rather wet, so it must have rained last night,didnt it?地面很湿,昨晚肯定下了雨,对吗?,2should have done 表示“过去应该做了某事”,语气较强,,对猜测的把握较大,常有客观依据。如:,The train should have already left. 火车大概已经开走了吧。,3can/could have done 表猜测时一般用在疑问句或否定句 中,对可能性进行提问,或表示不相信或怀疑的态度,对猜测 的把握很大。如:,Can/Could he have passed the exam? 他可能通过考试了吗?,I think that he couldnt/cant have gone abroad.I saw him just,n


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