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1、最新 料推荐Longman welcome to English 1A-4A单词句子闯关大赛最新 料推荐1A重点单词I. 中译英1. 爸爸 2. 笔袋3. 嘴巴4. 棕色5. 哥哥6. 橡皮7. 朋友8. 机器人9. 黑色10. 书写11. 晚上 12. 白色 13. 紫色 14. 橘色 15. 下午16. 早上 17. 教师节 18. 学生II. 根据首字母填空。1. Is he your f_? -No, he is my brother.2. My m_ is a housewife. She works at home.3. I have lots of t_. Come to my

2、home and play with me!4. Can I borrow( 借 ) your pencil s_? I want to sharpen my pencil.5. Look, Mary and Sally are twins. Sally is the little s_.6. -What is your n_? Im John.7. People eat with their m_, see with their e_ and listen with their e_.8.Don t eat too much! You ll be f_.9.Tom is 2cm t_ tha

3、n Peter. He is 160cm.10. I want to w_a letter to my pen pal(笔友) .最新 料推荐1B 重点 I. 中 英1. 兔子 2. 鼠 3.橱柜 4. 物5. 教 6. 大象 7. 睡 8.踢足球9. 衣裙10. 短裙11. 长裤12. 乌龟13. 衫 14. 自行 15. ( 脚 )跳 16.牛仔 17. 企 18. 十五_II. 根据首字母填空。1.“Carrot ” is a kind of plant.“Panda ” is a kind of a_.2.Can you count to t_? - Of course, 1 2 3

4、420. Good job!3.Nine plus ten is e_.- No, it s nineteen.4.T_ is between twelve and f_.5.It lives in the south pole. Its black and white.Itsa cute p_!6. We should r_ on the road.7. 2016 is the year of the M_.8. Where are my s_? My feet are cold. III 根据提示回答句子。1.- _- There are five hippos.2. Where are

5、the plates ?(在橱柜里面) _3. _No, they aren t. They are on the chair.4. What are these? ( 子 )_最新 料推荐2A 重点单词I. 中译英1.操场 2. 爬树3. 害怕 4.男警察5. 家庭主妇6. 在草地上走7.女服务员8. 制造噪音9.乘坐迷你巴士10. 火车11. 医生12. 摘花13. 游泳池 14. 网球场15. 厕所_II 根据提示回答句子。1.-Howdo you come to school? (回答:走路去 )2-I ?liveinWuhan.3.-_-EnglishMyteacher is Mr.

6、 Lee.4./_ ?-He isa waiter.5-I ?workin a firestation.III找出至少 6 个单词csmalLzdaycoliaoskfeoaponuhdrowsitwiouaprgrasSmpilwowieaegdn最新 料推荐2B重点单词I. 中译英1. 奶酪 2. 甜的 3. 巧克力糖 4. 整理客厅 5. 洗脸刷牙 6. 写作业 7. 吃早餐 8. 扫地 9. 去滑冰10.铺床 11. 摆桌子12. 洗澡 13. 洗碗 14. 洗碗 15. 去骑车16. 篮球 17. 羽毛球18. 网球_II. 根据首字母填空。1. Do not w_ the flow

7、ers too much. They will die(枯萎,死去 )2. Tomorrow is the weekend. So today is S_.3. S_ is the first day of a week.4. W_ is the day after Tuesday,5. Hamburger is my f_ food.6. The room isn t clean. Please t_ it.7. I have to finish my h_, then I can play computer games.8. I often help my mom w_ the dishes on the weekend.9. W_ do you do on Monday?I often play basketball,10. I g_



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