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1、Writting,非谓语动词做宾语补足语在高考写作中的应用,Lerning goals 1、By appreciating an excellent writing , learn the disaster that the Wenchuangess experienced as well as whats Object Complement. 2、Revise the structure of the non-finite verb as Object Complement and use this structure to make sentences. 3、By comparing th

2、e quake-stricken and the new Wenchuan ,write a composition about the changes of Wenchuan.,After watching the movies , I heard some students name the pictures disaster(灾难) .The pictures make all of us thoughtful, have some of us tearing and remind all the world to help them .Well never keep them aban

3、doned(放弃), and never never leave them alone.That is to say “never abandon ,never quit”(不放弃,不抛弃)。,Step 1 Learning whats Object Complement,For the survivors(幸存者),we should treat them as our own sisters/brothers. Whatever they do ,wherever they go ,they will find themselves under help. Lets unite and s

4、ay“never abandon ,never quit” (不放弃,不抛弃).,Step 2 List the structure,1、I heard some students name the pictures disaster(灾难) . 2、The pictures made all of us thoughtful , had some of us tearing and remind all the world to help them,(名词做宾补,表明宾语的身份或状态),(形容词做宾补,表明宾语的状态),(不定式做宾补,表将来),(现在分词或其短语表明宾语状态),5.Well

5、 never keep them abandoned(放弃), and never never leave them alone 7.For the survivors(幸存者),we should treat them as our own sisters/brothers. Whatever they do ,wherever they go , they will find themselves under help.,(用介词短语as 作宾补表示宾语的身份或状态),(8、介词短语做宾补,表示宾语的状态),(过去分词做宾补,表示完成或被动的动作),( 副词做宾补,表示宾语的状态),小 结

6、,宾语补足语也叫复合结构,一般多用 、 、 、 、 、 、充当;在句中多表示宾语的 或者过去、现在、将来的状态,名词,形容词,副词,介词短语,非谓语动词,身份,Step 3、 Revise non-finite verb as Object Complement,1 .有如此多的人帮助我们,我们会战胜困难的 2 .路修好了,桥修通了,我们重建家园的信念更足了 3 .因为要重建家园,我必须留在汶川。 1、With+ / + 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 .,to do表示将来,主动关系;ing表示动作一直在持续,主动关系; ed表示被动完成,名,代,名,介词短语,形容词,副词,to do,-ing

7、,-ed,(1)With so many people helping us , we could overcome various difficulties,(2)With the roads rebuilt and bridges restored , our belief to rebuild our hometown will be more abundant,(3)With our home to be reconstructed , I must stay with Wenchuan,Summary,With 复合结构中,过去分词或者现在分词作宾补时,在复合结构中不能出现谓语动词,

8、如 am、is、are、was、were等。,改错题 1、With his house,hear 1、 (to )do watch + 名 / 代 + 2 -ing observe 3、 -ed,漫步在汶川街头,我经常听到人们说党的政策真好。,Wandering in the street of Wenchun , I frequently heard people saying the policy of our Party is so good,to do表示整个过程 ,主动关系;ing表示瞬间动作或正在进行的动作,主动关系; ed表示被动完成。,make 1、 (to) do let +

9、 名 / 代 + 2、 -ing have 3、 -ed keep leave,(to do)表示命令、让某人做某事,主动关系 ;-ing表示动作一直在持续,主动关系;- ed表示:1、被动完成;2、主语遭受某种损失;3、请某人做某事。,1)伴随着鸟语花香,我来到了汶川 一个曾经遭受地震的地方(with sth. singing/blossoming) 2)从山上向下望,汶川的新建筑让人百感交集。( seen分词作状语,have sb doing ,all kinds of feelings well up in ones heart ),With the birds singing and

10、flowers blossoming , I came to Wenchuan a once quake-stricken county.,Seen from the hill , the new buildings of Wenchuan made all kinds of feelings welled up in ones heart,Step 4观看视频,观看视频,对比新旧汶川,运用非谓语动词作宾补,描述视频中的场景。,视频,3) 在中国共产党的领导下,我们的家乡已经呈现出新面貌。(介词短语作状语) 4)与其在一旁羡慕汶川的美景,不如参与到汶川的建设中去。(would do rathe

11、r than do ) 5)正是因为汶川人的努力也因为全国人民的帮助,我们才有了今天的新汶川。(强调句型),Under the lead of the CCP , our hometown has taken on a new look,I would involve myself in the construction of Wenchuan , rather than appreciate the beauty of Wenchuan,Its because of the efforts of Wenchuan people as well as the aids of the whole

12、 nation that we have a new Wenchuan of the present,Step 5 Brainstorm,Step 6 Writting,用自己的话向外国友人Peter描述汶川的新变化,表达自己的感受,推荐Peter到汶川旅游做好行程安排。字数120字左右,Step 7 Summary,1、to do表示将来,主动关系;ing表示动作一直在持续,主动关系; ed表示被动完成,2、to do表示命令、让某人做某事,主动关系 ;-ing表示动作一直在持续,主动关系;- ed表示:1、被动完成;2、主语遭受某种损失;3、请某人做某事。,3、在写作中恰当运用非谓语做宾补可以让句式更灵活、多变,形成长短句结合的效果。,


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