七年级英语下册第十单元课件 人教版(最新编写)

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1、Yesterday Once More when I was young Id listen to the radio waiting for my favorite songs when they played Id sing along, it made me smile. Those were such happy times and not so long ago how I wondered where theyd gone. but theyre back again just like a long lost friend all the songs I love so well

2、.,was,played,made,were,wondered,Lyrics(歌词),Unit 10 Where did you go on vacation?,I,stayed at home,She,went to New York City,She,went to summer camp,They,visited museums,went to the mountains,went to the beach,1. stayed at home 2.went to New York City 3. visited my uncle 4. went to summer camp 5. wen

3、t to the mountains 6. went to the beach 7. visited museums,e,g,d,b,a,f,c,I We You He She They,stayed at home went to New York City visited my uncle went to the mountains went to the beach visited museums went to summer camp,on vacation.,Where did you/he/she/they go on vacation?,Where did go on vacat

4、ion?,went to the mountains,went to summer camp,went to New York City,went to the beach,1b. Listen and answer:Where did they go on vacation?,went to the mountains,visited his uncle,stayed at home,went to New York City,went to summer camp,Vacation Travel,the Great Wall,the Palace Museum,Tianan Men Squ

5、are,a Beijing Hutong,Beijing,Hangzhou,Shanghai,Suzhou,The End,Vacation Survey,Sentences you need: Where did you go on vocation? What did you do?,Homework:,Review and recite the key phrases and the dialogue.,2. Preview the new lesson.,Exercises,Match the sentences. Draw a line. He went to summer a. at home . I visited b. camp. She went to the c. my uncle. We stayed d. mountains. They went to e. New York City,



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