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1、与最高级相当的多重表达一、用形容词或副词的比较级表达最高级意义A.比较级+than any other+单数名词(or:anybody/anything else)如:1.He is taller than any other student in his class.(=He is the tallest student in his class.)他是班上个子最高的学生.2.At present this matter is more important than anything else.(=At present this matter is the most important of

2、 all.)当前,这个问题最重要.B.no (not)+比较级(+名词)+than如:3.Nothing is more precious than time.(= Time is the most precious.)时间最宝贵.4.No other student has given him more help than his monitor.(= His monitor has given the most help to him.)班长给予他的帮助最多.5.I have never read a better novel than this one.(= This novel is

3、the best one I have ever read.)这是我读过的最好的一部(篇)小说.二、用形容词或副词的原级表达最高级意义A.as+原级+as ever如:1.He was as great a poet as ever in the history of English literature.(= He was the greatest poet in the history of English literature.)他是英国文学史上最伟大的诗人.2.This was as conspicuous a change as ever took place.(= This was

4、 the most conspicuous change that ever took place.)这是所发生的最显著的变化.B.not+so+原级+as或者not+such a/an+名词+原级/so+原级+a/an+名词+as如:3.No one is so blind as those who will not see.(= Those who will not see are the most blind.)没有人比视而不见更瞎的了.(或:视而不见的人最瞎.)4.I have never seen such a big apple as this.(= This is the big

5、gest apple that I have ever seen.)我从未见过象这样大的一个苹果.(或:这是我见过的最大的一个苹果.)5.The weather is so hot as never was.(= It is the hottest weather that I have ever had.)我从未经历过这样热的天气.(或:这是我经历过的最热的天气.)三、用某些单词或短语表达最高级意义A.用某些单词表达.如:equalV.& n.1.Nobody in his school can equal him in strength.在学校,谁的力气也比不上他.2.In his cou

6、ntry he has no equal in music.在他们国家,他的音乐才能无人匹敌.favoriteadj.3.I couldnt find my favorite sweater then.当时我没能找到我最喜欢的厚运动衫.firstadj.& adv.4.He was one of the first doctors to study the relation between ones health and ones occupation.他是最早研究健康与职业之间关系的医生之一.5.The wordChristmas,derived from the Old English f

7、or Christs Mass,first occurred in the eleventh century.Christmas(圣诞节)这个词起源于古英语Christs Mass,最早出现于十一世纪.lastadj.& adv.6.She is the last person for such a job.她最不适合做这项工作.7.Jack is always coming to school last.杰克到校总是最晚.matchadv.8.No student in his school can match him in singing.在唱歌方面,学校里没有哪个学生能胜过他.peakv

8、.9.The number of U.S.newspapers peaked in 1909,when the country had about 2,600 dailies.美国报纸的数量于1909年达到了最高峰,当时国内大约有2600多种日报.surpassv.10.His talent for organization is not surpassed by any other student in his class.他的组织能力在班上数第一.B.用某些短语表达.如:above all尤其是,最重要的是1.Madame Curie often said:We must work har

9、d,and above all we must believe in ourselves.居里夫人常说:“我们必须努力工作,而且最重要的是,我们必须对自己有信心.”at the height of在最盛(最猛烈)的时候2.The ship sank at the height of the storm.在暴风雨最猛烈的时候,船沉了.be everything to sb.在某人看来最重要(或最宝贵)3.Her daughter is everything to her.对她来说,女儿是最宝贵的.more than anything else最重要的是4.Perhaps more than an

10、ything else,it was onerous taxes that led to the PeasantsRevolt in England in 1381.也许,导致1381年英国农民起义最重要的原因是苛捐杂税.reach an all time high创历史最高记录5.The insurance companys sales have reached an all time high this year.今年,保险公司的销售额创历史最高记录.second to none首屈一指,最好6.If your mothers cold is still bab,please tell her to try this medicine.Its second to none.如果你母亲感冒还很厉害,请试着用这种药,这是最好的.the+单数名词+of+复数名词出类拔萃7.He is the hero of heroes.他是最杰出的英雄.without equal无以伦比,举世无双8.His loyalty to his country was without equal.他对祖国的忠诚无以伦比.



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