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2、ng withpeople from different backgroundscomemany conflicts in a community, which,if not handled properly, may threaten cooperation.(这个句子比较复杂的,主句是倒装句,定语从句里含有状语从句的省略结构,属于:现象+结果的思维模式)For example, it makes members graduallylose supportandisolate themselves.(对前面的threat继续解释)Therefore,great efforts should

3、be made to achieve a universal voice.(最后提出观点)中间段:解释立场,说明消除分歧争取统一的声音的好处First, it can helpachieve high working efficiency. Obviously, a group where all membersunite as oneis usuallyfull of passion and strength. Otherwise, a lot of time will be spent convincing each other.(展开方式:主题句+解释+反向说明)Second, it c

4、ontributes to a friendly environment in which everyone can workwith a good mood. By contrast, individuals with strong opinionsare inclined tobe aggressive,imposing great pressure on others.(展开方式:主题句+反向说明)结尾段:提出建议Personally, even with the most deeply held differences, treating the other person with r

5、espect is alwaysa good first step towardsgreater understanding. Also, a good listening cangain you deep empathy with others. Both will bea source of personal comfort and reassurance in various conflicts.(158个词)好词好句:Along withcome两个事物一起发生if not handled properly如果处理不好lose support失去支持isolate themselves

6、孤立自我mutual respect相互尊重achieve high working efficiency赢得高效full of passion and strength充满激情和力量with a good mood好心情are inclined to倾向于imposing great pressure on对施加压力gain you deep empathy with others带来共鸣a source of personal comfort and reassurance安抚和宽慰的来源注:最后一段是圣诞节英国女王致辞里的。But through the many changes I h

7、ave seen over the years, faith, family and friendship have been not only a constant for mebut a source of personal comfort and reassurance.但纵观这些年间诸事变迁。我的信仰,家庭和友谊不仅是我永恒的坚守,同时也是我的安抚和宽慰。Even with the most deeply held differences,treating the other person with respect and as a fellow human being is alwa

8、ys agood first step towards greater understanding.即使彼此间存在最根深蒂固的分歧,视对方为同侪、待他人以尊重永远是增进理解的第一步。题目:评价虎爸虎妈的严苛教育本题目可以用在所有父母不当的教育方式上,可以随意拓展。开头段:不赞成这种方式In China, the idea that “spare a rod, spoil a child hasbeen rooted in a familyfrom generation to generation. Personally, such severe parenting styles could b

9、ecounterproductive.主体内容:1.削弱创造力和想象力2.不利于培养沟通能力Firstly, thecontrolling methodsweaken childrens creativity and imagination.(后面开始说明原因)The fast-changing societyfavors those who will try something new and do away with old routines.(从反面来说明)Unfortunately, many parentsconfinechildrens behaviors and thoughts

10、toa cramped space,depriving them of the freedomtoset their minds free.Secondly, theypose a great threat tothe cultivation of communicative ability.(后面具体解释threat)Childrensubjected tohigh-pressure parenting for longtend to make compromisesandblindly follow the footsteps of others.结尾:In conclusion, the

11、 styles of tiger mothers should be abandoned though their children may be modest andlead a secure lifein the future.(主题句用一个though说明了虎妈教育并非都是缺点,后面来了个转折,以退为进。)However, they willwear downthe childrens bravery to voice different ideas andfight for their own interests,which makes themobedient and mediocr

12、ein the end.(150词)好词好句:spare a rod, spoil a child孩子不打不成器be rooted in扎根于counterproductive事与愿违的weaken childrens creativity and imagination削弱孩子的创造力和想象力favor青睐于try something new尝试新的do away with打破,去除confineto把限制在deprive them of剥夺的set their minds free释放;让自由pose a great threat to对构成危害the cultivation of的培养communicative ability沟通能力be subjected to屈服于tend to往往make compromises妥协blindly follow the footsteps of others亦步亦趋lead a secure life过着安稳的生活wear down消磨fight for their own interests为自己的利益去争取obedient and mediocre顺从和平庸


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