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1、Inquiries and Requests,to obtain information; to receive printed matter; to receive sample products; to order merchandise; to engage service; to make reservations; to seek special favors.,Reasons for writing a request letter:,1. Begin directly with the objectiveeither a specific question or a genera

2、l request for information. 2. Include necessary explanationwherever it fits. 3. If a number of questions are involved, list the questions by numbers or bullets, or leave space between questions. 4. End with goodwill words adapted to each particular situation.,General Plan for Direct Order,In interna

3、tional trade, inquiries are usually made by the buyers to get information about the goods to be ordered.,What is an inquiry?,the name and descriptions of commodity; quality or specifications; quantity; terms of price (FOB, CIF, etc.) terms of payment (by L/C, etc. ) time of shipment; packing method;

4、 ,Generally a detailed inquiry includes many parts:,1. We visited your stand at the Canton Fair and are now writing you to inquire about your silk neckties.,Patterns and Substitutions,我们参观了你方设在广交会上的展位,现特致函向你方询问有关丝制领带的情况。,1. Would you please/ Could you please/ Will you please? 2. We are interested in

5、/ We are in the market for/ We would like to 3. We will appreciate it very much if,Useful Sentence Patterns,Canton Fair: Chinas (Spring / Autumn) Export Commodities Fair 广交会:中国(春季/秋季)出口商品交易会,Useful Expressions,2. We are interested in / in the market for / potential buyers of / considering buying / r

6、eady to purchase your mens shirts displayed in your showroom.,Patterns and Substitutions,我们对你方货品展览室里陈列的男式衬衫很感兴趣。,3. Your advertisement in the latest issue of China Foreign Trade interests us, and we would like to receive full details of your commodities.,Patterns and Substitutions,我们对贵方在最新一期中国对外贸易上所

7、刊登的广告很感兴趣,并希望得知该商品的详细情况。,4. Please send us five copies of your latest catalogues at your earliest convenience.,Patterns and Substitutions,请尽早寄来最新目录5份。,5. Perhaps at the same time you could quote us your lowest / best / prevailing / competitive prices for the above-mentioned goods.,Patterns and Subst

8、itutions,也许与此同时你方能报给我们上述商品的最低价。,6. We would also like to know your terms of payment.,Patterns and Substitutions,我们还想了解你方的支付条件。,7. Your products are of great interest to one of our clients in Tianjin, who wishes to have your quotations for the items specified below.,Patterns and Substitutions,我们一位天津的

9、客户对你方的产品很感兴趣,并希望了解下列项目的报价。,8. If terms and delivery date are satisfactory, we should expect to place regular / trial / large / considerable / substantial orders with you.,Patterns and Substitutions,如果交易条件和交货日期合意的话,相信我们会定期向你方订货。,9. Please advise if you are able to offer / provide / supply / furnish t

10、his product and include lead time, packaging and price FOB China port and CIF Chicago.,Patterns and Substitutions,请告知你方是否能供应这种商品,包括订货与交货之间的时间、包装、FOB中国港口和CIF芝加哥的价格。,敬启者: 纽约的琼斯史密斯公司告知我们,你们是各类棉布床单和枕套的出口商。请你寄给我们各种产品的详细资料,包括型号、颜色和价格以及所用各种品质原料的样品。 我们是本地最大的纺织品经销商。相信所提到的这种产品如在我地定价适当市场将会看好。 报价时,请说明你方的支付条件和就每

11、种商品购买量不少于100打所能给予的折扣。所报的价格应包括保险和到利物浦的运费。 诚挚问候。,Translate the inquiry into English,Dear Sirs, Messrs Johns & Smith of New York inform us that you are exporters of all cotton bed-sheets and pillowcases. We would like you to send us details of your various ranges, including sizes, colors and prices, as

12、 well as samples of the different qualities of material used. We are the largest dealer in textiles,Sample version,here and believe there is a promising market in our area for moderately priced goods of this kind mentioned When quoting, please state your terms of payment and discount you would allow

13、 on purchases of quantities of not less than 100 dozen of individual items. Price quoted should include insurance and freight to Liverpool. Yours faithfully,Sample version page 2,Replies,Chapter 4,1. Express thanks for receiving the inquiry. 2. Supply all the information concerning the matter, and r

14、efer both to enclosures and to samples, catalogues and other items being sent by separate post. 3. Provide additional information, such as market quotation and marketability of the goods concerned, in order to attract the prospects. 4. Finish the letter with hope by encouraging customers to place or

15、ders but not force them to.,Direct plan for writing a reply,1. Begin with the answer or state that you are complying with the request. 2. Show thanks or sincere interest in the request and the person. 3. Present the most important information in a positive way. 4. Focus on the readers benefits assoc

16、iated with the information. 5. Provide additional helpful information and tell the reader what actions you will take for him or her. 6. End the letter with confidence and courtesy.,Guidelines for replying to a routine request,1. We have received / are in receipt of / acknowledge / wish to thank you for your inquiry dated March 20, 2006.,Patterns and Substitutions,我们收到了你方2006年3月20日的询盘。,2. We are enclosing / mailing to you / sending you with this letter / attaching to this letter our il



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